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Probally the BEST visit this year :)


Giga Poster
Hmmmm, where do I start.

- Operations were spot on.

- No breakdowns other than Saw once.

- Saw now got its SRQ back :--D

We always start with Inferno, Det, Stealth so I dont really need to say any more.



Yes the BO thing isn't actually in force you know!

I'll just do highlights now so you all dont get bored...

The highlights start with me gaining a SRQ Stealth front row. Then after rides and a wander, we saw Holly, and she would be on Slammer upto 2pm. So thats the direction we would go in after seeing Jonny on Quantum.


Jonny Rocket :)

After, we got to Slapps, and went onto the front row of it at our choice. The cycle started and I thought; Hold on? I recognize them on the other side. Yeah, a few friends from school, lol! What are the chances of that! They shat bricks while we were arms up.

Met up with them for a few mins after, and they wanted to do Samurai, so while waiting for that we did 2 on Saw and caught them on their ride!


After we split off as we wanted to do a visit to the soak zone. It was very hot. We caught them AGAIN under Inferno!

Hmmm can't remember order, but I know it involves whoring Stealth (and getting another SRQ front row to spite my mother :wink: ) and Saw. The SRQs were moving fast. We also got a shot of Ali doing his thing.


We had got around everything we wanted. Now just to do Colossus on front row, of which while waiting my mum got a text from Ewan saying if we were at the park or not. We planned to meet up for the last hour for Saw riding. Dropping off the top of Colly, we noticed Saws gates were shut!! oh ****!

Dont worry it re-opened very quickly.

The Last hour - The interesting part

While waiting for Ewan to get to the park, we did Inferno twise. Only to realize my mum had run out of credit on her phone! ****, so now we couldnt tell him where we were. All we knew is he would be doing Rush & Stealth on the way in.

We waited outside Rush, of which we found out he had alreadly been here from staff! So we RAN to Stealth. Looked around. Nope. (Had a quick ride) We RAN back to Rush to see if he was looking for us. We saw Chris and had a quick talk. Then Ewan phoned to find out where we were. He just got off Inferno! So we finally met at Stealth. Queue was about 25 mins, so we thought, **** that shoot up the FT and skip it. Ewan had a friend with him. First timmer on Stealth. She shat herself!! Seriously funny times :wink: That was also my 17th ride on it that day :--D

We now went over to Saw. 20 mins to 8pm. We can do 2 rides in that time ;) If we cheat! Yep. Up SRQ up the Disabled queue. On the ride :--D The staff over there were getting used to us now lol This was run 11.

We wanted a night ride, but the main queue was only 25 mins long. Oh well. Not to worry. We moved to the back of the queue after 8pm passed. Of which Ewan went through some techy stuff about Saw that I couldn't understand! Got closer to the building. Of which Ewan got worried when there were people in the ride area!! Dont worry, just the engineer and his daughters. They joined us in the queue. We talked about whats happening about FN's. The engineer showed us a video of what THEY have in store for us ;) Seriously funny! Im not telling tho :--D

The engineer then talks about stuff they are doing with Saw and around the park. I now got a better understanding of things and why they are not getting fixed right now. But he filled us with a lot of hope, once saw finishes pissing about. Theres also a few other things talked about that I can't say on a public forum, but I will be getting my Saw rides in now!

So we got the very last car of the day. At sunset. Lovely. Was a brilliant photo too :)


After that it was a bit of faffing around in the Saw area. I was suprised at the amount of staff that know us now :shock: I could list a few that were new to speaking with today, like Jess, James, Beach Ball (Can't remember name now), Michael, and that engineer. Aswell as the normal, Ali, Holly, Ewan, Chris, Jonny. Dont normally see them all in one day.

Such a great day. I mean I also hit my target of 40 rides in a day!!!

Stealth x17 (3 Front)
Saw x12
Inferno x5 (1 Front)
Rush x4
Colossus x1 (Front)
Slammer x1
Quantum x1
Det x1
Rumba x1
Fish x1

Thats 44 rides :--D

Great day. If only all visits could be like this!!
I don't actually know how you get so many rides in, do you actually stop to eat or drink anything?

I'm very intrigued about what they have planned for fright nights.