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Rank the Gerstlauer Coasters with OTSRs + Dare Devil Dive, Iron Shark clones & Hydrus, minus Smiler

Fluch von Novgorod - the most unique of the ones I've ridden, and a half decent ride. The shaping leaves a lot to be desired, but then, it's Gerstlauer so that's always going to be true. ;)

Iron Shark - I think the location bumped this one up in my list to be honest. On flat tarmac it'd probably be lower on my list, but the pier and overhanging brake run make this rather fun.

Speed: No Limits - I remember liking the big airtime hill and the final helices, but it was 2006 when I last rode it, so it might have gotten pretty bad since then.

Saw - The Ride - I don't like the layout or the shaping.

SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge - Actually pretty neat being tucked up in the roof trusses, but generally not a particularly exciting coaster, I don't think.

Predator - Eh?
I've only done two, but it's been a few years since I've ridden both of them.

Untamed - While the layout is simple, the ride is good, quick fun. The theming is very nice as well.

Saw: The Ride - On paper this could be a better ride, but it's held back because a lot of the transitions/elements are pretty wonky. I liked the indoor section though.
I have 3

1. Mystery Mine: I actually really like this coaster. Theming is fun; it isn't that rough. I even really love that first tiny drop, really cool. Just overall a good time.

2. Dare Devil Dive: Ehhhhhh. It's fine really and has a few really good moments. It's so so smooth, but it just lacks any real punch. I can barely remember it.

3. Saw: the Ride: Indoor Section: :emoji_thumbsup::emoji_thumbsup:. Outdoor Section::emoji_thumbsdown::emoji_thumbsdown::emoji_thumbsdown:. Ow. Serious props to that drop in the dark though. That was great.
Fluch von Novgorod is the only one I'd say is a good ride on its own merits (not counting Lynet or Anubis)
Typhoon (sure, it's vicious, but the intensity's impressive and I love how it doesn't feel watered down like the later models)
Vild-Svinet (as I don't remember it being offensive)
Saw: The Ride
Oh, I missed Mystery Mine! That would be second for me. The coaster hardware is pretty crap, to be honest, but the layout and theming are fab.
Uh, let's see....

Speed: No Limits
Mystery Mine
SpongeBob SquarePants Rock Bottom Plunge
Saw - The Ride
Dare Devil Dive

Saw Rage......closed :(
I've done Spongebob and Mystery Mine. Mystery Mine has a better theme/story/setting, but I found Spongebob to have a stronger layout. Wasn't the biggest fan of either, though.

But I must say, even though it's technically an Infinity, Monster is one incredible ride.
Mystery Mine - Really like this, my fave Gerst by quite a bit
...large gap
Anubis - Very good, mainly due to the launch and top hat, in-line is vile tho.
...large gap
Saw - indoor section and decent airtime hill aside it would be dead last
Rage - not very offensive, not very interesting
Speed - rattly piece of poo
I've been on four

Fluch von Novgorod - YEAH BOI
Saw: The Ride - Indoor's fab; outdoor good, but not great
Speed: No Limits - I think it's underrated
Typhoon - Airtime? Speed? Who needs that when we can just do rolls
Who needs that when we can just do rolls
Don't forget the straights. It just turns into a Pinfari RC40 halfway through.

Thought I'd elaborate a bit more:

Lynet - Smooth. Nothing offensive about it, actually good fun. A beacon of hope in an otherwise cloudy catalogue.
Saw - I can see how easy it is to catch it on an off day and I even said 'never again' once myself, but experience has fared it well.
Outdoor section is fast paced and reckless, particularly when that block doesn't block and gives you enough ejection to break an Intamin lap bar.
Anubis - Poor man's Lynet. Reasonable fun.
Novgorod - Only here for the song and the dark ride section.
Don't like the hardware one single bit, the layout is insultingly uninspired and the praise this thing gets baffles me.
Speed - All about that first hill, then skip.
Typhoon - Whole thing seems a bit off, and not in a good way. That and Bobbejaanland.
Rage Clones - Nah.
Huracan - Nope.
Personally, I've never ridden any before (closest one I've done to a Eurofighter is Maverick/Rip Ride Rockit), but I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Takabisha.
Not including Anubis or Lynet because just no.

I actually don't mind the things at all. Apart from the one at the bottom of the list, I don't really think any of them are particularly bad.

1. Fluch Von Novgorod: The launch is fab, as is the following airtime hill. The rest of the layout is gash. Excellent theming though.

2. Saw: I've never had an issue with this ride at all. Decent layout, decent indoor section, ok theming.

3. Huracan: Seems to get a lot of hate, but I actually quite liked it. Everything up to the corkscrews is actually pretty good, but then they ruin it.

4. Mystery Mine: Incredibly dull coaster which is saved by excellent theming, Inoffensive in terms of roughness, but very, very bland.

5. Spongebob: To be honest, I barely remember it, but it didn't offend me. Impressive for a shopping mall cred.

6. Falcon: Same as below, but nicer location.

7. Rage: Decent enough for a compact little thing.

8. Typhoon: S**te
Don't see the issue with including those 2. Eurofighters do everything they can and more.
Not like it's an unfair comparison or anything.
I take issue with Eurofighters.

They lack the ability to make smooth turns or any maneuver other than up and down, frankly. But instead of focusing on going up and down, they insist on twisting.

I don't do ranking, but I'll talk about the (interesting) ones I've been on a bit... Because that's what I do?

Saw I don't like. At all. Indoors it's cool, outdoors it's not. It spends more time outdoors and the indoors bit isn't cool enough to make me give a damn about it. It also has one of the worst queuing areas known to man. No thanks.

Mystery Mine is like Saw, but actually interesting. The outdoors section where it just flops around is WORSE than anything on Saw both in boring pointlessness and in discomfort, but the rest of it is pretty awesome. I particularly love its spectacular finale hangtime moment, it's rare for coasters to end on such drama like that and I think it can elevate a mediocre ride. I think the ridiculous and uncomfortable outdoors bit is intentional theming tbh, it's a bit like Saw's queue. Speaking of Queue's, I love Mystery Mine's. I love the great views you get. It's shaded, it's dry, but it's also really open. A++ queue would queue again.

Speed starts out by demonstrating how well these things go up and down. It's the most unusual one I've been on in that it doesn't really ride like the others, but it's been a long time since I went to Oakwood. It's literally easier for me to go to Dollywood. The overbanked turn is so bad. I don't understand what is so difficult about designing a smooth turn? I'm sure I could do it in No Limits and I don't even know how to use No Limits. I guess it's cool that it has a loop? I guess? I remember the helixes being kinda intense?

Novgorod is by far the best. It makes the least attempts at stupid manoeuvres the Eurofighters know they can't pull off. I love the indoors weird overbanked ...bit, and the launch. It's great. The queue though... I have issues with that narrow, claustrophobia inducing queue and that park's weird obsession with preventing row choosing arguments. Also the exit is cool the first time and then just annoying.

Saw Rage......closed :(
Let's be honest, you had more fun enjoying the London attractions that day than you could have possibly had on Rage... :p
Yh I'm not including Anubis or Lynet, because they aren't Eurofighters. They are however, incidentally, better than all these I'm about to list;

1. Fluch Von Novgorod - Great themeing, great launch, everything else is ****.
2. Takabisha - It's huge, and the launch is fun, but it's pretty ****.
3. Dare Devil Dive - Lapbars make it slightly less ****.
4. Mystery Mine - Great themeing, ride is ****.
5. Iron Shark - Lapbars yay, location is great, ride is ****.
6. Speed - I like the hill, rest is ****.
7. Falcon - It's short, but it is ****.
8. Rage - Also short, also ****.
9. Vild Svinet - Old, and ****.
10. Saw - Indoor part is 'OK', rest is ****.
11. Typhoon - ****.

The conclusion to this review is that Eurofighters are, in fact, ****.
Only been on Mystery Mine and Dare Devil Dive (Iron Shark screwed me over), and I don't care for either of them to be honest. I'd pick MM over DDD cause of the theming, but the whole Eurofighter style just bores me.
Don't see the issue with including those 2. Eurofighters do everything they can and more.
Not like it's an unfair comparison or anything.

Why not just throw infinity coasters in as well? They're not so different either.

They're sold as totally different products, with their own sections on Gerstlauer's own site. They're not Eurofighters. Then there's this, also from the site:

If vertical is not enough, go beyond with the Euro-Fighter roller coaster and the incredible first drop of 97° - an innovation of Gerstlauer Amusement Rides GmbH.

The whole selling point is the beyond-vertical drop.
On the subject of infinity coasters, how is Monster not a Eurofighter, then? It has a beyond vertical.

It's also good, because lapbars.

Maybe that's the disqualifying factor, being good.

But, it's also in Iowa, so it doesn't matter if it's good or not because I'm never going to ride it again.

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