Mysterious Sue
Strata Poster
Last year Alan and I went to Tulley's Farm Scarefest (Crawley, West Sussex).
If you like scare walkthroughs, you'll love this.
It's not the scariest think ever, but the farm has a great atmosphere at night, and I'm sure CF will make it even better.
There are 6 main attractions including walkthroughs in houses, tents and dark fields. There's also the excellent Haunted Hayride on the back of a tractor, which has lots of interaction.
On top of that there are fire pits, pumpkin throwing and other games stalls, burger vans and the like.
It's a bit on the pricey side, but the preview and early dates are cheaper
Prices for the XScream Pass (all 6 haunts) start at £18 for the preview night, athough that's quite close.
I'll get the ball rolling and suggest we do it on Sat 15th Oct at the £23 entry price
More price info: ... s-Discount
If more then 10 of us go, I can arrange a group discount on top
So who's in...?
If you like scare walkthroughs, you'll love this.
It's not the scariest think ever, but the farm has a great atmosphere at night, and I'm sure CF will make it even better.
There are 6 main attractions including walkthroughs in houses, tents and dark fields. There's also the excellent Haunted Hayride on the back of a tractor, which has lots of interaction.
On top of that there are fire pits, pumpkin throwing and other games stalls, burger vans and the like.
It's a bit on the pricey side, but the preview and early dates are cheaper
Prices for the XScream Pass (all 6 haunts) start at £18 for the preview night, athough that's quite close.
I'll get the ball rolling and suggest we do it on Sat 15th Oct at the £23 entry price
More price info: ... s-Discount
If more then 10 of us go, I can arrange a group discount on top
So who's in...?