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This vs That


Giga Poster
Well out of the two choices M_Force_4_ever has given (____&____) my favourite would have to be ____.

Since it can be anything theme park related Disneyland v Magic Kingdom


Giga Poster
Isn't MK part of Disneyland anyway? I'm confused :lol: I'll have to say Magic Kingdom though.

Here's an interesting one for you: Stealth (Thorpe) vs. Furius Baco


Giga Poster
Baco. I think it looks very 'meh' but it's something which is very different and its actual setting is gorgeous.

Stealth is a dog turd which has been trodden into a pavement.

Hydra vs Daemonen


The Legend
Hydra. Daemonen doesn't look like it gives that kick and.. honestly.. how could you deny that Jo-Jo roll? :p

Millennium Force vs S:RoS (Bizarro) SFNE


Staff member
Social Media Team
Debating whether this should stay in here really....hmmmm.

Anyway, for now:

^having ridden neither, S:RoS, though MF's first drop looks amazing.

Pyrennees vs Katun


Giga Poster
Katun, it just looks far more impressive in scale, plus it has better theming.

SheiKra v Oblivion

Isn't MK part of Disneyland anyway? I'm confused Laughing I'll have to say Magic Kingdom though.
-Disneyland is in Los Angeles

-Magic Kingdom is in Orlando, and is one of the 4 theme parks that makes up Walt Disney World.


Strata Poster
SheiKra, although Oblivion has a better drop.

There's just a lot more to SheiKra.

Xcelerator vs Speed Monster


Mega Poster
Speed Monster. It looks like it has a much more interesting layout than Xcelerator.
DropZone99 said:
try to keep it mostly amusement park related but it's okay if there is the occasional non related thing
I'll take you up on that offer.
Martin Scorsese vs. Mexican Food


Giga Poster
^ It's hard, they're just so similiar. :wink:

Mexican Food gets my vote.

Okay, Sheikra vs. Griffon

Should be interesting...


Strata Poster
I have ridden both, but I like Griffon better, because when I rode SheiKra it still had floors, whereas Griffon had the floorless, which made for a whole new type of experience. Griffon for me.

El Toro v. Balder


Hyper Poster
Well despite being similar, Griffon is a tad taller, tad faster, and looks much nicer. Despite me not having ridden griffon yet, I'm saying Griffon.

EDIT: Damn got beat, El Toro. The drops look more impressive and I like drops! I haven't ridden either for the record.


TraumaTIZER Vs. Infusion
^ I know.

Twister, because the back spike sitting in the back is the only reason worth riding any impulse coaster.. And Voodoo doesn't have a twisted spike.

Mr. Freeze vs. Kanonen


Strata Poster
Out of those I've only played RCT2 RCT3 and No Limits once. Out of them though probably No Limits, but RCT2 is a close second.

Boulder Dash v. Voyage