Giga Poster
I was looking at some of the ratings given to some rides just now, and I look at them, and question whether some of these people are like whimps, havn't ridden something, boring farts who try not to enjoy a ride, or if they're just being stuck up "oooh I've been on 5,000 coasters, it was a minion to me that one.", or prehaps the people who rate them don't actually enjoy coasters like a true enthusiast should enjoy the "Painful Pinfari's" and "Kiddies Katerpillars", for example:
Ok, Pinfari loopers hurt, but they are still a coaster and fun at places.
Name coasters that are TRUELY worth a rating 1/10 :?
The thread description said rant. XD
Ok, Pinfari loopers hurt, but they are still a coaster and fun at places.
Name coasters that are TRUELY worth a rating 1/10 :?
The thread description said rant. XD