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  1. Rachel

    Canada&USA;LaR/SFNE/SFGE/Quassy/Compounce/Coney/Knoebels/Cedar Point/Waldameer/Niagara/CanWonderland

    I may get round to it, or it may just be a comment in the least favourite parks thread (if there's one). Long story short though - worst park ever! p.s. great report so far :D
  2. Rachel

    Rock & Roller Coasters: ICON BELIEVE IT! (BPB, 23rd June)

    Icon and wristband for me.
  3. Rachel

    Park you didn't expect to want to revisit

    I'm loving all the mentions of Movieland Italy in this thread, it was so unexpectedly one of my favourite theme park days ever. I'd happily go back to Tivoli Gardens and not even ride anything because it was so beautiful. Gronu Lund also had a fab atmosphere that made me want to go back.
  4. Rachel

    CF Lives 2018

    Those dates are good for me. I'd like to add some culture either before or after the trip as well and make a long weekend of it.
  5. Rachel

    Rock & Roller Coasters: ICON BELIEVE IT! (BPB, 23rd June)

    I should be coming along to this, yes to the ERT also. Anyone travelling up from London and/or need a roomie for the weekend?
  6. Rachel

    disappointing Merch

    I mean unrelated in that the stuff they sell has nothing to do with the park itself. Like if you could get a sofa cushion with the Hansa Park logo on it then it would make sense but it was stuff I could get from literally any homeware shop on the high street.
  7. Rachel

    Best non-Nemesis UK Coaster

    Another vote for Stealth, i'm sure i've gone on enough previously about how much I love the launch
  8. Rachel

    Kent, England | The London Resort | Entertainment Complex

    I wish this project would just go away now. The sooner people stop tagging me in **** on Facebook, or asking me at work about the new "Disneyland London", the better!
  9. Rachel

    disappointing Merch

    @Howie if I remember rightly there's a shop near the entrance of Hansa Park that sells homeware thats completely unrelated to the park. So random! Phantasialand was disappointing, it's the only park where i've considered buying a goon t-shirt but I left empty-handed because it was all ****. I've...
  10. Rachel

    Energylandia | Hyperion | Intamin Hyper coaster

    Arghh I want it to open this year so bad!
  11. Rachel

    The TV we watch...

    The Walking Dead has gotten ridiculously bad, I stuck it out to the end of this season but i'm calling it quits now. I don't really see where they can take it from here without repeating the same formula over and over again. I don't follow the comics but i'd have been quite content if last...
  12. Rachel

    "Now Showing"

    The Quiet Place Really good film, i'm not normally a fan of monster-type horror films but this was excellent. Not in your face scary, but one of those films where you feel on edge throughout the entire thing. A couple of jump scares but not overdone, and a horrifying birth scene which I was...
  13. Rachel

    Best Coaster News Websites

    Facebook. If you follow all the coaster pages on there, you find out everything way before anyone posts on their actual site. And CF obviously, but I hardly ever go onto the main site, always straight to the forums.
  14. Rachel

    CF Lives 2018

    Agree with the general consensus about Poland - i'd still be up for it, as others have said if we keep putting it off another year we will never go!
  15. Rachel

    Rank the GCIs

    1. White Lightning 2. Troy 3. Joris En De Draak 4. Wodan 5. Heidi 6. Gwazi
  16. Rachel

    Times a coaster stalled/broke down while you were on it?

    Once got stuck on the brake run for Cheetah Hunt. Was only for about 20 minutes, but felt much longer due to the heat. Not a coaster but also got evacuated from Tomb Blaster when it broke down, so got to walk through most of the ride which was kinda cool.
  17. Rachel

    Theme park moments that gave you goosebumps

    I have a bit of a weird thing with fireworks in that they seem to make me weirdly emotional. For example at the end of last year's Ghosterforce when we watched the fireworks at Hansa Park, after i'd stopped laughing at the dolphin....goosebumps all over! Anyway also - Taron at sunset and just...
  18. Rachel

    Overrated parks

    I wouldn't call Phantasialand overrated, because it is an excellent park, i'd call it over-hyped. @Howie I think if we had been on that original trip that most people did then we might have both loved it just as much as everyone else did. The problem was we spent a year listening to the majority...
  19. Rachel

    If You Could Turn Back Time...

    Not necessarily because of the parks themselves, but if I could go back in time I’d go to Disney World for the first time as a child. It was amazing as an adult but I reckon if I’d experienced all that for the first time as a kid then it would have blown my mind. Also I’m really awkward when I...
  20. Rachel

    CF Lives 2018

    Alton / BPB definitely coming to, I think soon after they are both open as people are gonna be keen to ride them. Poland - I agree that if it keeps getting put off then we will never get round to it, so perhaps putting in a provisional date for later in the season is a good idea, and keeping...