CF Legend
England Dec 23rd – Jan 2nd
Day 1
Day one started out pretty nice, with me and my family opening gifts in the event that I wouldn’t be there on Christmas eve, when we usually open gifts. Needless to say I got a lot and everyone liked the pressies I bought them as well. I was planning on leaving for Detroit airport around 1:30-2:00, even though my flight didn’t leave until 6:40, because I figured the border crossing would be really bad, seeing as people do last minute Christmas shopping over there! But we quickly realized that it was literally a five minute wait to get through, and it was only a thirty minute drive to the airport, so considering I didn’t feel like waiting eight zillion hours for my flight to leave, we picked up some McDonalds instead. I get jittery before flights and stuff so I was only able to eat half of my ranch wrap, but it was still a decent meal because we got to watch all the planes take off and stuff, which I love.
After that, they dropped me off and said goodbye. I got in really quickly, and had nothing better to do than watch the horrible charity karaoke they had going on near my terminal. I wouldn’t have watched it if I’d have known it would last all the four hours I was going to have to wait there!
A lovely, blurry photo of Metro airport.
My flight didn’t leave until after seven, which concerned me as I had a connecting flight in Atlanta. The flight to Atlanta was short and smooth, but once I got there me and this girl tried finding our terminal together, which proved kind of difficult. Atlanta airport is not easy to navigate at all! Once we got to our terminal, I asked one of the workers why my ticket didn’t have a seat on it, and he said “because you’re not getting on the flight today, sorry.” So after almost crying, he told me it was a joke and soon enough, I was off!
We arrived in England a little bit late, but it turned out perfect because Brad wasn’t gonna be there until one, which was an hour after my flight was due to land. So he ended up waiting only about ten minutes for me. We got on the fab underground (the Piccadilly line, yay I’m learning), and two hours later, we were at his house.
His walls are fab.
The week was mostly a chill week and far less hectic than last time I was in England, so we just stayed in on Christmas Eve, as we’d be going out for Christmas the next day.
Day 2, 3, 4, 5
We woke up and went downstairs to open presents. I felt terrible because everyone got me so much stuff and even though I got everyone something little, they got me loads more. I got a fab necklace, an amazing hat, loads of park maps, an Alton bag with random stuff in it (thanks for the tie, Brad.. Haha), pyjamas, chocolate, socks, candies, and a broken Snoopy thing.
After opening presents, we had eggs for breakfast and then went to get ready, where Brad wore his brand new Toy Story 3 Sheriff’s badge that came with his alien watch, haha.
We also ate loads of chocolate before we left, and sadly some of the chocolate made its way out of my mouth and onto the bed, which made an unfortunate looking stain.
His room is usually really clean, until I get there and make it into a disaster..
So at one we were off to his aunt’s house, which was a fab, big house, although meeting all the family was intimidating, haha. We had dinner almost as soon as we got there, which was awesome aside from the curried goat or whatever it was. Then we sat and talked with relatives, read a Ripley’s Believe it or Not book, sat in the living room and chatted some more, until eventually going back home around seven.
The next day was more or less pretty similar, except we had dinner at Brad’s house instead with his stepdad’s relatives. The food was amazing! Later that night me, Brad and his two step brothers played Monopoly, where both of us got beat (Brad was disgraceful and a poor sport haha, but it was hilarious). That was the start of playing Monopoly pretty much every day that I was there though.
Either Monday or Tuesday night was the first night we properly went out anywhere, to the O2 arena for me to try Nando’s for the first time! The underground that was meant to take us there was down though, so we ended up having to take a bus. Here we are on our way!
A blurry one of the O2 arena!
The special line!
We got into Nando’s, sat down, and read the menu.
Very quickly, we both decided we were gonna get the chicken filet with “chips,” so we went to order it and much to our delight, they were both upgraded to double chicken filets. I got mine hot and extra hot, and he got his medium. I was happy when I realized that the extra hot actually was quite hot.
When I went to the bathroom, Brad took my camera and took random pictures.
He got water and I got Fanta!
The aftermath, although I did need help finishing the last little bit of my chips and burger.
After an amazing dinner, we walked around to see if there were any creds in the area. There weren’t, but I still got to see more of it, so I was happy.
We left, and when we got back to his house, we took random pictures of me being a gangster.
Then, we played Monopoly. I’m pretty sure this was the only game I won all week.
I love how the names are all English names! It’s amazing.
Me, winning!
Day 6
Day six was one of the best days of when I was in England. The London meetup! We left the house around ten, getting to the meetup spot just in time, where we met up with Maddie, Ollie, Lofty, Alan, Rob, and Ben. Before going anywhere, I opened the present Maddie bought for me and Brad!
Me and Brad on our way.
You asshole..
That’s better!
Hi guys!
We went to Winter Wonderland first, which would be the starting point and the ending point of our day. Me and Maddie got the kiddie cred before anything else!
We looked like idiots, although thanks to the photographer being a dweeb, we’re behind a bell, and a pole.
Thanks, photographer, for the picture of a random old dude. I’ll treasure it forever.
Me and Ms. Tyrell!
Ollie, Maddie, Taylor
Me and Alan!
OH MY GOD A MOOSE! I MUST be back in Canadia!
Chocolate buttons are just amazing.
Me and Lofty.
Very cute setup, I approve!
Me and Rob. Little did he know he was gonna get violated in a haunted attraction in just a mere few hours.
Aww it’s cute.
Badass theming!
Bradley looking spiffy.
Slowpokes! Hurry up so I can get my next cred!
Ah there we go! With me, Maddie, Lofty, and Rob in one little train, I was sure we were destined for death. But no, I was wrong. I was just destined for a broken sternum.
Me and my Benny <3 Who my aunt said was cute, not realizing he is a flaming gay, haha!
Creds, friends, Winter Wonderland, mild weather.. They all made me a happy Taylor!
They’re following me!
I want a pet penguin.
We didn’t ride this, but it looked cool.
Last cred of 2010 that I got to share with Lofty!
It looked like it would be an uncomfortable ride, but it wasn’t too bad I guess.
We debated if this was a cred or not, but decided that it wasn’t, so gave it a miss. It was in front of this that I decided to walk backwards and walk into a lady. Whoops.
We went back to this later at night.
Someone kept taking my camera and taking random photos of Ollie. I’m guessing it was Brad.
After Winter Wonderland, I dragged all the boys into Primark. I got a new bag, a sweater, sunglasses for my sister, and a necklace. Success!
Random buildings.
Double deckers are amazing.
I wish we had one in Canada.
After Primark we went to McDonalds, and I still think England McDonalds is crap, but whatever I had this time was lightyears better than that nasty oriental snackwrap thing I had last time. It was like, chicken and salsa. Across from the McDonalds was the “concrete thing” as I said to Ben!
We went on the underground (where we saw a lady get stuck in the doors, it was amazing) to where the London Eye and stuff is, so we could go to Death Trap, the new haunted attraction.
Ben looking fab.
I love it!
Big Ben is amazing and probably one of my favourite buildings in the world.
When we got to Death Trap, it was going to be a half an hour wait, so we just relaxed in the café for a bit and took random pics, and also played money folding games that made the Queen look silly.
Then it was time for our group to go in!
The attraction itself isn’t worth £12 but for the fiver we paid, it was a good deal and it was hilarious. Some of the bits were scary (the fire on the metal cage, ughh), some were funny (Alan and Ollie getting taken away), and some were hilarious (Rob getting violated on the floor).
Then it was time to go pick up AJ from Harrods!
After getting GayJ, we made our way to a pub. I had never properly been in one, so I was excited.
We couldn’t all get one table, so me, Brad, Ollie, and Maddie sat at one, and Ben, AJ, Alan, and Rob were at the other.
We played a game.. And I lost.
I promise these aren’t all mine!
We had a laugh at Ben’s passport.
Then it was back to Winter Wonderland for some drinks and funhouse times!
After that, we said goodbye to pretty much everyone, so it was just me, Brad, AJ, and Ben left. We were all gonna go out, but Brad ended up being sick (drinking on antibiotics tut tut) so we ended up just going home. Was a great day though and I <3 everyone!
Day 7 and 8
Day 7 was another relaxing day full of Scrabble and Monopoly. I lost Monopoly every time, but won Scrabble most of the time. I think we went to China Chef that night as well, which was amaaazing as usual.
We played Sims too! Here are our Sim kids, haha.
Day 8 was New Years Eve, and though I didn’t get any photos, it was a fun night. Predrinks at Brad’s house consisted of beer pong, ****heads, never have I ever, and some other game (schkol?). Needless to say we left feeling pretty good.
After a long long walk down a dark road, me, Craig, Brad, and Dean arrived at the place we were going. Was a typical party.. Drinking, more never have I ever, drama, etc. But it was a good time! And we rang in the New Year doing illegal things of greenness, so twas fab. At about one we went on the long walk back to Brad’s, and after failing to find any open food places, we ended up just making a four tier sandwich when we got back to his!
We ate it all!
Day 9 and 10
Day nine was my last full day in England, so literally just spent it in my pyjamas all day, relaxing. We watched TV, played our last games of Scrabble and Monopoly, and had more China Chef! Obviously it was a sad night, I had tears as I didn’t want to leave the next day!
We woke up early on day ten, as my plane left at one. I don’t even know why I bothered getting ready that day, as all my makeup just ended up running off when I was being a crybaby on the underground and at the airport. But, after a longish wait to check my bags and stuff, I said goodbye to Brad and was on my way home. I bought some amazing sandwich thing at Costa Coffee, almost lost my carry on bag, and had rage that the airport charged for WiFi. My plane left half an hour late, but it was a direct flight and it ended up getting back to Detroit right on time! My dad was there to pick me up and before I knew it, I was home.
I had an amazing week, with amazing people, in an amazing country. Can’t wait for my return in Feb!
Day 1
Day one started out pretty nice, with me and my family opening gifts in the event that I wouldn’t be there on Christmas eve, when we usually open gifts. Needless to say I got a lot and everyone liked the pressies I bought them as well. I was planning on leaving for Detroit airport around 1:30-2:00, even though my flight didn’t leave until 6:40, because I figured the border crossing would be really bad, seeing as people do last minute Christmas shopping over there! But we quickly realized that it was literally a five minute wait to get through, and it was only a thirty minute drive to the airport, so considering I didn’t feel like waiting eight zillion hours for my flight to leave, we picked up some McDonalds instead. I get jittery before flights and stuff so I was only able to eat half of my ranch wrap, but it was still a decent meal because we got to watch all the planes take off and stuff, which I love.
After that, they dropped me off and said goodbye. I got in really quickly, and had nothing better to do than watch the horrible charity karaoke they had going on near my terminal. I wouldn’t have watched it if I’d have known it would last all the four hours I was going to have to wait there!

A lovely, blurry photo of Metro airport.
My flight didn’t leave until after seven, which concerned me as I had a connecting flight in Atlanta. The flight to Atlanta was short and smooth, but once I got there me and this girl tried finding our terminal together, which proved kind of difficult. Atlanta airport is not easy to navigate at all! Once we got to our terminal, I asked one of the workers why my ticket didn’t have a seat on it, and he said “because you’re not getting on the flight today, sorry.” So after almost crying, he told me it was a joke and soon enough, I was off!
We arrived in England a little bit late, but it turned out perfect because Brad wasn’t gonna be there until one, which was an hour after my flight was due to land. So he ended up waiting only about ten minutes for me. We got on the fab underground (the Piccadilly line, yay I’m learning), and two hours later, we were at his house.

His walls are fab.
The week was mostly a chill week and far less hectic than last time I was in England, so we just stayed in on Christmas Eve, as we’d be going out for Christmas the next day.
Day 2, 3, 4, 5
We woke up and went downstairs to open presents. I felt terrible because everyone got me so much stuff and even though I got everyone something little, they got me loads more. I got a fab necklace, an amazing hat, loads of park maps, an Alton bag with random stuff in it (thanks for the tie, Brad.. Haha), pyjamas, chocolate, socks, candies, and a broken Snoopy thing.
After opening presents, we had eggs for breakfast and then went to get ready, where Brad wore his brand new Toy Story 3 Sheriff’s badge that came with his alien watch, haha.

We also ate loads of chocolate before we left, and sadly some of the chocolate made its way out of my mouth and onto the bed, which made an unfortunate looking stain.

His room is usually really clean, until I get there and make it into a disaster..

So at one we were off to his aunt’s house, which was a fab, big house, although meeting all the family was intimidating, haha. We had dinner almost as soon as we got there, which was awesome aside from the curried goat or whatever it was. Then we sat and talked with relatives, read a Ripley’s Believe it or Not book, sat in the living room and chatted some more, until eventually going back home around seven.
The next day was more or less pretty similar, except we had dinner at Brad’s house instead with his stepdad’s relatives. The food was amazing! Later that night me, Brad and his two step brothers played Monopoly, where both of us got beat (Brad was disgraceful and a poor sport haha, but it was hilarious). That was the start of playing Monopoly pretty much every day that I was there though.
Either Monday or Tuesday night was the first night we properly went out anywhere, to the O2 arena for me to try Nando’s for the first time! The underground that was meant to take us there was down though, so we ended up having to take a bus. Here we are on our way!

A blurry one of the O2 arena!

The special line!
We got into Nando’s, sat down, and read the menu.

Very quickly, we both decided we were gonna get the chicken filet with “chips,” so we went to order it and much to our delight, they were both upgraded to double chicken filets. I got mine hot and extra hot, and he got his medium. I was happy when I realized that the extra hot actually was quite hot.
When I went to the bathroom, Brad took my camera and took random pictures.

He got water and I got Fanta!


The aftermath, although I did need help finishing the last little bit of my chips and burger.
After an amazing dinner, we walked around to see if there were any creds in the area. There weren’t, but I still got to see more of it, so I was happy.

We left, and when we got back to his house, we took random pictures of me being a gangster.

Then, we played Monopoly. I’m pretty sure this was the only game I won all week.

I love how the names are all English names! It’s amazing.

Me, winning!
Day 6
Day six was one of the best days of when I was in England. The London meetup! We left the house around ten, getting to the meetup spot just in time, where we met up with Maddie, Ollie, Lofty, Alan, Rob, and Ben. Before going anywhere, I opened the present Maddie bought for me and Brad!

Me and Brad on our way.

You asshole..

That’s better!

Hi guys!
We went to Winter Wonderland first, which would be the starting point and the ending point of our day. Me and Maddie got the kiddie cred before anything else!

We looked like idiots, although thanks to the photographer being a dweeb, we’re behind a bell, and a pole.

Thanks, photographer, for the picture of a random old dude. I’ll treasure it forever.

Me and Ms. Tyrell!

Ollie, Maddie, Taylor


Me and Alan!

OH MY GOD A MOOSE! I MUST be back in Canadia!

Chocolate buttons are just amazing.

Me and Lofty.

Very cute setup, I approve!

Me and Rob. Little did he know he was gonna get violated in a haunted attraction in just a mere few hours.

Aww it’s cute.

Badass theming!

Bradley looking spiffy.

Slowpokes! Hurry up so I can get my next cred!

Ah there we go! With me, Maddie, Lofty, and Rob in one little train, I was sure we were destined for death. But no, I was wrong. I was just destined for a broken sternum.


Me and my Benny <3 Who my aunt said was cute, not realizing he is a flaming gay, haha!

Creds, friends, Winter Wonderland, mild weather.. They all made me a happy Taylor!

They’re following me!

I want a pet penguin.

We didn’t ride this, but it looked cool.

Last cred of 2010 that I got to share with Lofty!

It looked like it would be an uncomfortable ride, but it wasn’t too bad I guess.

We debated if this was a cred or not, but decided that it wasn’t, so gave it a miss. It was in front of this that I decided to walk backwards and walk into a lady. Whoops.

We went back to this later at night.

Someone kept taking my camera and taking random photos of Ollie. I’m guessing it was Brad.
After Winter Wonderland, I dragged all the boys into Primark. I got a new bag, a sweater, sunglasses for my sister, and a necklace. Success!

Random buildings.

Double deckers are amazing.

I wish we had one in Canada.
After Primark we went to McDonalds, and I still think England McDonalds is crap, but whatever I had this time was lightyears better than that nasty oriental snackwrap thing I had last time. It was like, chicken and salsa. Across from the McDonalds was the “concrete thing” as I said to Ben!

We went on the underground (where we saw a lady get stuck in the doors, it was amazing) to where the London Eye and stuff is, so we could go to Death Trap, the new haunted attraction.

Ben looking fab.

I love it!

Big Ben is amazing and probably one of my favourite buildings in the world.

When we got to Death Trap, it was going to be a half an hour wait, so we just relaxed in the café for a bit and took random pics, and also played money folding games that made the Queen look silly.

Then it was time for our group to go in!

The attraction itself isn’t worth £12 but for the fiver we paid, it was a good deal and it was hilarious. Some of the bits were scary (the fire on the metal cage, ughh), some were funny (Alan and Ollie getting taken away), and some were hilarious (Rob getting violated on the floor).
Then it was time to go pick up AJ from Harrods!

After getting GayJ, we made our way to a pub. I had never properly been in one, so I was excited.

We couldn’t all get one table, so me, Brad, Ollie, and Maddie sat at one, and Ben, AJ, Alan, and Rob were at the other.

We played a game.. And I lost.


I promise these aren’t all mine!

We had a laugh at Ben’s passport.

Then it was back to Winter Wonderland for some drinks and funhouse times!

After that, we said goodbye to pretty much everyone, so it was just me, Brad, AJ, and Ben left. We were all gonna go out, but Brad ended up being sick (drinking on antibiotics tut tut) so we ended up just going home. Was a great day though and I <3 everyone!
Day 7 and 8
Day 7 was another relaxing day full of Scrabble and Monopoly. I lost Monopoly every time, but won Scrabble most of the time. I think we went to China Chef that night as well, which was amaaazing as usual.

We played Sims too! Here are our Sim kids, haha.

Day 8 was New Years Eve, and though I didn’t get any photos, it was a fun night. Predrinks at Brad’s house consisted of beer pong, ****heads, never have I ever, and some other game (schkol?). Needless to say we left feeling pretty good.
After a long long walk down a dark road, me, Craig, Brad, and Dean arrived at the place we were going. Was a typical party.. Drinking, more never have I ever, drama, etc. But it was a good time! And we rang in the New Year doing illegal things of greenness, so twas fab. At about one we went on the long walk back to Brad’s, and after failing to find any open food places, we ended up just making a four tier sandwich when we got back to his!

We ate it all!
Day 9 and 10
Day nine was my last full day in England, so literally just spent it in my pyjamas all day, relaxing. We watched TV, played our last games of Scrabble and Monopoly, and had more China Chef! Obviously it was a sad night, I had tears as I didn’t want to leave the next day!
We woke up early on day ten, as my plane left at one. I don’t even know why I bothered getting ready that day, as all my makeup just ended up running off when I was being a crybaby on the underground and at the airport. But, after a longish wait to check my bags and stuff, I said goodbye to Brad and was on my way home. I bought some amazing sandwich thing at Costa Coffee, almost lost my carry on bag, and had rage that the airport charged for WiFi. My plane left half an hour late, but it was a direct flight and it ended up getting back to Detroit right on time! My dad was there to pick me up and before I knew it, I was home.
I had an amazing week, with amazing people, in an amazing country. Can’t wait for my return in Feb!