I'm not really sure if this is the right section of the forums to put this in. Please move it if it isn't.
With the new trains, there has been some rumors about OTSRs. That bites. That would just give it the complaints like Revolution at SFMM.
I like the new colour scheme idea. It blends in too much with Great Bear the area...
I hope that Hersheypark goes on with these ideas.
*In case there are some people out there who don't know, SDL means SooperDooperLooper.*
Your thoughts?
Info Source: TPR's East Coast Bash exclusive behind-the-scenes tour at Hersheypark.
And... 400th post!
So? SDL has been in need of renovation for a while. There hs also been some talk of changing the colour scheme back to the original white. There is also been talk about a new lift and magnetic brakes. I can't really see the magnetic barkes on SDL, but that is what they are saying...TPR said:We learned an interesting thing during our maintenance shop tour at ECB. sdL is getting new trains for next year. They are being made by Gerstlauer. The head guy wouldn't say whether or not they would be lap bar only, he kinda smirked and avoided the question.
With the new trains, there has been some rumors about OTSRs. That bites. That would just give it the complaints like Revolution at SFMM.
I like the new colour scheme idea. It blends in too much with Great Bear the area...
I hope that Hersheypark goes on with these ideas.
*In case there are some people out there who don't know, SDL means SooperDooperLooper.*
Your thoughts?
Info Source: TPR's East Coast Bash exclusive behind-the-scenes tour at Hersheypark.
And... 400th post!