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Giga Poster
Question, because people around me seems to vary a lot.

Do you shower in the morning or the evening? (Before sleeping or after sleeping).

Or maybe you don't shower at all? Or shower once a week? Or month?

I always shower after I wake up, purely because I like to start my day clean? Also cause when I sleep, If it's hot I sweat a lot and it defeats the whole point of having a shower, in order to have another shower when I wake up unclean.
I also shower in the morning 'cause my hair styles when clean and flat, and after I sleep with product in it flattens and cannot be fixed ;)
I shower before work and after working out. If I'm off, it varies depending on how much activity I've done.
Evening for me. I hate going to bed dirty and it's the one point in the day where I'm closest and most intimate with anybody - so cleanliness is always important.

During the day, I'm just at work or out and about - bollocks to anybody then :p

If I showered in the morning, I'd also have to get up like ten minutes earlier and I prefer to sleep as late as possible.

I suspect that it comes from us not having a shower until I was a late teenager, and a bath each morning is just completely impractical so it was always an evening thing. At uni, likewise I don't think I had a shower until my third year house, and then went without one again for a couple of years in other rented accommodation. I finally got a permanent shower about 8 years ago - so the idea of "a quick shower" is still relatively alien to me. I also found there was no such thing when I had long hair either - that was a nightmare to try and wash and condition even with a shower.

So yeah, it's evenings for me because that's what has always been the best option.
Evenings if I've got work in the morning as I'd rather spend the time in bed.

Mornings at weekends or on holidays if I'm not getting up early.
Morning. I can't go out without having one as I just feel dirty. I know it's psychological, but can't help it. Baths happen only after dark, usually on a Sunday evening. With candles :)
I don't like the feeling of showers in the morning, it just feels unconfortable...I don't get it either XD evenings for me. Plus, on a hot night, if you have a cold shower you can get to sleep muuuuch easier.
Whenever the bathroom's free, be it morning or evening. Usually it's evening as my bathroom's always in use in the mornings and my housemates moan when I take a shower even though one of them has showers that literally last over an hour...
Morning guy here. I am a person who wakes up and goes back to sleep 3 more times until I look at the clock and yell "OH S**T!" A shower wakes me up so for me it's a must.
Most days, I shower in the morning. Its a nice and refreshing start to the day.

If I go to the gym, go biking, etc before around midday, then I shower after that. If I do those things later in the day, then I just shower twice in the day.

Only other time it changed significantly was during the summer when I worked at a catering place. I'd often have early starts and come home smelling of all sorts, so it was nice to shower in the evenings then.
First thing in the morning, I just need to clean up and wake up, then as soon as I get home from track practice every afternoon, I hate feeling sweaty and gross all night.
During the week I shower in the morning, I like to go to work feeling fresh and clean.
If its a particuarly hot day or if I go to the gym i'll have one in the evening aswell.

At the weekends it depends on what i'm up to and whichevers more convenient.
I don't know how people shower regularly at night, but not morning. I understand doing both, I understand its gross going to bed dirty, but I cannot stand how it feels to go to work or out and about with a nights worth of grime. I shower at night also if I feel gross, like of I've been out all day in summer.

People say you don't get grimey over night, well in that case you don't sweat like a normal person. And if you're male, there's something wrong with you. Clearly not enough testosterone. :p Also eye gunk and... Eugggh! Need a shower to feel fresh!

Antiperspirant dodorant needs to go on clean. It DOES NOT WORK over the top of deodorant from last night nor does it work if applied after you start sweating. Oh, and it doesn't work if you put it on without drying yourself, either. You either smell, or you dont sweat much and prob don't need deodorant at all.

Teeth are the same, I do them twice a day, but if I was going to do it once, it has to be BEFORE going out, even though hygenically it makes more sense before bed.

I often don't shower in the morn. This isn't me being ocd cleanliness otherwise is shower at night, its about presentation to the rest of society. It's a case of whether I'm going out of not.

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If you consistently have "eye junk" Joey, I'd recommended Blephaclean or Blephagel, because it's not normal to happen more than once or twice a month unless you sleep for over 12 hours every night. :p

For me, I regularly change my bedsheets, like every week, so unless I'm actually feeling dirty and disgusting I only shower in the morning.

Baths are best though, but you have to either have two one after the other, or shower immediately before. Bathing in your own filth <///3
I never feel dirty or grimy in the mornings. I don't use deodorant either after a shower at night and don't smell in the morning (Madame_furie would be the first to tell me of I was a stinker). I just put deodorant on first thing because I always sweat during the day when awake and about (I am well aware of my own body smell if I've not used deodorant).

So I must be odd, and not have enough testosterone or whatever, but I'm fine in the mornings.
How vile are you if you wake up THAT gross? How are you grosser after just lying there unconscious than walking about, sitting in an office, doing stuff?

I don't have time to shower in the morning, no way.

And why would you shower at night and then put on deodorant?

So weird.

I literally find in the morning the weirdest thing.