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A Disappointing Year in the UK?

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Mega Poster
I normally say that, despite the parks being cosed, this is the most exciting time of the year to be a Theme Park Enthusiast, because you're finding out about what's in store for the coming year and getting hyped up about it.

But this year just seems to have no "Big Thing", last year we had Thirteen, '09 we had Saw:The Ride, this year the best thing we have is probably Nickelodeon Land, which is a kids area revamp.

Basically, I just feel like there's not much to look forward to this year, and I was wondering if anyone else feels the same?
We're British, we thrive on disappointment. The worst thing that could happen to us is that we actually get something really good and then we'd struggle for conversation with nothing to moan about ;)

I dread another year like 1994... :p
Waffleman said:
I normally say that, despite the parks being cosed, this is the most exciting time of the year to be a Theme Park Enthusiast, because you're finding out about what's in store for the coming year and getting hyped up about it.

I am looking forward to this year...

Just I'm going to a few foreign parks...

It's a slow year though... Which isn't helped by our largest company's best offering being a second hand 'water' ride...

It's more dis-illusioning I'd say, especially by the way many on here are much more inclined to go to the European parks and that the number of main UK lives has dropped down to 4...
In don't think it's a huge problem to have a slow year here and there, considering that we're a really small country, we do quite well generally.

There are a few smaller additions this year to keep things ticking over at least, including a UK first at Flamingoland and a brand new coaster type from Vekoma at Drayton. There's a small coaster getting built at Adventure Island as well.

They may not be anything major, but three new coasters in a country this size is fairly respectable, then there are major new (kiddy) areas at Blackpool and Paultons on top of that.

We'll be getting more major attractions in 2012 I've no doubt. It would make complete sense for the bigger parks to try and capitalise on the Olympics next summer.
I think that over the past few and forthcoming years, UK theme parks have been a disappointment for high octane enthusiasts.

Ok, there are the odd exceptions (namely Thorpe park attractions), but the concentration is now firmly set on the family market. There's certainly a market for another thrill-only park imo but I can't see any UK park shifting away from family attractions in the near future.

That's not a terrible direction, because it will make the parks more money and hopefully create a better atmosphere. If you have a young family, then recent developments at Drayton, Flamingoland, Lightwater, Paultons, BPB, and Adventure Island would be great news for you.

However, somebody like me who wants big, fast and sexy has to look abroad for the sort of thrills I desire. Some family rides installed in the past few years have been successful in my eyes, but not suitable for replete visits without having a coupe of youngsters in tow.

There are some things to look forward to this year. Drayton's Ben10 area, Peppa Pig World, Nickelodeon Land, Skeleton Cove at LWV and two new coasters at FL and AI.

For years, most UK enthusiasts have been complaining at the lack of quality theme, but it appears that this season is the time for it.

So yeah, it is disappointing for unique high-thrill rides, but it's not that bad! I guess people like me will have to wait to see what Thorpe come up with next, because I can't see any other UK park producing a ride that will increase my heart rate 10-fold.
Tend not to follow coaster news or construction updates, so have been well out of the loop. So, I've just decided to catch up...

Just seen the model of Coaster that AI are getting. It's a Zamperla Speedy Coaster, and is basically a pretty standard looking family coaster with lots of helices. I'm sorry, but AI need that like a hole in the head. It's basically the same as Barn Stormer and the other one, and isn't too dissimilar from Green Scream. I understand that they're on a tight budget, and they want to cater to a family market, but I really can't see the logic. Eugh. I'll be interested to see what this home brewed spinny upside-down dark ride thing is that they're also putting in. I'll probably hate it (don't generally do spinny things), but if the concept and theme is up to the standards of 'Over the (Leigh/Tina/Phil) Hills', then it'll be good.

And yes, I am upset that the rumour of them getting a launched X-car hasn't yet come to fruition :'(

Just seen the stuff about Flamingoland's. I only found out they were getting one about a week ago. Am I right in thinking it's basically the bastard child of a wild mouse and a bat flyer? I actually think this is a good choice. Once again they've gone for something a bit bonkers, and another UK first. I love the fact that they always make slightly left-field choices - it gives the park character. Plus, I think they can afford another family coaster. I imagine that to the GP this will be seen as a bit of a "Kumali for kids" type thing, and I don't have a problem with that. Well done 'mingo!

Mind you, having said that... you can stop faffing about now and put a whacking great big woodie on that bit of grass where the wagon wheel thing is. Kthxbai.

As for Drayton, again, true to form... going for something slightly unusual. Do we actually have any clue what this "Junior Boomerang" thing will be like yet?I'll be interested to see it and ride it... once. Nah, if they manage to get the family balance right then I think it's a good investment for the park. They're drawing in families with young kids by the bucket load since Thomas Land opened. Families with kids that age are likely to also have kids slightly older that would appreciate a decent family coaster. Plus, the theme choice is spot on for the age group it'll attract. I hope it's got a low height limit, or it'll be a bit pointless. Good work, Drayton.

Now, just see if you can spend a bit of time/effort/money on maintenence and stop letting the rest of your park rot, will you?

I'm looking forward to Nick land at Blackpool. Mainly because no one can ever have too much Spongebob in their life. That area desperately needed sorting out. I know part of Blackpool's charm is the classic rides and slightly old fashioned atmosphere, but it'll be good to breathe a bit of modernity in alongside that. I'd be upset if they tried to bring everything in the park bang up to date, but the odd bit here and there will, I hope, do them good.

I'm also quite excited about Peppa Pig Land. Not because it's of interest to me, but I think it's an AMAZING investment for Paulton's. I really want to see Paulton's do well and be able to develop themselves as a park. Many people I know have never heard of it (despite there being a bit billboard just up the road every year etc...). It seems to be that anyone with very young kids is incredibly excited about this. I definitely think it'll draw the crowds into the park. If that's the case, then lets hope they can put that to good use and plough the money into development elsewhere in the park. Plus, from what I've seen of the construction pics, the area's going to look fab - and fab themeing is always good news.

Hmmm.... have I forgotten anything?
Nic said:
I'm looking forward to Nick land at Blackpool. Mainly because no one can ever have too much Spongebob in their life.?

And it won't be long before everyone just calls it Vadge Land :p
I honestly think that Next year we can expect better things. Thorpe is obviously planning something major and I suspect Chessington will put something in. Whether it'll just be the retheme of ToyTown put back from this year or something more substantial, I do not know. I suspect Legoland will get something new, too, but that'll hardly be something aimed at anyone other than stupid families swayed by crap tie-ins to corperate brands. *yawn*

It would be wise if all 3 parks down here offered something to 3 seperate markets to grab every avalible international guest over the summer. There will be a lot of people looking for something fun and passive to do once they've bored themselves senseless with pretending to care about generic tourismin the capital.
Every so often there does seem to be a year where very little is happening but I don't see it so much as a problem. Its nice to have a breather yourself every so often. When there are bigger projects I find myself following quite avidly, religiously almost. To keep this up every single close season is a bit much so yeah, I enjoy the break.

I think there is a nice selection of smaller projects going on in this close season but nothing I feel I should be following a lot.

As Joey mentioned, next year could be a very different story with parks pushing to have something in place for the olympic rush (nod to Joey, I loved your example of tourism :) ) and with the possibility of both CWoA and TP having major projects it will certainly fill my time quite adequately.

In short, no, I don't see it as a dissapointing year in the UK.
I agree with Ian's sentiments.

Although it's disappointing that nothing exactly major is pencilled in to open, I'm pleased to see that a number of smaller parks are taking the opportunity to tidy themselves up a bit, whilst the likes of Drayton Manor and Paultons Park are closing the gap between themselves and those parks you'd tend to rank above them.

2011 is all about taking stock it seems, and having no AAA (high quality, high budget) attractions opening may be no bad thing in the long-run.
And dont forget the TopScan & Loundoun Castle reopening at Lightwater!

We are very lucky considering the size of the UK. It seems that when we have a good year, we have a very good year. Take 2002 as an example, the worlds biggest SLC, B&M's first Flyer and a 10 looping coaster all opened hear in the UK. Alright yes they are all 'marmite' coasters, but still, quite impressive really.

And then I think 2006 was next, with Kumali, Speed and Stealth. Again, not the best, but still good. I did enjoy that year, following 3 large coaster constructions, I guess thats what people miss?
Not that relevent, but I noticed the other day that Japan has more parks and coasters than us, but also is getting nothing this year... Whilst China is booming ahead.
^Japan seems to be a bit saturated. There's been nothing of any significance built since Kawasemi 3 years ago, and Eejanaika two years before that.
Economic growth = more stuff being built/people having more cash to spend on creds.

Japan, like the United Kingdom, is a saturated economy.

That's why the Chinese, Indians and Russians are getting loads more creds. Bastards </3.

(Plus, combined they make up like, half of the global population)...

Edited to remove racist language
Excuse me Jake your choice of language was very inapropriate and offensive, refering to people as chinks, popadoms etc. I think you should be banned of this forum for that you racist c**t ! Anyway I don't believe that the reason we are not seeing much this year is due to the state of the economy, if anything park attendance should increase only because people are choosing not to go on holiday as they can't afford it. And instead stay closer to home and have a few days out instead, and beside Drayton Manor are not doing to bad for themselves, coaster, hotel, new ride for thomasland and re theme of area around new Ben 10 coaster.
^You call someone out for inappropriate language then call them a ****? Smooth move...

Yeah, no-one cares because Jake isn't using it in a mean way, and I think if anyone had a problem, it would've been dealt with by now...

Chill pill...
He isn't using it in a mean way? O please! You tell me how you can justify calling someone a chink, popadom, soviet and try and pass it off as a joke! I doubt people from these communities would find it funny, or not take offence. You can't just go around splurting out racism on a forum, whether it was meant to be nasty or not!
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