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Rank the SBFs you've done

Rob Coasters

Rob Poster
After getting my SBF count to 10 yesterday I thought I'd make this.

#1 Mad Mouse - Clarence Pier: Comfort collars...? At least they weren't too bad. Coaster was 'aight.
#2 Tidal Wave - Clarence Pier: Fun ride with a vicious drop in the back seat, bug it's very much a ride carried by one element.
#3 E.R.S. - Babylon Park: Objectively not a good ride at all, but my rides with my brother were full of comedy and hilarity.
#4 Runaway Train - St Nicholas Park: First taste of 'twin helix', was quite enjoyable.
#5 Cyclone - Barry Island Pleasure Park: Rode notably worse than the mouse with a brake run that completely ruins the ride; it's a harshness that goes too far.
#6 Doggy Dog - Old Macdonald's Farm: Modified Wacky Worm layout for reasons I haven't quite figured out.
#7 Whirlwind - Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach: My first taste of the spinning two loop, it had oddly more kick to it than what I was anticipating.
#8 Racing Coaster - Brent Cross Fair: Not very interesting, the first lap is alright then it gives you nine too many.
#9 Gold Mine - Pavilion Fun Park: Nice location
#10 Caterpillar - Hemsby Fun Park: An oval