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  1. jaybuoy

    Dubailand is back?

    Of course this wont happen, only 10% of buildings in Dubai are currently occupied. Its ridiculous, they have seriously screwed themselves over and the city has become a victim of its own success.
  2. jaybuoy

    Disney World Resort Cypruss

    I new I was right, made no sense what so ever. Thanks
  3. jaybuoy

    Disney World Resort Cypruss

    Is this real? My friend seems convinced that Disney are opening a resort in Cyprus, surely this is not true. Various internet articles confirm that this is happening, however they are from 2009. Someone on here should defiantly know. Thanks
  4. jaybuoy

    2012 UK Parks

    I think we should have some sort of thread for all the rumors, proposals for new rides/builds in all UK Parks for 2012. So here it is :) I am personally excited to see if Drayton Manor pull out the stops this year with something exciting.
  5. jaybuoy

    Biggest Amusement Industry Mess Up(s) of the Decade

    I think the biggest cock up in the UK has to be the rise and fall of American Adventure. A really great park in a fantastic setting with heaps of pottential, however they decided to go down the family freindly route. (I felt it was very family freindly anyway.) Anyway the park once surounded the...
  6. jaybuoy

    Peppa Pig World for Paultons 2011

    O well that's a bit pants, wanted to see something exciting next year. But as you said you never know.
  7. jaybuoy

    Peppa Pig World for Paultons 2011

    The pictures look great, this whole area looks really good. Is It true that Paultons Park every 3 years will add a larger ride? Cobra then edge and if I'm not mistaken 2012 is the next time we will see a larger ride?
  8. jaybuoy

    Ben Ten Alien Thing - Junior Boomerang, DMP

    I really can't wait to see the finished product should be good. Does this mean that the whole of Ariel Park is going to be re-themed around CN? I hope not, might end up looking like a pofetic attempt to recreate Toon Town from Disneyworld, and that's crap anyway.
  9. jaybuoy

    A Disappointing Year in the UK?

    He isn't using it in a mean way? O please! You tell me how you can justify calling someone a chink, popadom, soviet and try and pass it off as a joke! I doubt people from these communities would find it funny, or not take offence. You can't just go around splurting out racism on a forum, whether...
  10. jaybuoy

    A Disappointing Year in the UK?

    Excuse me Jake your choice of language was very inapropriate and offensive, refering to people as chinks, popadoms etc. I think you should be banned of this forum for that you racist c**t ! Anyway I don't believe that the reason we are not seeing much this year is due to the state of the...
  11. jaybuoy

    New Coaster For Paultons

    Looks good, id there no recent pictures of the water play area?
  12. jaybuoy


    Actually this was announced in 2006, there has been so many design changes its un real, however this one now seems to be the final design and as well as this the council seem very interested in this as well as this the developer is still keen to get this built. The site has seen progress its...
  13. jaybuoy


    Well theres probaly a thread on this but I always have the latest news and renders on this project. Now VTP200 is simular to the stratosphere tower in vegas. It is planned to be built in Birminghgam and is going into planning in a few months time. To get approval. The tower will be 200m...
  14. jaybuoy

    Alton Towers Latest Rumours/confirmations

    Now that would be cool!
  15. jaybuoy

    New Coaster For Paultons

    Ok thanks, this shoud be in the construction forum really!
  16. jaybuoy

    "SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

    Looking foward to seeing this ride complete, going to visit thorpe for my first time next year!
  17. jaybuoy

    New Coaster For Paultons

    Can someone tell me, where is the waterpark area going to be located!
  18. jaybuoy

    "Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

    First I have heard of this, good for flamingoland there on a role!
  19. jaybuoy

    New Coaster For Paultons

    Have not been on a disk o before so when I visit it should be interesting!
  20. jaybuoy

    Drayton Manor - 2009

    What a rubbish ride, was expecting a flat ride and not a 4d cinema. Shame really, they should bring cyclone back!