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Thorpe Hell


Mega Poster
It all started when my brother said his small L&T class were going to Thorpe Park on Monday 29th June, so I said good idea, if the weather's nice I'll go to, of course it had to be the hottest day since 2006, so what do I drive in to discover, hundreds of bloody coaches, I beat my brother there, but he overtook me in the queue for tickets, and I wouldn't be suprised if they turned some people away, you could hardly move!

1st Ride:
Rush - Queued for 20 minutes in blistering heat "Broken, leave queue"

Oh, I'll give saw a go - "99min queue", nope kept breaking down people being sick, so I finally left an hour and a half into the queue because I was so pissed off, and just needed a drink, brother told me his mates queued for 3 and a half hours for it!

Nemesis Inferno - Almost fainted in a 90min queue, getting on a ride was a relief!

Tidal Wave because I was so hot, OH nope, everyone had the same idea "99min queue", won't bother, just have lunch, what nearby, oh KFC (YUCK!), packed, queued to get served! No seat to eat it so sat on the rocks by tidal wave.

Saw queue gone down, obviously not, Samurai, eeerm nope 60 minutes queue isnt worth it, Slammer mkes me sick, so Colossus it is.

50 minutes into Colossus' queue we had queue jumpers so they stopped the ride, 30 minutes later, sorry now Colossus has broken down (im still where I was standing 30 minutes ago which is the sign which says 30 minutes from here), fix it about 20 minutes later, got on, done Flying Fish and Stealth in single rider for 20 minutes and that was that.

Home time :(

Made complaint about the crap loading of staff and it would be nice if they had machines in queues for drinks or snacks!
It's really weird to see two completely different verdicts on the same day at Thorpe you and A-Kid). I think it obviously makes a huge difference the order you do the rides in.
Wow, thats quite a difference to what I got yesturday. Sounds like Thorpe not being able to cope with crowds again. Which is one of their major issues.

But then I picked a Sunday because its the quietest day of the week currently. Shows how crowds make a difference.
Oooh, yesterday sorry :oops:

I do agree with you when you said Colossus has got smoother, AND FASTER, thoughs last inversions were very intense, probably dto do with the heat like you said.
Should have come with me last week. Was rather quiet compared to today's verdict.

An empty Logger's didn't help though as it was also hot. A lovely lunch at the BBQ and many many rides on coasters :p
Neal said:
Should have come with me last week. Was rather quiet compared to today's verdict.

An empty Logger's didn't help though as it was also hot. A lovely lunch at the BBQ and many many rides on coasters :p

That makes me feel so much better :evil:

Bloody students! :lol:
Not a great thing to hear when I'm planning on going in 2 weeks! I hope the weather holds out for another 2 weeks though :) . Oh well as long as they manage to have everything open this time I'm happy :p !
AmandaPanda said:
Neal said:
Should have come with me last week. Was rather quiet compared to today's verdict.

An empty Logger's didn't help though as it was also hot. A lovely lunch at the BBQ and many many rides on coasters :p

That makes me feel so much better :evil:

Bloody students! :lol:

Sorry, ummmm, it was packed and awful is what I meant :wink:
See this proves that two days can come out of one park on one day. So no one tell me I am bull ****ting about queues again please. Good TPR though maybe some pictures next time if possible.
King Goon said:
See this proves that two days can come out of one park on one day. So no one tell me I am bull **** about queues again please. Good TPR though maybe some pictures next time if possible.



Read the topic and stop being an idiot?

And learn to "spell" PTR. It's three letters, not rocket science.

And queues are just one of the thirty thousand things you bull**** about.
To be honest, abou8t the pictures< I couldn't be asked to get it out, and I didn't really have time to take pictures, something I could have done in the queues I suppose, but I almost fainted on several occasions!