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Project Xera - RCT3 - Updated 5th January '10


Strata Poster
Not giving away too much, but I am starting (and hopefully finishing) a new project :)

I do apologise, I have RCT3 in the highest quality, but the machine I'm running it on just fails, thus, the pictures are ****.


Let the guessing games begin :p
^ Correct Martyn.

Now, I don't many other pics yet as I haven't been on RCT3 today, but I will tell you it's name and what it means:


Extremely sacred or inviolable.
Not to be entered or trespassed upon.
^ And you will now :) Before you view, I would just like to say a few things:

1. I know it has no theme as of yet. I am working on that as you read :)
2. The entrance is currently right next to the ride because I needed guests to help test with dispatch and blocking systems. It will be moved and done properly once I begin expanding the park.
3. The lake and landscape are still under construction ;)

Right, here we go! This is the station and it will be undercover/themed:

And the drop in the bottom left goes to what, you say...:p That's right, rolling launch :) :

Banked turn, then AIRTIME:

Some zero-g:

View of 2nd and 3rd inversions, plus MCBR:

View of whole ride:

And that is Sacrosanct...so far...
I really like the layout, small compact and unique.

I don't think I can say much more until I see more development, I hope terraining and themeing comes soon, just to spice up my mind :--D
Looks very impressive at the moment but it will look a lot better when the scenery comes in
With the park all I'm going to say is Good Luck!
Right, sorry for lack of updates, it's just this project is a bit stop/start.

However, I have a family coaster :)




And a shot and drop double tower :)


So...erm, yeah...I will do more stuff, better stuff, I hope...soon...
Finally an update, good progressive work, however I would like to see more terraining and theme please :p

I like the trees and kiddie coaster interweaving etc, good job!
^ Terraining: Yes - in the process of.

Themeing: It's not my speciality, so I'm just playing around with it at the moment.

But thanks :)
Loving the family coaster and its starting to look better than what I first saw.
Looking forward to the log flume!
Thank you both :)

I'm still in the process of finishing up on terraining the Log Flume and putting the finishing touches to the area, but I will post some more shots soon :)

The next update should contain a lot more than my previous ones :)
I'm proud of your log flume! Your best ride so far, I just would encourage you to practise themeing and building, use that building creator then load it into the game. It pays off!
^ Yes, the reason updating is slow is because I have been practising in a spare sandbox my buildings and testing other things :) I hope to get some in soon :D

And thanks :)

So here are some more shots of the Flume:


Different textures look good, and the way the flume flows through the terrain looks great!

Keep it going