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Coaster with the Fastest Dispatching


CF Legend
What coaster have you been on with the fastest dispatching?

For me it has to be this... (In the video you can see them dispatch it with some bars up still).

Everyone on the EuroLive commented on how insanely fast it loaded and dispatched. Literally from the time the train stopped you had about 10 seconds for the riders in front to get off and you to get on and pull your bar down before they dispatched it. They were even sending the train off as people were still sitting down and before they even had their bars down.

It was crazy but the queue never stopped moving. :lol:

Anyway so what coaster have you been on that dispatches the train the fastest?


Staff member
Social Media Team
From memory, I think I'd say Space Mountain at Tokyo Disney. The trains were flying out every 10 seconds.

Disney + Japanese efficiency. Doesn't get much better really.


Strata Poster
Rage dispatches quite quickly - never endured a delay on that. As soon as the other train hits the breaks, it dispatches. A credit to Adventure Island!

Only one other coaster which I've been impressed with in term of loading and dispatching times and that was Anubis - very efficient loading/unloading and dispatch.


Lisebergbanan used to put out one train every 20 ish seconds, but now they have added an extra gate on the exit which have to be closed until they can dispatch, which means that they can't run all 5 trains without stacking any more :(


CF Legend
The B&M Hypers have got to be up there for HUGE trains.

Other than that, yeah, Space Mountain has to be up there <3


Matt SR
Staff member
Social Media Team
^ Agreed. For their size, B&M Hypers are fantastic at dispatch/loading by only featuring one lap bar. Definitely the best load time for any 200+ roller coasters.


Giga Poster
I like how Maurer spinning coasters move constantly through the station, it feels like once you're in, you're off! The capacity is mediocre though.

Most B&M's are also fairly quick unless the staff are faffing about.


Mega Poster
Dudley Do Rights Ripsaw Falls.

Over Summer they were dispatching this INSANELY fast. Getting on felt like you were at a military boot camp- they were literally shouting 'get in get in get in' at you as soon as the gates opened... They load 3 boats at once, and managed to check the awkward lap bars and dispatch the boats with another set entering the station within 15-25secs of them coming to a stop, which (if properly filled each time) could accomodate over 2,500 pph, which is pretty outstanding.

To be honest, the loading of everything at IOA has been vastly optimised since the addition of Harry Potter...

On that note, the loading of Harry Potter itself is ridiculously fast. For those of you who don't know, they dispatch each robo-arm within 5 seconds of the previous one leaving the station, which makes for a capacity of around 3,000pph- amazing. The team are also ridiculously efficient- every day I was there, I never saw a 4-person bench leave with an empty seat. The staff efficiently use the single rider queue, but also pre-plan to match groups of two, rather than just always sending out 2 singles with twos... As a passenger, you have about 20 seconds to board and pull down your restraint before they're double checked on the moving platform.

In fact, the efficiency is so high that one time, a single rider got confused and mixed up where they were, putting a group of 4 on the next bench (so it went 3-1-4), and the ops undid all the restraints and reseated all the passengers so that it was (4-4- etc.) before the benches reached the end of the platform and still managed to dispatch these on time- very impressive (perhaps unnecessary? does anyone have insight here- do the arms have to be well balanced? or perhaps the team have just been explicitly told to not let one seat go out empty without a good reason (eg no single riders waiting)....


Strata Poster
Phoenix at Knoebels with the simple restraints and lack of airgates, it's everyone off, everyone on, out of the station.


CF Legend
coasterdude_1 said:
On that note, the loading of Harry Potter itself is ridiculously fast. For those of you who don't know, they dispatch each robo-arm within 5 seconds of the previous one leaving the station, which makes for a capacity of around 3,000pph- amazing. The team are also ridiculously efficient- every day I was there, I never saw a 4-person bench leave with an empty seat.
Yeah those train move through the station pretty quickly which is good as the queue never stops moving. Although I didn't see what you said about filling all the seats. I was in a group of six and they put 2 on one and 4 on the one after so my and my brother had the car to ourselves.


Giga Poster
I'd probably say one with a constantly moving platform, eg, the cars are always moving, you get on whilst it's moving and you get off whilst it's moving. This happens mostly with water rides but what about coasters?

And how about the slowest? Shockwave (DM) has a terrible loading time (probably because it only has one train and it's quite old)


Mega Poster
On a TTF meet once EuroSat was once dispatched 13 seconds after arriving in the station.


Giga Poster
Kebab said:
I like how Maurer spinning coasters move constantly through the station, it feels like once you're in, you're off! The capacity is mediocre though.

My answer exactly.
As far as actually loading and dispatching trains, its light speed, it just takes about 2 hours of queuing to get to that point.


Strata Poster
The Mummy at Universal Hollywood seemed to be batching pretty quickly. They were really hot on making people get in and out of the cars as quickly as humanly possibly. Didn't stop there being a massive queue though. Also didn't help us as we ran to sit down quickly as we were told, they checked the restraints really fast, then.... nothing. Never did get the cred.

Not a coaster, but the speed of the moving platform on the shooty ride at Gardaland made ma laugh. It was going so fast that little kids were having to sprint up the platform to try and catch the cars up then jump in quick before it left the station. Some only just made it. Still, as a result, that thing was a throughput monster. The massively long queue was gone in a matter of minutes.


Mega Poster
Any ride or attraction with constantly moving cars in the station always makes me panic. Like, duel or the london eye