Hyper Poster
Thorpe Park 25th-27th March PTR
Who went:
My ride count (over three days):
Stealth x46 (20 on Friday (15 in the final hour), 12 on Saturday and 14 on Sunday)
Inferno x10
Saw x6
Slammer x3
Rush x1
Quantum x1
Vortex x1
Tidal Wave x1
Loggers x3
Colossus x1
Rapids x1
Detonator x1
Saw Alive x8
Now from that ride count, especially on Stealth, you would think Thorpe was dead, well believe me it wasn't! On Friday we got lucky, everything was on full capacity in the afternoon which meant small and quick moving queues, it got to the point on Stealth where they simply couldn't fill the trains anymore so they had some crazy bloke called Alfonso shouting "who wants to go again?!" everytime a train pulled in, so multiple re-rides were dealt between 4 and 5 on Friday which is how we managed 15 rides in the final hour.
Nemesis Inferno staff weren't so efficent, they were as slow and as miserable as they always seem to be on there, such a constrast to the Nemesis teams you usually get at towers. Sadly, the ride also lacked any intent and was a former shadow of the Nemesis Inferno I used to love and stick up for so much, it just didn't seem the same and I just felt so disappointed because it's one of my favourite coasters in the country.
Colossus, seems to get worse every year. Slow dispatch times, horrible ride experience and all round a displeasing coaster to ride. I really can't see myself going on it again, I dislike it that much.
Saw, seems to have improved a lot since last year, not as rough as it used to be but still gives me a headache after a few re-rides.
Tidal Wave, I still stand by my opinion that this is by far the best water ride in the country!
Finally on the subject of rides, Slammer didn't seem so hateful either!
Photos - Day 1!
Directions 1, Understanding 0 :lol:
M40, taken by Dane;
We arrived at Thorpe before anyone else, including most the staff.
Dane was very much looking forward to his first Thorpe experience;
And I just wanted to be at Stealth for opening, nothing else mattered lol!
As you can see, I was there as planned, before most others! :lol:
Second go? Ah go on then!
Dane wouldn't do Stealth but quite happily found his way onto Inferno;
Satisfied customer;
Dane watching Slammer and probably thinking "b*llocks to that!".
UK's 2nd best invert behind Nemesis imo;
On the hottest day, Storm Surge was shut until the final hour;
Better late than never, Stu, Rob and Owl turned up around 12 ish.
The Owl!
Owl and Rob.
Requires larger straw!
Stu and Dane;
Stu proudly showing his PA regalia;
Stealth in the distance;
Stu was clearly impressed with one of his photos;
Dane was sadly still not doing Stealth!
Did someone mention Stealth?
A rather drowned Dane.
Peter isn't much better on the water levels either! :lol:
However Jonny and Rob seemed to get off from Tidal quite luckily!
Stu was on the march!
Nobody looked too shaken up by Slammer, which makes a change!
Showing my dislike for Colossus!
Samurai sadly wasn't ready for us!
Storm Surge;
Photos - Day 2!
Inferno's merry go round queue;
Saw's boring and dragged out queue;
Jake and Paul;
Stu & Dane;
Stu in his "what you lookin' at" pose?!
Those in the ''no dealing Det'' camp;
Can't go wrong with a bit of Stella;
Tidal Wave;
Hmm, what are you lot up to?
Clearly proud of some dodgy photo they've taken! :roll:
More of Tidal;
Hmm, looks good to me!
Rather moist from Tidal;
Rob and Jonny;
Rob...being Rob..(random in other words) :lol:
Sporting my new jumper;
Peter and Stu;
Day 3 - Photos!
I woke up to the sound of plane's landing at Heathrow every minute, so took a photo of one!
Once again, arrived too early and before most staff!
We were quite far back in the queue for getting in though;
However I was the first to arrive at Stealth;
Only to be told it wasn't ready for opening;
Sadly, there was no sign of testing either;
Off to Inferno for opening instead then!
We managed to get on first train of the day, which was rather sluggish!
Colossus to some, Colossucks to others!
Clearly a lot of thought went into the name of this shop;
We're not moving til it opens!
Oh, finally, it's up out of bed!
Obviously nobody informed Stealth the clocks had gone forward :lol:
Never mind watching it, get on the platform and get the bloody thing open!
Rollback? No chance.
And finally, we're up and running;
Back to Colossus;
The best two rides at Thorpe IMO;
Owl and Peter;
Waiting time five minutes...unless you wait for the front.
As it was approaching final ride time, we opted for front row;
Jake, Paul and Stu;
It was a bit of a wait, but we didn't mind too much;
Intamin greatness;
Jake, Paul and Stu again;
Goodbye Stealth, for now!
Thanks for viewing my photos, feedback as always is welcome and apreciated!
Who went:

My ride count (over three days):
Stealth x46 (20 on Friday (15 in the final hour), 12 on Saturday and 14 on Sunday)
Inferno x10
Saw x6
Slammer x3
Rush x1
Quantum x1
Vortex x1
Tidal Wave x1
Loggers x3
Colossus x1
Rapids x1
Detonator x1
Saw Alive x8
Now from that ride count, especially on Stealth, you would think Thorpe was dead, well believe me it wasn't! On Friday we got lucky, everything was on full capacity in the afternoon which meant small and quick moving queues, it got to the point on Stealth where they simply couldn't fill the trains anymore so they had some crazy bloke called Alfonso shouting "who wants to go again?!" everytime a train pulled in, so multiple re-rides were dealt between 4 and 5 on Friday which is how we managed 15 rides in the final hour.
Nemesis Inferno staff weren't so efficent, they were as slow and as miserable as they always seem to be on there, such a constrast to the Nemesis teams you usually get at towers. Sadly, the ride also lacked any intent and was a former shadow of the Nemesis Inferno I used to love and stick up for so much, it just didn't seem the same and I just felt so disappointed because it's one of my favourite coasters in the country.
Colossus, seems to get worse every year. Slow dispatch times, horrible ride experience and all round a displeasing coaster to ride. I really can't see myself going on it again, I dislike it that much.
Saw, seems to have improved a lot since last year, not as rough as it used to be but still gives me a headache after a few re-rides.
Tidal Wave, I still stand by my opinion that this is by far the best water ride in the country!
Finally on the subject of rides, Slammer didn't seem so hateful either!
Photos - Day 1!
Directions 1, Understanding 0 :lol:

M40, taken by Dane;

We arrived at Thorpe before anyone else, including most the staff.

Dane was very much looking forward to his first Thorpe experience;

And I just wanted to be at Stealth for opening, nothing else mattered lol!

As you can see, I was there as planned, before most others! :lol:

Second go? Ah go on then!


Dane wouldn't do Stealth but quite happily found his way onto Inferno;

Satisfied customer;


Dane watching Slammer and probably thinking "b*llocks to that!".

UK's 2nd best invert behind Nemesis imo;

On the hottest day, Storm Surge was shut until the final hour;

Better late than never, Stu, Rob and Owl turned up around 12 ish.

The Owl!

Owl and Rob.

Requires larger straw!

Stu and Dane;

Stu proudly showing his PA regalia;


Stealth in the distance;

Stu was clearly impressed with one of his photos;

Dane was sadly still not doing Stealth!

Did someone mention Stealth?

A rather drowned Dane.

Peter isn't much better on the water levels either! :lol:


However Jonny and Rob seemed to get off from Tidal quite luckily!

Stu was on the march!

Nobody looked too shaken up by Slammer, which makes a change!

Showing my dislike for Colossus!

Samurai sadly wasn't ready for us!


Storm Surge;

Photos - Day 2!
Inferno's merry go round queue;

Saw's boring and dragged out queue;

Jake and Paul;


Stu & Dane;

Stu in his "what you lookin' at" pose?!



Those in the ''no dealing Det'' camp;


Can't go wrong with a bit of Stella;


Tidal Wave;


Hmm, what are you lot up to?

Clearly proud of some dodgy photo they've taken! :roll:

More of Tidal;

Hmm, looks good to me!

Rather moist from Tidal;



Rob and Jonny;

Rob...being Rob..(random in other words) :lol:


Sporting my new jumper;

Peter and Stu;



Day 3 - Photos!
I woke up to the sound of plane's landing at Heathrow every minute, so took a photo of one!

Once again, arrived too early and before most staff!

We were quite far back in the queue for getting in though;

However I was the first to arrive at Stealth;

Only to be told it wasn't ready for opening;

Sadly, there was no sign of testing either;

Off to Inferno for opening instead then!

We managed to get on first train of the day, which was rather sluggish!




Colossus to some, Colossucks to others!

Clearly a lot of thought went into the name of this shop;


We're not moving til it opens!

Oh, finally, it's up out of bed!

Obviously nobody informed Stealth the clocks had gone forward :lol:

Never mind watching it, get on the platform and get the bloody thing open!

Rollback? No chance.

And finally, we're up and running;

Back to Colossus;

The best two rides at Thorpe IMO;


Owl and Peter;


Waiting time five minutes...unless you wait for the front.

As it was approaching final ride time, we opted for front row;

Jake, Paul and Stu;


It was a bit of a wait, but we didn't mind too much;

Intamin greatness;


Jake, Paul and Stu again;

Goodbye Stealth, for now!

Thanks for viewing my photos, feedback as always is welcome and apreciated!