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Stagnant UK Coaster Situation

Large Non Merlin parks.

  • Oakwood

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Drayton Manor

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Fantasy Island

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Blackpool Pleasure Beach

    Votes: 16 55.2%
  • Lightwater Valley

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Flamingo Land

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Adventure Island

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paultons (not including 2016 expansion)

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • West Midlands Safari Park

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pleasurewood Hills

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Dreamland

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Chris Brown

Mr CoasterForce 2016
With Merlins grip on the UK themepark industry ever tightening will we ever see a non Merlin park build a substantial ride again?

Looking through RCDB the last 'substantial' coaster built by a non Merlin park was arguably Mumbo Jumbo at Flamingo land way back in 2009. For a bit of perspective Single Ladies by Beyonce was the only song played on the radio that year and every teenager was locked away in their rooms quickscoping noobs on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

Anyway, my point is will we ever have substantial coasters built like this at the smaller parks again? Obviously the recession had a huge effect on the leisure industry and parks that haven't got huge advertising budgets are always going to suffer but will we ever have a break through? I long for the day I open the New's and Rumours thread and see a new coaster announced in the UK.

What Non Merlin park do you think would be most likely to add a new adult thrill coaster if any?
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Firstly, this is a great topic!

I think the best 3 potential candidates for building a large new coaster are Drayton Manor if they ever decide to stop **** about with Thomas Land, Blackpool Pleasure Beach if they can manage to fit one in and potentially Paultons. Paultons is a kiddy park right now but they are rapidly expanding and clearly have some monies in the bank to build 2 medium sized Vekomas at once so in a few years, we could potentially see them try and pull the adults in with a big coaster.

I think we could see non Merlin parks be more successful in the near future. I KNOW most people use BOGOF deals and **** but Merlin parks still ain't cheap to get into. I remember thinking £48 at the gate was too much but now its north of £50 which is going to put working class families off. And there's the Smiler accident which is still affecting Merlin today, there's lots of people at my uni (very near Alton) who are like "Oh I'll never go and visit now because I want to keep my legs and the other rides might be unsafe too".
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

The only ones I can realistically see getting major coasters soon are the Pleasure Beach, Drayton and Flamingo Land. Blackpool especially, considering all the rumours about at the moment.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

I agree, Drayton seem to be pumping cash into Thomas Land so perhaps they'll continue with that route as its clearly working. I'd love to see BPB get something big with all these rumours but the space constraints they have are so restricting I'm going to keep my expectations low. I've always thought Oakwood had a good initiative, they seemed to go with comparatively innovative ideas for the UK. The Woodie and the Eurofighter were both pretty adventurous but i don't have a clue how they are doing financially and they are pretty isolated right down in the southern point of Wales. Flamingoland seem to be going for quantity over quality so think we can see lots more crap before anything significant comes through. However they clearly have a fair bit of money to chuck around and a large piece of land where corkscrew used to stand...
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Without knowing financial information;

Oakwood - Has the space, but don't seem to have the drive to develop the park, and they arguably have two high thrill coasters already.
Drayton - Still milking the cash cow which is Thomas Land, although there's been rumours of a new coaster for a while. Even if said cred does actually get built, it will most likely be middle of the road, maybe a booster bike.
Fantasy Island - No space
Blackpool - not really got the space but they have worked wonders before, possible with the 2017 car teaser
Lightwater - Plenty of space, but I just don't think they have a few million to spare on a new coaster
Flamingoland - Probably the most likely to get something soon, desperate for a woody, Wooden Warrior would work really well there.
Adventure Island - Very much out of space without removing existing attractions, anything large just wouldn't fit.
Paultons - I don't think a large ride would fit the park, the current path they are going down is exactly what they should be focusing on.
WMSP - Think we should be lucky the park already has 3 creds, would be extremely surprised if they pulled out another one.
Pleasurewood Hills - This one. They've been investing for the past few years with Hobs Pit and Marble Madness, next step, large ride.
Dreamland - No chance, apart from the scenic, most other rides will be chopping and changing, can't see a large permanent cred going in there.

So PWH/Flamingoland.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

A few years ago I'd have probably said Flamingo Land. However, given that the park clearly doesn't give a flying **** about guest experience any more I can't see them making the effort to install anything particularly worthwhile these days. If they do add something, it'll probably be an exercise in box ticking, nothing more.

Drayton Manor and Blackpool both seem to have stagnated, and aren't spending the sort of money required to build a worthwhile coaster. Even if they do build invest enough money to build something significant, the question then becomes "Will what they build actually be any good?". Far too often the answer to that question has been "No, not really".

If the rumours floating around about Blackpool building a big Mack coaster are true then I'd be over the moon. As far as I'm concerned I'll believe that when I see it. I'm certainly not getting my hopes up.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Oakwood has been delaying the Sleepy Hollow themed area for the last couple of years, which suggests they don't have the money for that, let alone a new coaster.

I'd like to see something new at Drayton Manor and they were demolishing the old Mississippi boat when I visited last month, but I don't see a coaster going in that area.

Blackpool seems the only likely option, but I reckon it's more inevitable we'll see a new thrill coaster at one of the Merlin parks before we see one anywhere else...
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

I'm betting on Drayton Manor, the park rakes in money over the summer and half terms, Thomas Land has worked wonders for the park, I can see a big coaster in 2017 coming to them.

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Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Of all the parks, I can only really see Paulton's installing a somewhat noteworthy coaster in the next few years.

I would normally have said Drayton or Flamingo, but Drayton seems to be focusing majorly on Thomas Land (it's set for another expansion next year isn't it?) and Flamingo just seems to be stagnating full stop. So now, it's a struggle to imagine either of them getting something noteworthy.

Blackpool could be in with a shout, but it's just one of the places where I'll only really believe it when it's open. But if rumours are true, then I guess 2017/2018 could be the year..

Paulton's clearly have the drive and intent to invest given recent years, and next year's project seemingly shows they've got the money to make good investments too. I don't expect them to add an adult thrill coaster any time soon, but I could easily see them investing in a substantial family thrill coaster in the next few years the way they are going.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Yeah I'm going to jump on the Paultons/Drayton band wagon, they definitely seem the most likely to build something worth shouting about.

Like MouseAT, I would have said FL a few years back, but Hero was a good enough sign to see the direction they're going in....
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Hoping for Paultons (the south could really do with something decent that isn't merlin (ok we now have dreamland, but still))

Betting on Drayton. They already have some larger rides so already cater for a more adult market than Paultons so I think they might be more likely....however Paultons ARE on a roll at the moment.

Would be happy with anywhere to be honest as long as somebody puts something decent in!
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

I haven't been to Paultons, but I don't see it making sense for them to build a major coaster.

They've been doing brilliantly because they've focused on young family market. Grabbing Peppa Pig was brilliant, and something that Merlin should be kicking themselves over.

A successful, expanding park is not, however, any indication that they're suddenly going to throw millions at a major adult ride. They'd be stupid to not continue with what they're doing. The best we could realistically hope for would be perhaps a smaller woodie. That would be great, sure, but assuming that their next step is going to be a huge thrill ride is daft.

Drayton have realised where the money is coming from, which is why Thomasland is getting all the attention.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

I think once a non-Merlin park builds a large, QUALITY Coaster, then the coaster wars will spark once more in England. I emphasize quality, because your coasters either lack quality, or lack size. Nemesis is an extremely quality coaster, but isn't that big. The Big One is big, but lacks quality. Once B&M goes over there again to make a Hyper, or RMC goes anywhere, I think that'll do it.

And I think Paulton's is the best chance. Like gavin said, they're already doing great with the kid audience, but I think that if they add a small, or even a medium sized woodie, like a GCI, would spark the coaster wars. However, if they do add a woodie, I see them adding a small Gravity Group ala Wooden Warrior and Roar-o-Saurus.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

I'd welcome any new woodie, and a family one might be the most viable option for a park to test the water with the public. Hopefully some UK parks have been following what has been going on at Tayto Park with interest...

Also, it seems improbable but maybe Southport might be the next park to invest in a new coaster. I dug up the below article from earlier this year which shows the owner being serious enough to have a model made of it!

http://www.southportvisiter.co.uk/news/ ... op-8926372
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

^Thats Knightmare, so even if they got it (they won't) I wouldn't get excited about it reviving the UK coaster scene.

I could see Paulton's getting something like Wooden Warrior a good few years down the line, but that's the most extreme they'll go.

I don't see Flamingoland ever buying anything good.

Or anywhere to be fair. The U.K. has to accept our coaster situation sucks and just leave to go abroad.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

I know they are tight for space but I reckon if anyone can do it, it's Blackpool. Aren't they still the most popular park after the Merlin parks? And they still really cater for the thrill seeker too, Drayton have moved over to the family with the Thomas stuff but I think they would probably be next favourites? Surely they'll still want to keep enticing those slightly older?
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Ben said:
^Thats Knightmare, so even if they got it (they won't) I wouldn't get excited about it reviving the UK coaster scene.

Oh yeah, so it is... Never mind then! :lol:
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Yeah, it has to be the Pleasure Beach. They have the money and the drive and with the Project 2017 rumour, it's the biggest indication we've got so far of any park considering a new major investment. They're also the only park still adding new rides regularly, which cater for everyone, with Nickelodeon Land and Wallace and Gromit for families and Skyforce for thrillseekers this year.
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

Yeah, this saddens me really!
However, in the last few years, whilst Merlin have been quite inactive, a few UK parks have thankfully really made some significant steps forward.

Pleasurewood Hills- Expanded ride collection well and the whole place seems a lot more professional and better kept. Plenty of space for expansions!

Fantasy Island - Looks to certainly be on the rise, ironically since it entered administration. Odyssey seems to be much more reliable now, and in all honesty, expansions could realistically be made into the hordes of caravans.

Flamingo Land- Despite all the criticism this park receives, I quite like it really. Hero may be ****, but they clearly have space for expansion, and are able to maintain the park's decently. I feel like an investment is around the corner?

Blackpool- Never been, but Amanda's fab fountains, rennovations and new additions look to move the park in the right direction.

Paulton's - At it's current rate, will probably overtake Chessington as the best theme park for younger children and their families.

Oakwood- Signs of some promise!

Comapare these parks to Merlin's since 2013. Octonauts and Thorpe's dark ride are the only major additions. Thorpe have little space, as does Chessie!

But what about the possibility of an entirely new park like Paramount? I think there's a massive opportunity for a more 'American-style' park in the UK!

So the situation is not fantastic - but is starting to improve. Perhaps with the fallout from the Smiler might have a positive impact on the less-mainstream parks?
Re: Stagnant UK Coaster Situation.

CoasterCrazy said:
Paulton's - At it's current rate, will probably overtake Chessington as the best theme park for younger children and their families.
It already has! Anyways, to contribute to the discussion, as we are seeing major investment at Paultons next year, it will probably be another couple of years until the park builds something else major. I can't see them building a large scary coaster, as this would not attract the target market and the park doesn't really have the money for a ride of this type (the park says it is spending £8 million on the Lost Kingdom). I think the park is more likely to get a decent rapids/flume ride. As for other parks, considering the scaremongering done by the media after the Smiler accident, opening a large rollercoaster anytime soon would be foolish, as it is going to have far less of an impact due to the public being put off. Plus, its far more profitable to target the family market as ultimately parents have far more money than teenagers. Realistically its going to by 2018/2019 before anything major opens.