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RMC Introduces Wild Moose Coaster


Giga Poster
It's got nothing in common with a Wild Mouse but the footprint. And the layout seems just dull. Never in my life would I have thought I'd say this, but I'd rather ride a Wild Mouse or Spinning Mouse but this RMC.

I can definitely see your point, but knowing RMC and what they could do in terms of a layout, I'd be very be interested to see how this concept develops. The compact footprint, likely lower cost and target audience may move us a step closer to finally seeing an RMC in the likes of the UK. One can hope anyway.


Giga Poster
I'm going to resurrect this thread because there are rumors that this will premiere sooner rather than later.

Darren Torr, president of RMC, told Amusement Today recently that "You’ll see Wild Moose coasters in production shortly". Blooloop also released an article championing the coaster last week, no word on sales but they're typically a canary for big new industry projects.

Now the culprit allegedly is Lost Island Theme Park. All this is courtesy of a "Something Hot is Coming" teaser that features printouts of both the Wild Moose and prototype Raptor layouts, presented at NoCoasterCon last weekend. Pay no mind to the audio, it's borrowed from their drop tower pre-show;

Now the questions are, have they talked to RMC? Probably, mulling over new attractions is something that parks do nonstop. Will they actually build the Wild Moose, or even a Raptor? Who knows?

Personally I feel like this would not be a great choice. The park's attendance figures are still excruciatingly low and the extremely successful waterpark next door is what's carrying it over the finish line. Marketing is what they need, and there could be $6-million put into that instead of a new coaster. It likely doesn't help that an RMC prototype in a park with two somewhat-troublesome secondhand coasters wouldn't be a smart call.

Overall however, I'd keep an eye on the Wild Moose, we do seem to be on the verge of one happening...


Roller Poster
I'm going to resurrect this thread because there are rumors that this will premiere sooner rather than later.

Darren Torr, president of RMC, told Amusement Today recently that "You’ll see Wild Moose coasters in production shortly". Blooloop also released an article championing the coaster last week, no word on sales but they're typically a canary for big new industry projects.

Now the culprit allegedly is Lost Island Theme Park. All this is courtesy of a "Something Hot is Coming" teaser that features printouts of both the Wild Moose and prototype Raptor layouts, presented at NoCoasterCon last weekend. Pay no mind to the audio, it's borrowed from their drop tower pre-show;
View attachment 29389

Now the questions are, have they talked to RMC? Probably, mulling over new attractions is something that parks do nonstop. Will they actually build the Wild Moose, or even a Raptor? Who knows?

Personally I feel like this would not be a great choice. The park's attendance figures are still excruciatingly low and the extremely successful waterpark next door is what's carrying it over the finish line. Marketing is what they need, and there could be $6-million put into that instead of a new coaster. It likely doesn't help that an RMC prototype in a park with two somewhat-troublesome secondhand coasters wouldn't be a smart call.

Overall however, I'd keep an eye on the Wild Moose, we do seem to be on the verge of one happening...
Lost Island should definitely be adding a new coaster (or two) because a new coaster  is marketing. I'm sure they didn't make the decision last minute, it's probably been in the works for a couple years. For all we know the park planned for last year's low attendance numbers, it was still under construction when it opened.

Lost Islands had probably already contracted RMC for the Raptor, then RMC offered the Wild Moose at a discount or delayed payments, it's a win-win situation.


Giga Poster
Lost Island, what are you DOING?

In May we were hit with a heavy bait-and-switch announcement, hyped up extensively only to be for hot sauce;

Now they're shopping around hot sauce samples to guests, asking if it tasted "Fiery like a Raptor" or "Bold in flavor like a Wild Moose". Not exactly subtle;
Suddenly there's a banner advertising Something Hot Is Coming in 2025 (rollerjoelster on insta), located in front of a very prime piece of real estate by Matugani.

So in this little swirl of RMC, Hot Sauce, and the first Wild Moose, the question now becomes whether they've grabbed one new coaster or two.