Yesterday made a daytrip - 4h drive each direction - for my first visit to Movie Park. So far I found their coaster lineup just not enough to drag me there. But with opening a Mack Rides Hyper - even one themed to my fav TV show - I hopped over to ride it and the other coasters.
Approaching the park by car you can still see the parks history as the street its located on is still named "Warner Allee". What I did not take into account is that southern Germany had a public holiday while northern Germany - were I live - did not, so the park was packed. I ended up adding a €50 Speedy Pass as lines were all around 45-60 minutes.
MP-Express: A Vekoma SLC and as one might expect totally horrible
Bandit: A RCCA woodie, not as bad as the SLC but not good either, some small pops of air in the second half
Ghost Chasers: A Mack Rides Wild Mouse Compact Park, solid mouse coaster with seldom found layout as most parks have either the portable units or the Large Park variant
Jimmy Neutron Atomic Flyer: Smaller Verkoma Family invert, way more enjoyable than the SLC with some snappy turns
Van Helsing Factory: A darkride Gerstlauer Bobsled coaster, clearly now the 2nd best coaster in the park. Good pacing with some wild unexpected turns - but not too wild to tear your back and very smooth ride
Operation Enterprise - Federation Plaza
Entering Federation Plaza you have Operation Enterprise on the left, a small gift shop with some otherwise in EU rarely found US Trek merchandise and an even smaller snack stand offering drinks and Hot-Dogs.
Entering the ride building you have the main queue area with some props like Borg costumes and hand phasers. A huge backlit projection screen shows details about the Enterprise and its crew as well as the Borg from the Star Trek Encyclopedia books in German and English. In the whole area you hear classical music from the shows. The sound is good but the music is interrupted at intervals by "Starfleet comm chatter" which sounds very poor in comparison. Entering the pre-show area
a Commander assigns groups of twenty. Nice detail: All crew carry small Toughbook tablets with a working attraction system/progress overview which UI is made in TNG style - very cool.
Before entering the Transporter Room you meet the captain on-screen - a black American/English actor with quite a German accent, but the intro is only in German - informing you that this Academy training mission is that the Enterprise vanished and the training ship USS Vakompire - Excelsior Refit Class - is sent to investigate.
You enter the Transporter and you are informed by the captain that the Enterprise was found without crew hold by a Borg cube. The Transporter effect is a very intense strobe light with the transporter sound - you get no warnings for strobe lights in Germany except for the small print at the entrance.
You enter the Enterprise-D brigde - this is very impressive and 1-1 scale to the original set - complete with sounds and blinking consoles this is better than any Trek Convention or even most fanfilm bridge sets I have seen so far. You get a transmission on the full size forward viewer from an engineering crew that LaForge and Data worked out a plan rescuing the crew and disabling the Borg cube by using a modified shuttle craft.
Leaving the bridge you enter the loading station - MP operated with both trains. After sitting down and safety check a Red Alert is sounded and off you go. The train rolls onto the transfer track inside the Shuttle Bay and the track moves over to the actual coaster track with more Red Alert and Shuttle Bay alerts with second huge screen - here a 2x2 standard LCDs - with more TNG style computer readouts.
First launch is forward - then more forceful backwards up the twisted spike - and then forward again going off. As noticed what follows is mostly inverted hangtime and zero-g-floaters, in the end there are two bunnyhops with some better airtime. Overall a fun ride nevertheless and by far the best coaster in the park! Having ridden front, middle and back twice I choose back as the best seat to ride.
After leaving the coaster you walk out by the OnRide photo booth and Speedy-Pass entrance.
Ohter attractions I did
NYC Transformer - HUSS TopSpin on a quite boring program, no multi-spins or wetness, still many green question marks around from when it was themed to The Riddler
Side Kick - HUSS Frisbee in comparison to the TopSpin on a long and intense program
Time Riders - An old Startours style motion simulator minus 3-D with an quite extensive pre-show formerly themed to Batman. Whats makes this great is that the storyline features a whacky professor having build a time machine - and is portrayed by Monty Python John Cleese - in German! Not dubbed - John Cleese speaking German himself plus his great acting makes this a true gem! Sadly they have no Merch for this.
MP Pros
- Ride operations - swift and efficient, running all ready trains/cars
- Compact footprint - the park is compact, my feet saying thank you
- Nickelodeon area - nice kiddie area with rides for everyone - Wild Mouse, Family Invert, Log Flume - and not like at many many parks only offerings for very small kids with older siblings and parents not knowing what to do
MP Cons
- Ride selection - they need to add more quality rides, Enterprise is a first great step, but many rides they have are nearing their end of life cycle so maybe we are lucky
- Maintenance - some areas show age, toilet stalls have no hooks anymore, show floats looking dated, Time Riders simulator having troubles with seatbelt sensors making the simulator shut down
- Commercial sponsoring - MP is sponsored by a German supermarket chain - Edeka - and most annoying at regular intervals they play their tv ad jingles all over the park - destroys the feeling and atmosphere of every themed area
Approaching the park by car you can still see the parks history as the street its located on is still named "Warner Allee". What I did not take into account is that southern Germany had a public holiday while northern Germany - were I live - did not, so the park was packed. I ended up adding a €50 Speedy Pass as lines were all around 45-60 minutes.
MP-Express: A Vekoma SLC and as one might expect totally horrible
Bandit: A RCCA woodie, not as bad as the SLC but not good either, some small pops of air in the second half
Ghost Chasers: A Mack Rides Wild Mouse Compact Park, solid mouse coaster with seldom found layout as most parks have either the portable units or the Large Park variant
Jimmy Neutron Atomic Flyer: Smaller Verkoma Family invert, way more enjoyable than the SLC with some snappy turns
Van Helsing Factory: A darkride Gerstlauer Bobsled coaster, clearly now the 2nd best coaster in the park. Good pacing with some wild unexpected turns - but not too wild to tear your back and very smooth ride
Operation Enterprise - Federation Plaza
Entering Federation Plaza you have Operation Enterprise on the left, a small gift shop with some otherwise in EU rarely found US Trek merchandise and an even smaller snack stand offering drinks and Hot-Dogs.
Entering the ride building you have the main queue area with some props like Borg costumes and hand phasers. A huge backlit projection screen shows details about the Enterprise and its crew as well as the Borg from the Star Trek Encyclopedia books in German and English. In the whole area you hear classical music from the shows. The sound is good but the music is interrupted at intervals by "Starfleet comm chatter" which sounds very poor in comparison. Entering the pre-show area
a Commander assigns groups of twenty. Nice detail: All crew carry small Toughbook tablets with a working attraction system/progress overview which UI is made in TNG style - very cool.
Before entering the Transporter Room you meet the captain on-screen - a black American/English actor with quite a German accent, but the intro is only in German - informing you that this Academy training mission is that the Enterprise vanished and the training ship USS Vakompire - Excelsior Refit Class - is sent to investigate.
You enter the Transporter and you are informed by the captain that the Enterprise was found without crew hold by a Borg cube. The Transporter effect is a very intense strobe light with the transporter sound - you get no warnings for strobe lights in Germany except for the small print at the entrance.
You enter the Enterprise-D brigde - this is very impressive and 1-1 scale to the original set - complete with sounds and blinking consoles this is better than any Trek Convention or even most fanfilm bridge sets I have seen so far. You get a transmission on the full size forward viewer from an engineering crew that LaForge and Data worked out a plan rescuing the crew and disabling the Borg cube by using a modified shuttle craft.
Leaving the bridge you enter the loading station - MP operated with both trains. After sitting down and safety check a Red Alert is sounded and off you go. The train rolls onto the transfer track inside the Shuttle Bay and the track moves over to the actual coaster track with more Red Alert and Shuttle Bay alerts with second huge screen - here a 2x2 standard LCDs - with more TNG style computer readouts.
First launch is forward - then more forceful backwards up the twisted spike - and then forward again going off. As noticed what follows is mostly inverted hangtime and zero-g-floaters, in the end there are two bunnyhops with some better airtime. Overall a fun ride nevertheless and by far the best coaster in the park! Having ridden front, middle and back twice I choose back as the best seat to ride.
After leaving the coaster you walk out by the OnRide photo booth and Speedy-Pass entrance.
Ohter attractions I did
NYC Transformer - HUSS TopSpin on a quite boring program, no multi-spins or wetness, still many green question marks around from when it was themed to The Riddler
Side Kick - HUSS Frisbee in comparison to the TopSpin on a long and intense program
Time Riders - An old Startours style motion simulator minus 3-D with an quite extensive pre-show formerly themed to Batman. Whats makes this great is that the storyline features a whacky professor having build a time machine - and is portrayed by Monty Python John Cleese - in German! Not dubbed - John Cleese speaking German himself plus his great acting makes this a true gem! Sadly they have no Merch for this.
MP Pros
- Ride operations - swift and efficient, running all ready trains/cars
- Compact footprint - the park is compact, my feet saying thank you
- Nickelodeon area - nice kiddie area with rides for everyone - Wild Mouse, Family Invert, Log Flume - and not like at many many parks only offerings for very small kids with older siblings and parents not knowing what to do
MP Cons
- Ride selection - they need to add more quality rides, Enterprise is a first great step, but many rides they have are nearing their end of life cycle so maybe we are lucky
- Maintenance - some areas show age, toilet stalls have no hooks anymore, show floats looking dated, Time Riders simulator having troubles with seatbelt sensors making the simulator shut down
- Commercial sponsoring - MP is sponsored by a German supermarket chain - Edeka - and most annoying at regular intervals they play their tv ad jingles all over the park - destroys the feeling and atmosphere of every themed area
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