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Most noteworthy park and coaster you haven’t done in your home country/state

Flash Shift

Mega Poster
Flamingoland and Chessington, any coaster there honestly. Flamingoland is kind of out the way but I might do it later this year, while Chessington's mostly family focus hasn't really appealed to me, especially as I don't live that close to it. It's a bit more on my radar thanks to the new B&M, but even then not massively.

I'd say for major ones then, Sik and Mandrill Mayhem at those parks. I've also not been to Fantasy Island.

Matt N

CF Legend
Come to think of it, my most noteworthy non-ridden UK coaster would probably be Mandrill Mayhem.

It opened all the way back in May, so I should probably have ridden it by now, but in my defence, I’m going to ride it next month. It’ll actually be my first visit to Chessington in 9 years… I’m quite looking forward to going back after so long!