Search results

  1. R

    What UK parks do you have a specific desire to revisit regularly regardless of new major draws?

    Blackpool for me, like the freedom and ease that comes with being able to arrive at anytime, not particularly need to run around a huge park, have plenty of beers along the way and stay a little longer than most other parks, though that last point doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I also am...
  2. R

    Blackpool pleasure beach babies walking

    I believe under 2 goes free, but I'd check the official website before taking my word for it. Also check height restrictions, as some still have a minimum restriction even if accompanied by a adult. One final point, don't build yours hopes up for the River Caves, it operated on opening...
  3. R

    What is your favourite coaster that you’ve only ridden once?

    Probably Rock n Rollercoaster at Hollywood Studios. A tough question actually, there are many rides I rate highly, and plenty I'd love to get back on, I know I had re-rides on Montu so that takes that out of the equation, Kumba was closed. Kraken is a possible too, after 3 visits to Seaworld...
  4. R

    Coasters that gave you the biggest sense of "danger"

    Recently, Stuntfall at PW. There is something about that reverse vertical spike where you are forced to fall into the restraints thats somewhat unnerving! Absolutely love it though! As a child, the RollerCoaster at BPB (or Nick Streak as some of you call it) before I realised it was designed to...
  5. R

    Puy du Fou proposing UK theme park near Bicester

    Personally I will believe it when I see it, the same goes for Universal to be honest, I don't care what permission they have or what land they have acquired, I won't believe anything till I see hardware being constructed. Quite honestly I dont see why anyone would want to invest in this...
  6. R

    Theme park soundtracks that get stuck in your head

    Definitely a vote from me for Furious Bacos tune. Also the old Bye Bye song BPB used to play to signal the end of the night
  7. R

    Maufacture hierachy over time

    Charles Paige The rest End of debate.
  8. R

    Worst coasters you've ridden (Bottom 5/10)

    I haven't seen it on all 4 trains this season, and if I remember rightly on all my visits one train has been in the maintenance shed that backs onto Alice, and it's not always been the same train on each visit. Maybe they are working on the trains in turn to try help the issue. I have had no...
  9. R

    Worst coasters you've ridden (Bottom 5/10)

    Here goes, in no particular order: Hero, Flamingoland. Seriously, what is this abortion? Its a farce from start to finish, rough and painful doesn't cut it, I honestly thought I was going to die, and I am not one who doesn't enjoy rides with character, infact the Grand National, Baco...
  10. R

    (Why) Are big coasters becoming more rare recently?

    For me, the frustration isn't about size of the coasters or lack off, after all Nemesis, Grand National and Wild Mouse (RIP) are three of my all time favourites and won't take any records for height or speed. However it's the lack of genuine thrills that grinds my gears. Some go on about Icon...
  11. R

    WTF BPB?

    Grand Prix was testing yesterday afternoon
  12. R

    WTF BPB?

    Visited on Saturday, glorious weather which was well forecast. Park was very quiet. Nothing changed regarding Iceblast or River Caves, the Grand Prix seems to have been cleaned around the station area and the track looks spotless. We did the Big Dipper first and decided we needed a drink...
  13. R

    Lightwater Valley - Future?

    Given the parks questionable reputation for the operation of single car coasters, I won't be surprised if this thing collapses at some point.
  14. R

    WTF BPB?

    Unless a pay per ride system returns this whole idea of scanning onto each ride I absolutely absurd, and if a PPR system does return along side a none rider pass, get on with it, and let all day ticket holders go back to wristbands instead of this BS we have today. It's an absolute crying...
  15. R

    WTF BPB?

    Apologies for the double post, but have actually attended the park today for the first time this god! One of the quietest weekend days I have ever seen, in very reasonable weather conditions. Longest waits of the day were Avalanche and Big One, both around 15 minutes, everything else...
  16. R

    WTF BPB?

    I appreciate them doing this, I really do. The Grand Prix, while not anywhere near my favourite, has been there my entire life and I'd love one last lap on it, even though its probably 10 years since I actually went on it anyway! But when so many significant rides have gone in the last few...
  17. R

    WTF BPB?

    No no, it's running for the after hours event only, which is Insanity.
  18. R

    WTF BPB?

    Weather dependent would be my answer to that. Some times during the summer its bordering on false advertising as its still not dark by ride close, for me you can't beat BPB when it's packed and at night, with that old school atmosphere. On the vast majority of occasions it filters out, as its...
  19. R

    WTF BPB?

    The time has come for BPB to try something different, and if they are too stubborn, or too stupid, to revisit the idea of a pass that caters for those not wishing to spend all day on the rides, maybe it's time to try something else because something has got to change. Why not adjust the park...
  20. R

    Rank the Alton Towers coasters

    1.Nemesis Reborn Brilliant coaster, now it's the complete package, absolutely love it. 2. Wicker Man A Very close second, again a great all round package attraction and very thrilling, just doesn't quite beat the National for my number one wooden coaster. 3. Oblivion A one trick pony, but it's...