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"Slightly" Late Port Aventura/Tibidabo Photo Trip


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Ok, so this trip report has suffered a slight delay, mostly due to me uploading the photos months ago, completely forgetting, and now just realizing as I’ve opened up Photobucket to upload pictures from more recent trips, which I will now try and get done sometime before Taylor gets her menopause.

I can’t be arsed to check back on the exact dates now, but here are the crowds waiting to get into the park on opening day of Port Aventura.


I didn’t really take that many pictures here, since there’s really nothing that hasn’t been seen in plenty of trip reports before.

Getting here was really simple. It was just a 5 minute walk to the train station from where I was staying in Barcelona, then an easy train ride and 10 minute walk on the other end. I’m not one to complain, but the area could do with a bit of tidying up really. The cracked slabs, weeds and just the whole area in general are just a bit depressing.

Inside, the actual park was much nicer though, which was appreciated, and went some way to taking my mind off the pain of being ass raped at the ticket counter.


I headed straight for Furious Baco, and got on the first train of the day, which, I’m guessing, was also the first train of the season. I almost got my cock out right there and then, but then I remembered that I don’t actually give a **** about stuff like that.

Opinions. Really enjoyed the launch, but that was basically it. Rough? Not in the way that I’d define rough, no. Rough for me is sudden, bone-jarring smacks to the body and/or head. Baco didn’t do this to me, but it rattles. A lot. Right the way through the ride, and not in a fun “woodie” way either.


I went back around for a few more goes since it was still quiet, tried a few different seats, had words with some Spanish bastard who nicked my outside seat when I went to put my bag to the side, and didn’t enjoy the ride any more than the first time.

Still better than Rita though.


I thought the whole Polynesia area looked really nice.


It would’ve looked nicer if Tutuki Splash was open, but I was expecting this anyway.


Had a go on Sea Odyssey, which was walk on. Walk on still means half an hour before you actually get on the ****ing thing though. Not bad as far as simulators go, but that’s all it is: a simulator.


Oooohhhhh, what’s that over there? Go on, get the box of tissues ready. It’s coming up soon…


Tami Tami first.


I’ve been on a few of these now, but I’d say this was the best of them, simply for the water and palm trees and ****. Looked really nice.


Right then, here it is.


Does it deserve all the hype it gets? Absolutely! Brilliant coaster. I haven’t done a top ten reshuffle for a while, but when I do, I’m sure it will be up there. Best looper I’ve been on at least.

My only complaint isn’t with the coaster at all, but with the way it was being run. Granted, it wasn’t a particularly busy day, but a half hour wait surely warrants a second train? Plus, who the **** thought that queuing system was a good idea. It’s a mess. In fact, the queue lines for most things at the park are ridiculously confusing. On practically every ride, people were walking up and down aimlessly, looking for the right way to get in.

Later in the day the line was down slightly to about 20 minutes, so got a few more goes in, and loved every ride.


Hurakan Condor. Single rider line, which was nice, but would have been appreciated a lot more on Khan to be honest.


Still, an excellent drop tower. I managed to get goes on all the different sides. Definitely one of the best drop towers I’ve done, but didn’t manage to knock UFO off the top of my list. It was pretty much the only flat ride open as well. Not a big deal really, considering the rest of them looked **** anyway.

A couple of goes on Lift Hill: The Ride. Looks very nice, but doesn’t do much unfortunately.


Then on to Tomahawk, before its murder conviction.


I was really surprised by this one. NOT a kiddy coaster at all really, despite how “small” it is. I’m glad I didn’t have to wait for it though since that **** ing singing vulture thing was getting on my tits.

Apologies for the really crappy Stampida picture, but you’ve all seen it before.


I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m either one tough mofo, or most other people are just whining pussies because I just didn’t find it half as bad as most people make it out to be.

Ok, so I didn’t ride it before the new train debacle, so I obviously don’t know what I’m talking about, but I actually quite enjoyed it. The first drop in the back rows is excellent, and the rest of it is pretty fun, if nothing special. Admittedly, a couple of goes on each side was more than enough, but it’s not the crippling torture device I was expecting.

I was going to put a couple more pictures, but it seems that’s all I’ve uploaded.

General impressions. Lovely park with some gorgeous theming and an overall really nice atmosphere. One amazing coaster. One amazing flat ride. An ok woodie. A great launch, but forget the rest of the coaster it’s attached to, and the a whole plethora of mediocrity.

On opening day, rides should be open. There seemed to be serious staffing issues, with coasters being run on a skeleton staff and way too many rides not even open at all.

Having said all that, I really enjoyed my day here and would definitely come back, though I’d probably wait for the season to kick in next time to get a bit more for my money.

I’ll get Tibidabo up sometime in the next couple of days. As per ****ing usual I’ve written way too much already and I’ve got an episode of Wife Swap to get watched before I get to bed….
Re: "Slightly" Late Port Aventura/Tibidabo Photo T

gavin said:
Rough? Not in the way that I’d define rough, no. Rough for me is sudden, bone-jarring smacks to the body and/or head.

Exactly what I felt it gave me on the outside seats. But yes, better than Rita.

Great park, Good trip report.
Hi, gavin..

I am glad to see somebody with backbone counter the opinions of those who complain of roughness.

I really don't see problems especially with Baco, I mean its a bit shakey but nothing on the rough side.

Good trip report, makes a enjoyable read.
Nice report Gavin, straight to the point and I had a good laugh reading it.

Good to see you didn't find Stampida that rough as I found it quite good too. Tomahawk was rougher but more fun I found.
Glad someone else thinks Stampadia is good fun and not rough. Baco however is bloody rough, it just hurt, giving me a headache, launch is good though.
Sweet report, Port Aventura is one of the parks I decided I have to do one day, not only for the rides, but for the scenery, which looks better and better with every picture I see of the place! As for Dragon Khan, I'm glad it lived up to the hype for you, and I hardly even wanna talk about Hurakan Condor.. Tears would form if I went on it, that's for sure. Stampida? Well, I've never been on it, but I agree with you that people can be whiney little babies when it comes to rough rides.

Great read :)
Gavin, I'm sorry to report that since you liked Hurakan I no longer respect you as a human being.
Ben said:
Gavin, I'm sorry to report that since you liked Hurakan I no longer respect you as a human being.

I'll bet he's absolutely gutted! :P

That vulture is particularly irritating Gavin, we had to put up with both that and Will for about half an hour waiting for Tomahawk :(

I think you had pretty much the same experience we had in September, it certainly reminds me of pretty much our trip there. I don't know if Baco is better than Rita, I've never done Rita with a hangover so I can't compare the two :)

Stampida is good fun, but it's a little too jarring to ride too many times (especially if you have a dodgy back).

Dragon Khan is lush though :)
Re: "Slightly" Late Port Aventura/Tibidabo Photo T

gavin said:
I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m either one tough mofo, or most other people are just whining pussies because I just didn’t find it half as bad as most people make it out to be.

They are whining pussie.

I like Stampida as well and I've been on both the new trains and the old ones.
Would I ride Rita again? yes.
Would I ride Baco again? No.

Rita is better :)

Good report Gavin, look forward to the next part.
Screaming Coasters said:
Baco is better, you're a wimp. In fact, Baco is the best so shush you heads everyone.

Yeah. BOTH Erol and I say this, and since no-one apart from either of us is either allowed an opinion, that makes us ultra-right on this, and thus no-one else can even think about having an opinion.
Wow Gavin!

I thought you would never ever do this Trip Report :P lolz

I told you the park would be understaffed and not at its best but I am glad you still enjoyed the coasters.

About Baco, it has to be the best European Accelerator. The launch is simply awesome and despite its roughness still provides a solid and intense ride, maybe a bit too intense but it's the inline that makes up for the rest of the crappy layout.

About Khan. Haven't ridden it in a long time but I still rank it highly. Maybe I don't enjoy it as much as you did because I am too used to its forces.

About Stampida and Tomahawk. LOL that's the surprise. Tomahawk looks so innocent but ironically, during the dueling helix it actually travels faster than the bigger coaster next to it. And Stampida, well I must admit it has lost airtime, speed and excitement with the new trains. The old ones provided a bumpy but enjoyable ride whilst the new one really slam you from side to side and that's not funny.

Really looking forward to the PTR from Tibidabo. Shame you couldn't find me :P But oh well, we had met before in Barcelona.
Before I get onto Tibidabo, I’ll just post a few general pictures of Barcelona, which was gorgeous. There’s really no particular order here. Some were taken before PA and Tibidabo and some in the days after that.

First off, a HUGE thank you to Oriol, who was the perfect tour guide and just all-round super-nice great guy, for showing me around.

Some old Roman stuff:


We took a bus up to Park Guell, which was gorgeous and designed by Gaudi.


Very Hansel and Gretel gingerbread house.



General sunny gorgeousness and a happy lobster.



The PETA convention center.


I always forget that Barcelona is a coastal city. It’s no Blackpool, but still pretty nice.


There’s loads of public art around, and not the kind of “frowin’-away-our-taxes-on-bloody-rubbish-when-there’s-no-beds-in-‘ospitals” stuff you’d get in the U.K.


Well, I like this kind of stuff anyway. The Head by Roy Lichtenstein.


And Tribute to Barceloneta, by Rebecca Horn. I love her stuff, so I got a bit excited.


More Gaudi coolness.


And this ugly thing.


I obviously had to have a look at the Sagrada Familia, which was every bit as stunning as I was expecting.


Quote of the trip, by a middle aged American couple standing in line behind me to get in: “It’s a little expensive. We’ll be in Spain again next year, so maybe we can visit then, when it’s finished.”



Ok, so onto Tibidabo. I went here the day after Port Aventura. The weather was crappy, but I decided to just go anyway and hope for the best. I’d been out the night before, and woke up with a hangover and a random, who I invited to come with me to the park, since Oriol had kindly given me 2 passes a few days earlier.

In case you didn’t know already, Tibidabo is on top of a mountain, along with some building that the Mary worshippers go to.


Usually there’s a fantastic view, but with the weather being crappy we couldn’t see too much that day. I wasn’t expecting to be able to though, so no complaints there. Actually, I quite liked the whole misty/foggy atmosphere, and it meant that the park was practically empty, too.

The (kind of) famous weird plane thing:


I’m glad it was quiet because I’m guessing the throughput on this thing is awful. Didn’t have to worry about that though.


After the plane, we had a go on the other home-made ride, which actually freaked me out a bit.


Top Spin. Wouldn’t have bothered personally, but it was a walk on, and my new friend wanted to try it. Same as any other really.


Ok, time to be honest here. Part of the reason I invited the guy along is because I wanted to try out Kruger Hotel, a horror walk-through, and I really didn’t want to do it by myself.


Sounds stupid I know. I’ve been in enough of them by myself before. I used to work in one for **** ‘s sake, but I’d heard this one was worse than most. It was excellent though. Best thing at the park really, and probably the best horror walk through I’ve done after Haunted Hospital at Fuji Q.

The other walk through was crap in comparison, but obviously designed for kids. It looked nice from the outside anyway.


Had a go in the 4D cinema, which shows the same film as The Haunted House at Lotte World. Bet you didn’t know that.

Riding log flumes in the rain always feels weird to me, but we had a go anyway.


The powered coaster was down because of the weather, which Oriol had warned me about, so I wasn’t bothered. The new Vekoma coaster was running though, and was walk on.


I can’t imagine ride ops on any other coaster getting views like this at work.


The coaster was really good. It’s not going to break any top ten lists, but it’s a smooth, fun, and surprisingly forceful ride. The drop feels bigger than it actually is because of the mountain. No airtime, but looking at it you wouldn’t expect any anyway.



We probably rode it 6 or 7 times. Yeah, decent coaster.

I was just about to get on the air diver when it got stuck.


It was up there for about 10-15 minutes and then was brought slowly back down. I thought about leaving, but it opened up soon enough. I had to do this one by myself though. Action shot!



This is after it stopped swinging, and no, it shouldn’t be at that angle. I broke it! When it dropped, something locked/got stuck. I hit the back of my left ankle on something. I’m guessing now because the car didn’t swing the way it was supposed to? Anyway, apart from that, great ride! It shouldn’t look like this:


So having established that the air diver wouldn’t be reopening any time soon, it was time to leave.

Tibidabo is a lovely little park. It didn’t even matter that one of the coasters was closed or that the weather was crappy. It just has a really nice atmosphere and a decent selection of quirky rides.
gavin said:
And this ugly thing.


I'm going to guess you didn't call this ugly whilst there, since, you're still alive and everything... It has NOTHING on the Gherkin though!
It's what my friends and I (while out clubbing) would refer to as "a Bette Midler."

It looks good From a Distance but as you get closer....
Haha, the kiddie walk through is fab! Although I remember it being dangerous...
(The pizza at the cafe next to it was VULGAR too... remember that ben? Bleugh.)

The big walk through <3 <3. Not as good as the one at Parque in Madrid though.

Glad you had fun, Tibi is fab!

Oh yeah, bucket-on-a-stick scared the CRAP out of me too, especially when it stopped/started moving when we were at the top, and the bucket rocks loads. UGH!
gavin said:
It's what my friends and I (while out clubbing) would refer to as "a Bette Midler."

It looks good From a Distance but as you get closer....

Haha, I've not heard that one! I like! I just used "hideous" :P (Oriol'll kill me when he reads that :S)

Jake said:
(The pizza at the cafe next to it was VULGAR too... remember that ben? Bleugh.)

Remember it? It's STILL repeating on me </3