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Six Flag Mexico versus Six Flags San Antonio


Roller Poster
As Six Flags Mexico will not be open on Wednesdays in October, it don't will fit I my Travel Plans visiting all Six Flags Parks this Fall. So I MUST decide between Six Flags Mexico and Six Flags Fiesta Texas
Could you give me a help which Park better to miss?

Which Park has more Rides/Shows in October that not ANY OTHER PARK IN THE WORLD have??

Respond to Struffe@me.com

Give me also a Message if you like to join my journey and SAVE, as 2 pay mostly the same Fee for Accomodation as 1...

Also PLEASE tell me, if you could help with Transportation at 6F Parks that are not accessable by Public Transport before they open or/and after they close, like at SFGAdventure or MM at late Closures (Fright Fest)