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Top Thrill Dragster vs. Kingda Ka

Kingda Ka offers so much more airtime so I guess Kingda Ka but TTD is unique because it has one of a kind theme and layout unlike KK which there are smaller semi-clones around the world (eg Stealth and I think Zaturn in Japan)
Haven't been on Kingda Ka, but I have a feeling I wouldn't like it as much. I enjoy the freedom of the lap bar. Plus, during the quick twist on the way up, I could visualize my neck slapping against the restraint.
Mr. X said:
Haven't been on Kingda Ka, but I have a feeling I wouldn't like it as much. I enjoy the freedom of the lap bar. Plus, during the quick twist on the way up, I could visualize my neck slapping against the restraint.

I can visualize me... Having a heart attack. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huuuge Coaster freak. But I can't... Bring myself to do it.
^ :n00b: :razz:

Moved to Coaster Polls and Opinions.
Haha, I had Ka as better for a while, but after I rode Dragster again, there's no doubt I like it better. Ka has a more powerful launch and despite what some people say, you can feel the difference. Maybe it's not the difference in speed but the "triple tug" people say is felt on Ka compared to the smooth launch on Dragster. I didn't find Ka rough at all, but that's because I rode it in the front. I'm sure a coaster at that speed would be unpleasant if it were rough, but since I never had a bad experience on it I can't really say.

It's Dragster's atmosphere that wins it for me. The queue being in the middle of the launch and break run, having everyone watch you on the stands, the lights, the revving up, everything about the atmosphere is awesome. The slight speed difference between Ka and Dragster isn't enough for Ka to win for me, and there's also the amazing lap bars on Dragster which can't be forgotten. I didn't mind the OTSR's, but there's no doubt that the lap bars make you feel more vulnerable.

So yah, Dragster, but Ka is great too.
ECG said:
This topic seems very similar to one some noob started when he first joined CF.

Yeah, but this one is worded way better, with a lot more effort and thought gone into it.

Anyway, I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but Dragster for me as well.

In all honesty, I think the "atmosphere" that a lot of people mention is overrated. It's good; but it's not quite as great as people tend to make it out to be. I actually prefer the general area that Kingda Ka is in.

It's basically down to the restraints for me. They shouldn't really be the deciding factor, but when the rides are so, so similar, then that's exactly what they are. With Ka, the extra 30-40 feet and slight increase in speed aren't noticeable, and the extra hill doesn't make up for the restraint issue.
TTD. KK has a better launch but meh.. the rest of the ride was exactly the same and.. you know.. all that jazz.. etc etc.
I also don't think airtime is a factor in these two coasters either. Like seriously, you barely get airtime over either top hat (unlike Stealth where you get loads), and the speed hill at the end isn't made for airtime, and doesn't give you much anyway.

Ka's area is nice, but it doesn't build up the suspense quite the same.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I also don't think airtime is a factor in these two coasters either. Like seriously, you barely get airtime over either top hat (unlike Stealth where you get loads)

This post was going so well...

Although the ride is awful, Xcelerator has airtime on the top hat, Stealth doesn't REALLY.

I really liked Kingda Ka, and I can't see TTD having the same impression on me simply because I've already done Ka. Plus, I hate Intamin lap bars and love the OTSRs. Plus Stealth is a million times better than Xcelerator. Plus TTD is at Cedar Point.

Go Ka <3

Even though I didn't even NOTICE the hill, so what was the point...
Although the ride is awful, Xcelerator has airtime on the top hat, Stealth doesn't REALLY.

Maybe I was just shocked by the small amount of airtime Stealth DID have, because I wasn't expecting any at all considering TTD and Ka don't have any.

I have ridden KK and I will ride TTD this summer.

I think that TTD will be better becuase it has only a lap bar and not ka's OTSR so you have more movement when going up the launch.
Hey im new here but I thought I would put my two cents into this discussion. I haven't been on TTD but I hated KK. It was rough any where other than the front of the ride and having to wait for nearly 3 hours because of break-downs really ruined it for me. Maybe I might enjoy it better on a better day.
(Although I'd love to) I haven't been on either of these, however if I had a choice then I'd probably choose KK simply so I could say "I've ridden the worlds tallest rollercoaster"
TTD would probably be better than KK. I have been on TTD but not KK. TTD managed to hurt my head with out harnesses (Probably those stupid headrests) so i think KK would be much worse