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Unknown - Schwarzkopf (UC).

Uncle Arly

Strata Poster
Hmm... twisty...

I've tried a couple of Mine Trains in the past, they never seemed to work out right. I hope you get one to work well, we haven't seen many and they are one of the more funky designs out there.

Is this going to have any 'unique' elements in it?
Well, it's not going to be your average Mine Train. I want it to be more 'wild'. I'll see how I go along for the "unique! elements. If you've got any ideas though, I'll try to incorporate them.
^tut-tut, triple posting...


I don't really have any ideas, I was just wondering.
Hmm, try to keep it at a max of 3g, otherwise it would be painful to ride :shock:

Oh, how about, say, a mine theme, hmm?