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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    It's almost 2pm Take a deep breath and it's a.....
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    I think you were right SnooSnoo, the diaper clue proves it. I'm bored now! No wood, no point!
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    Mondial unveils Wind Seeker - Park World Online - theme park, amusement park and leisure industry news ... eeker.html Not ground breaking news but a possibility I guess?
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    There's something else there now on facebook, I can't quite make it out, looks a bit like a dino skeleton?
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    That's a shame, there was a spark of excitement there on my part. Poo!
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    I was also thinking that although it's getting a bit late to start working on a major coaster, CP have been using Intaminge regularly in the past few years & given that the prefab plug & play coasters go up quite quickly (I think), could that point at an El Torro style woody?
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42 ... 121421.htm I was just trying to think of a link to an old attraction name & the atmos / stratosphere & it suddenly occured to me that a cyclone could possibly be described as soaring. It was a long shot but I put it in google & that article was...
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    Stratosoar? ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2009) — Scientists at Harvard University have found that tropical cyclones readily inject ice far into the stratosphere Just a thought...
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    Cedar Point | News and Rumor Topic | New talk Page 42

    Sounds like a new food outlet rather than a new ride. I'm not going to hold my breath for something made of timber but we can dream...
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    Last 5 Coasters?

    Grizly & Dominator at KD Mystery Mine, Tennessee Tornado & Thunderhead at Dollywood
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    Have you ever ridden alone?

    Stealth - regularly before the park opened when I was working there a couple of years ago
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    What is the most inversions you've done on one coaster?

    I lost count after 48 consecutive rides on Montezuma's revenge back in the 90's - 1 inversion done twice each time, does that count?
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    Most intense ride you've ever been on

    Intimidator 305 - no contest!
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    Intimidators: Timmy and 305

    Trims Rode this magnificent beast a couple of weeks ago & didn't notice the trims anywhere so I guess they hadn't been installed or turned on yet. Absolutely loved what I remember of the ride apart from one particularly viscious neck chop which I thought might take my head off. Rode the...
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    Did Th13teen live up to the hype and your expectations?

    Hype & Expectations Finally rode 13 on Friday after a 45 minute wait (that quickly went up to 2 hours). Did it live up to the hype - absolutely not. Did it live up to my expectations - totally. Having seen news clips POV etc I wasn't expecting much so actually it exceeded my expections...
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    Dreamland 2012 & Beyond - Rare rides for the park

    I guess this is aimed at the older coaster fans among you. I have very fond memories of Dreamland & several other UK / USA parks that are no longer around. I'd really like to see the Dreamland project become a reality & help in some way, if possible. As well as the rides already in...
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    Falling out on Baco

    MeatyBeatyBig&Bouncy ... 2&start=10
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    Your favorite moment of airtime?

    Too many to mention but El Torro has to be top overall, Nitro is pretty cool too & I really like the bunny hops on Stealth & Kingda Ka.
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    Do you like it rough?

    Depends on who you are riding with!
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    No BO at Thorpe (what will Infernus do?)

    No B.O. TP should install a Sheep Dip at the front gate. They already have the metal detector, a pit full of deodorising chemicals shouldn't be too difficult to install. Just push the scruffy little stinkers in, they will hardly notice in the excitement. Failing that, up the chlorine...