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Terror in London


CF Legend
Only a short report.
Anyway some of you may be aware that I'm filming a documentary in college and I've chosen to do it about Pasaje del Terror in London.
I emailed the managers to ask about filming and they said the best thing to do would be to come in and have a meeting with them to discuss it.
So last Friday I let my dads flat at 10am and hopped on the tube up to Piccadilly Circus.

Even though I knew what street it was on I still ended up going up the wrong side of the Trocodero and and all the way round. I was an hour early anyway as the desk didn't open till 12 so I went for a walk around the area.





Now there was only about half an hour left so I decided to wander around the Trocodero for a bit. There's lots of building work going on inside so it was harder to navigate than usual as some of the escalators where shut off.

Bens favourite arcade game. Pop the giant balloon. :P

And another game that had a huge gun.

Still getting bored I took some more pictures of the attraction from the outside before heading into HMV.






Once it had reached 12pm I went back to the front desk where someone dressed as a zombie was sitting behind a till. I had to get past all the tourists who were standing outside watching a preview of the attraction on the screen. I told the guy at the desk (who was really friendly for a zombie) that I had a meeting with Aitor (one of the managers). He then radioed through to the office and then told me to go downstairs and he'd come and get me.
After getting slightly lost downstairs and wondering where to go Aron (the other manager) came out to greet me (because Aitor was checking things in the attraction).
We went into the office and had our meeting which went really well. Wasn't too sure what I was allowed to film/not film but because it's for a college project it seemed ok. We then just discussed things like when it was on the Gadget show, Horror Hospital at Fuji Q and ScareCon and then answered some more questions about the documentary and what I planned to do in it. He also gave me a massive offer which I'll have to talk to my lecturer about but hopefully he'll say yes. There's so much I could tell you what was said in the meeting but I don't want to say in case they're not too happy about it.

Anyway just before I left he said I can have some free stuff so I got some Pasaje badges, balloons etc and he said he'll send me some stuff in the post. On the way out I met the curator of all the Pasaje attractions who was visiting London. I shook his hand and said hi and then Aron started talking in Spanish to him briefly telling him why I was there and what I was doing I suppose as I didn't understand what he was saying. :lol:
I also got asked if I'd still be in London in the evening which I said I was and I got free tickets to come back and do the attraction later that evening.

Anyway I got out earlier than I thought so walked up to my dads work as he was leaving for his lunch break so we went and grabbed a subway.
I then decided to do something else so hopped on the tube over to London Bridge.
Also there won't be anymore photos here as I was using my phone to take pics and the battery went (I'll try and use some pics from Google to make it slightly more interesting). :(
I was heading towards the dungeons but decided to see what was going on with the London Bridge Experience. As I was crossing at the lights this tall guy dressed up walked over with me. He approached this other couple who had just got engaged and started talking to them about the attraction. I stood by listening to what they were saying and he said "Is this guy with you?" and they and me said "no" the guy then said he loved my hair. :P

Anyway he went on talking about it and because we listened so nicely he gave us some tickets where we'd get about £5 off the ticket price. He then asked if we were going to go in, the couple seemed to agree but I said that I was doing other things and would come back in May anyway as we get free tickets to some London Haunts (including LBE) with our ScareCon tickets.
Anyway with that over I headed over to the Dungeons to do it on my own. The pass queue wasn't open so I had to wait about 20 minutes with the GP in the normal queue.

I'd not been in that section before and it was quite cool. The open grave was a nice touch and although it wasn't working that fountain that shoots water looked cool. There were also staff walking round with rats on their shoulders that people could hold and stroke while they were queueing.

Anyway I skipped the photo having my head chopped off as I was on my own and already have one on the fridge at my dads flat.
As people were looking at the displays in the first area I skipped them and got straight in with the group entering the area before the maze.

I won't bore you talking about the whole attraction. I'd not been to the dungeons since 08 so there were two new scenes waiting for me. The Surgery: Blood and Guts scene was really good. The gore was great and the lighting was used to great effect. As normal there's always one person that seems to get picked on in each group.

Sadly there was no actor in Bedlam Asylum which was a shame as it's meant to be more intense on school days.

The new Bloody Mary: Killer Queen scene was excellent. I'll describe what happens below in spoiler tags for those interested.
You enter the area that previously hosted the rather boring Great Fire of London scene. This giant portrait of Mary comes to live and starts talking to you while one of the actors grabs someone from the group. And sits them on a bench. Then a few seconds later the person taken from the audience gets taken up onto a big pile of wood and tied to this pole. They then set fire to the logs and twigs and smoke and fire fill the room. Pretty soon you can't see the person behind the smoke. A screaming and burning flesh sound is played and when the smoke subsides all that's left is a burned skeleton. It's a really clever effect and I wondered what happened to the person that was there seconds before.
It didn't take me long to work out but I won't tell you incase it spoils it for those going soon.

Extremis was as excellent as ever. It's only 15 feet high but it's easily one of the best drop towers I've ever been on and is a great ending to the dungeons. Pure airtime all the way down as you're not touching the seat at all as you drop.

After the dungeons I had a quick walk around the area before heading back on the tube to my dads work where I helped him sort out some of the equipment and went on the net for a bit until 6pm. My older brother then turned up and we headed back to Piccadilly Circus to enter Pasaje.

We showed the guy at the desk our complimentary tickets and he radioed through to Aron to let him know I was going through.
We had to wait for a bout 5 minutes before we were let in. We went down lots of steps into a street scene and we queued outside the old theatre.
The 3D film about Jack the Ripper was super cheesy. Really didn't give off how scary the attraction was meant to be at all. The 3D also wasn't the best I've seen as not much came out the screen that far. The ending was super creepy though. I wont spoil it for you though if you decide to go.
Anyway after that it was time to enter the attraction. We got the normal brief except we weren't told to go in a conga line which was weird. We had some gobby chav girls in the front of the group who were mouthing off to the actor at the start but he kept telling them to shut up from his podium and when they didn't he jumped down and shouted in their faces "I TOLD YOU TO ****ING SHUT UP!" which caused them to scream and run off into the next section. :lol:
Some of the scenes are excellent though really well themed although there can be some dull sections in between scenes.
When we got out Aron came out and saw me quickly again. He said he was watching me go through on the CCTV (which I saw earlier in the day) and said he was looking forward to me coming back to do the documentary. :)

So yeah I hope you read all that. I ended up writing much more than I wanted to so I'm sorry. :P

For those who are interested about Pasaje then you can watch this video from the Gadget Show when Ortis went through. Be warned though it shows some of the scenes inside and contains spoilers.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this documentary Ollie, should be real interesting.

I'm really really scared of Pasaje del Terror, I will do it one day, but not any time soon =]
Well I've just spoke to my lecturer and he said he's interested in the offer. I've just send Aron a mail so trying to organise that now.
Also I forgot to mention after Pasaje we went and had dinner in Planet Hollywood. :D

And Jordan it's not as scary as people make it out to be. It may be because I've worked behind the scenes alot in haunts and been through so many I'm sorta immune but it's mainly startle scares in Pasaje with dark corridors and loud effects.
Deffo worth doing although I'd advise you to get 241's or get the tickets before it opens for a discount as the tickets are quite pricy for what it is and how short it is.

Nah, cool report though, the attraction does look pretty sweet. Can't say it's one of my top "most wanted" haunts, but it doesn't look like one of the worst either. And I knew Extremis was suppose to be small, but not THAT small, wow, fifteen feet? Yeesh.
^Shut it you. :P
All you've done is walk through them which is the boring part. :P
Seeing behind the scenes and how they work is great as each one is different.
Cool report, I really want to go there now and hope to see you're documentary. Wow I lol'ed soo hard at ortis's reaction to the exorcist scene in that video :lol:
Well it seems that you're just like me, Ollie!! For me, scare attractions are the best thing in the world, been through Pasaje and thought it was excellent. Good luck with that documentary :) and yeah, that Jack the Ripper film.... not too sure :?
Haha I totally forgot about this topic.

^I've already done the documentary. Finished it back in June last year. :P
If you still want to see it then here it is for you.
I wonder how many times this topic has flashed up on MI5 alert screens due to it's title?

If I'm not around for the next week, it's because I'm busy being water-boarded at a secret location.