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Heroes Season 3

I watched the whole of the second series without watching the first - and didn't have a ****ing clue what was going on. :lol:
I finished off Season 2 last night. ABSOLUTELY FRICKING EXCELLENT. It showed a sneak peek of Season 3 which I'll probably start watching tonight. Looks hella cool.

Although I will say, that for some bizarre reason iTunes only has episodes 1,2,3 and 5 yet no 4 on there! Which is jsut rude!
Still not to sure I am liking the 3rd series tbh. I dont like what they are doing with the villans and I am finding the story a bit to easy to work out.
That last episode was good and it was nice to see how things led in to each other during the time line of the first series. :)
I really enjoyed episode 8 and 9 actually. I just watched them both and they are Very good episodes. All those loose ends are being tied up and explained etc.

I am interested to see which group is the good and which is the bad though. Although it seems pretty obvious I know this show is very good at the ole flip reverse jobbie.

Can't wait till next week now!
I thought it was funny but I also found it a little annoying. We spent all that time watching as he learnt about his power (and made a few mistakes along the way) and watch him trying to become the hero to then have him regress back to a ten year old. I just hope it doesn't take too long to get him back up to speed!
I have to agree that I do hope that Hiro remembers and remembers fast as for me he was one of the most anoying people in season 1 as he learnt his powers.

I am still not sure about season 3 yet, I like it and I dont like it.
Ugh, the Hiro thing was so annoying. He needs to be killed off, ASAP.

Another thing that annoyed me was that Elle burnt off all of Sylar's shirt (yes, TV people, I did see why you did that, very subtle), but, his trousers didn't even get a single piece burnt...?

I mean, come on, if you're gonna parade around man candy like that, at least do it in a realistic way and burn it all off.
How can you want to kil Hiro ^ I love him. He is so cute (not that way, more in a kitten kind of way). He is also hilarious and keeps it all light hearted.
How can some grown Japanese man (well, man's a bit of a stretch - imp is probably a better word) be a good character when all he does is close his eyes, look constipated and got "YI TAAA".

He's not interesting, he has no sort of depth to him, and he has to be played by the single most annoying actor ever. Each time he comes on screen I just shut down and stop paying attention... and haven't missed a thing.
I said the same to Mark when Hiro lost all his memory, "oh know not again".

He just anoys me, always messing things up and acting like a kid which he done even when he had his memory. I just dont find it funny anymore.

We spent the 1st season with Hiro learning his power, I just hope we dont have to sit through it all again.