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  1. L

    Alton Towers 30th June

    I went on Monday (28th June) also thinking it would be a good chance to go, thinking schools were in still doing work, but apparently not! Place was packed. Nemesis, Air & Oblivion all had about 90 minute queues for most of the day, while Rita wasn't far off, and at one point Th13teen had a...
  2. L

    Is once enough?

    It depends on each individual ride and coaster to be fair. On an initial ride, I'm either blown away first time or disappointed, generally. I can usually make my mind up instantly but before going to a new park I usually have a look on CF, or other sites etc to see what the general consensus...
  3. L

    Best Theme Park in the UK

    How anyone can seriously say Thorpe has always been an odd one for me - I fail to see how as an overall, all-round theme park, it is better than Alton? I mean it's good to fulfill your 'YEAH FORPE LOLZ LOADS A' FRILLS **** OFF" - but as a proper, overall attraction? I'd put Thorpe about 4th...
  4. L

    Camelot is staying!

    It's £22 to get in on the day now (I think) - which is an absolute embarrassment. I have a season pass for £45 though which is decent value, but the single day admission prices are ridiculously high when you consider it - how can they possible put the price sup by £2 every year, when actually...
  5. L

    Camelot is staying!

    Edit: Urgh double post, sorry.
  6. L

    Camelot is staying!

    Fingers crossed Ian. Nemesis Inferno; Knightmare is pretty awesome. Seems a marmite sort of coaster in that some love it, but some hate it. I'm in the first category. Rode it about 100 times, and about 150 other coasters, but it's still probably in my top 10, or thereabouts anyway. Especially...
  7. L

    What Parks do you know like the back of your hand?

    I know many of the Spanish and South African parks very well, as I visit relative sin them countries a few times per years and use it as an excuse to get to parks! Gold reef City in SA, Parque de Attaciones Madrid, Alton Towers and Camelot are the ones I'd say I know very well.
  8. L

    Camelot is staying!

    Hello, been well over a year since I last frequented CF! Ok, so the only evidence I have to base this upon is the fact that a good friend of mine works at Camelot as a Marketing Manager and has done for about 10 years. It might sound a little dodgy and untrustworthy, but he was the same...
  9. L

    Celebrities face rollercoaster ride in new TV gameshow

    Yay for the same two-bit celebrities that exhaust every tv channel and every reality game show or anything ever. If you hadn't have mentioned any names in the first post and left us to guess, Im pretty sure everyone would guess straight away. Yay for more pointless shows with bits of...
  10. L


    Went down to Alton yesterday, and was probably my first 'peak' visit there for about 5 years, usually go on term-time week days and stuff, can't normally stand the place when it's busy. And yep, busiest I've seen it, for, like mentioned, 5 years. Parked by Air and the queue for the monorail...
  11. L

    Brand New Coaster Train at Stafford Services, M6.

    Maykay; Tried reading the first post/my other posts in this topic for answers to them? I'll ****ing answer them anywho; 1. For the last time, it was several yards away, and i saw them for about 10 seconds, not to mention they were under Polythene wrapping - why would a coaster train...
  12. L

    Brand New Coaster Train at Stafford Services, M6.

    Only problem with that is they looked NOTHING like MJ's cars. Really, they were extremely low and small/thing/not very long/whatever. I'm still extremely confident that they were definitely coaster trains, definitely brand new and 90% definitely Intamin. Besides, Mumbo's already had it's...
  13. L

    Brand New Coaster Train at Stafford Services, M6.

    I can basically rule out them being Mumbo Jumbo's. There quite 'tall' so to speak, with the horrible shoulder restraints, whereas these were separated and not connected in 'individual' cars. MJ's cars are like 8 seats and longer and taller. (no more than 2 or 4 seats in them) AND they were low...
  14. L

    Brand New Coaster Train at Stafford Services, M6.

    I can't see why Alton would be getting their trains delivered already though. Maybe it's been partly made at the Intamin plant in Switzerland or w/e it is these days and has come to the UK to have other parts fitted and painted before being delivered to Alton later on in the year? It might...
  15. L

    Brand New Coaster Train at Stafford Services, M6.

    Wow. Going into Stafford Services (North bound) on the M6, you go down a really long road, and ocne you come round the corner into the car park you can see to the right, the exit road about 200 yards away. As we pulled in and came round the corner, a big open top carrier lorry was just...
  16. L

    Hayling Island

    Ahh, I see they've slyly replaced the 'yt' with a un-noticeable correct sized 'G' then. :P
  17. L

    Hayling Island

    Lol Ollie, did you not notice the 'DRAYTON MANOR' signs plastered all over the tunnel? :D Epic trip report, I love small parks like this.
  18. L

    A Knightmare for Camelot

    Congrats Columbo - you've made a new discovery. ;)
  19. L

    A Knightmare for Camelot

    I doubt it's anything to do with 'friction breaks' no. Coasters do this quite often, Fahrenheit famously did it on it's opening day last season. It's usually due to their being a malfunction on the train or the wheels not being oiled enough - so they'll slow down and not slide along the track as...
  20. L

    "Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

    I'm tempted to pop up there on Wednesday for opening day - anyone else going?