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Plopsaland (27/6/09)


Goon of the Year
As a most of you know, a load of us went to Plopsaland.

we departed leaving England via dover


Misty 7am crossing



Yes he really is...


Washing Machine















Peter in the stocks


Martyn after the log flume







Group photo:

All my photos:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... 9c6032a799

Twas a great day, very long but very enjoyable! And Anubis is awesome! 9/10!
Anubis was AMAZING! Smooth as a baby's bum =] I'm sure everyone who went on the trip will agree with me it really was a world class coaster, the best I've ridden this year so far.

Plopsaland was a strange place, I'm sure if I'd recognised the characters I would've understood the place a whole lot more. It reminded me a lot of Disneyland Paris for some reason. I liked how they really made an effort, the characters were always out and the *annoying* music was always playing to create atmosphere. Like Leighton said, the park has a ton of potential, especially since they added Anubis.

The only let down with the park was merch. I bought an ORP, only because I collect them but the frame was a generic crappy 'Plopsa' themed one rather than specifically Anubis and mostly all the merch was for the TV shows rather than the rides and park itself, which was a bit annoying. I think the only things we found with 'Plopsaland' on were a hat, an umbrella and a sippy cup.

Also, food was good.
Excellent pictures and great POV Mushy!

I wish I could have come, but, I don't have a passport :P

And lol Martyn getting drenched xD

So, what is Anubis like then?
nadroJ said:
Anubis was AMAZING! Smooth as a baby's bum =] I'm sure everyone who went on the trip will agree with me it really was a world class coaster, the best I've ridden this year so far.
I'll need to get a bit of money together first to get my passport :P Plus, it seemed pretty cheap for you all to go, so it'll be good for a day trip or long weekend, perhaps visiting another park nearby.

Glad you all had a good time anyway :)
Was a really relaxed and enjoyable day out! The only thing I didn't like was the way some of the rides opened a hour or two after the park opened as it eats into ride time.

We managed to get all the roller coasters, the log flume, uber-high chair swings and the Forest of Plop done. Queues were no longer than 15-20 mins. Longest queues were for the Flat Buyers (Batflyers) and Anubis.

Anubis was the reason I decided to go back to the park, the videos and images I has seen tempted me back.

It didn't disappoint. Thorpe should have got one of these rather than a Eurofighter. Despite it having a lower capacity than Saw and having just 2 of the 3 trains in operation, the queue moved quickly. Top marks to the staff at the park for processing us!

The ride is mega smooth and I think rolling launches are the way to go. It blew my socks off when I exited the marvelously themed station (spooky mansions are win compared to dusty warehouses) and rolled down to the launch to be THROWN up the top hat and through some tightly packed inversions and banked turns.

It's not an over-thrilling ride but it's well paced and satisfying. I'd even go as far as saying it's the best new coaster I've been on since Stealth in terms of providing an initial thrill and leaping way above pre-expectations. As Jordan said, go ride it!

Away from the rides, everything else fell together nicely. Company was excellent, food was good, staff were polite and efficient - always happy to help despite communicating in broken French/English. Oh and the weather was amazing.

Brilliant day out at the park, nicely polished off with a trip to De Panne's seafront, buying enough tobacco that will last EIGHT months for a third of the UK price and a calm sailing back to Blighty.

Yep, if I woke up tomorrow as Bill Murry staring in a RomCom with Andie MacDowell, I'd hope that day would be my Groundhog Day.

Cheers everyone!
Plopsaland looks like a pretty nice decent park especially with the addition of Anubis! Great to hear that Anubis is a decent ride and the mansion themed station/queue looks amazing.
It was amazing!!

A year or so ago the park would have seemed quite average, being aimed at children and offering little more than a few generic cloned coasters and a few flat rides, Despite everything being well themed*

Then the go and build what could possibly be one of the best coasters I have ridden!

The park are really onto a winner with that ride and I think it could do to Plopsaland what Megafobia did for Oakwood, and what Expedition Geforce has done for Holiday Park.

*I am not implying that anything at Oakwood or Holiday Park has actually been themed.
Leighton said:
The park are really onto a winner with that ride and I think it could do to Plopsaland what Megafobia did for Oakwood, and what Expedition Geforce has done for Holiday Park.
Well it got us over there!

Good job too, Plospa is a really lovely park - kind of the serenity of Oakwood mixed with high quality theming!

The journey over was pretty painless (with one notable exception - note to self, DON'T FORGET PASSPORT IN FUTURE, ahem), off the ferry we were into Belgium and at De Panne in no time.

As we entered the park I wasn't sure if I was going to like it - the entrance isn't all that appealing. But as we walked around towards Anubis, gawped at the tangle of track, and started taking in the landscaping and theming, it was rapidly growing on me.

Anubis was opening at 12, the SuperSplash at 11, so we decided to hover near the SuperSplash and bounce about on the rope bridge until it opened. We took over the first boat, the lift was smooth as silk and we bombed down the drop safe in the knowledge it's a SuperSplash so we won't get wet (unless there's a 79 degree headwind or something).

Wrong! Right side of the boat, bloody soaked! Sweet, best one I've ridden :D.

Whored up the kiddie coasters next, nicely done actually - nice theming, well maintained. Then it was Forest of Plop, kiddie dark boat ride which we all blamed Peter for - good name, shame about the rest!

By now Anubis was beckoning from across the lake, so we dutifully answered. Great theming on the station, with what I assume are props and vignettes from the Belgian TV series liberally scattered inside. Efficient loading from the ops kept the queue ticking over well.

Onto the car with it's pushed-out seating, back row, restraint down with no fuss, rolling out the station, round the corner and WHAM the LSMs kick in like some invisible giant has grabbed your intestines and pulled! Awesome silent launch in a such a short time, none of this hyrdaulic/pneumatic nonsense! <3 <3 <3

Up and over the top hat, fab forces, then around the twisty compact layout with lovely speed, bliss. MCBR has a quick nibble then the last few swooping turns and final slow inversion into the station (though not as slow as say Colossus thankfully).

What a fantastic coaster! By no means big, but full of character. There is a little neck chopping which I was fine with (the Eurofighter haters may struggle perhaps), and I'd have preferred some more theming over the launch and after the MCBR, but that launch is to die for! The height limit on it is munchkin level (some seriously small kids were on it), FFS Chessington buy one now!

Lunch followed (proper food, on a plate with cutlery and everything), then onto the high chair swing things which being a girl I bagladied.

Powered Dragon coaster next, again smashing theming (shame it's powered, yawn), by now it's scorchingly hot so we had some ice-cream shenanigans and cooled-off on the fab log flume - the logs FLY down the last drops, I got proper airtime twice followed by an excellent drenching, which Big John especially appreciated :P.

Around to the Batflyers, which with their horrid throughput thankfully weren't that busy, but were actually fun! Then we went back to whore Anubis before going our seperate ways.

Make no mistake, it's definitely a family park - at the end of the day the main square with the spread of fountains was full of kids running around getting soaked while parents fussed about - but it was really pleasant with a lovely atmosphere, and not one tantrumming mini-chav in sight (which probably says a lot for the general temperment of Belgians).

Great day, great company, great new coaster = win :D.

Spending yesterday in Chessie led to some interesting comparisons - the main one for me being how overtly commercialised Chessie is in comparison ("Throw hoops sir? Catch a duck? Win a stuffed Spongebob?"), which I think ruins the atmosphere. Maybe Legoland is a fairer comparison (and comes off worse - crappier rides, much more drab), but I reckon Plopsa can give Merlin some lessons!
Hi All,
Well this day in my opinion was fabulous. I really enjoed it and also enjoyed meeting a lot of you as well. I don't think it could have been as good without the people who turned up.. Thanks for the great day guys and great pictures. :-)
Ok, so this is like two weeks late, but it’s the first time I’ve really got on the PC to write any reports.

Had an excellent time in Plopsaland, one of the best park visits I’ve done. Catching a ferry to go to a themepark is weird.

The day started at something silly like 4:30am after only 2 hours sleep (due to epic midnight Tesco visit and then spending an hour trying to open Travelodge windows!) Just after 5:00 we were off and on our way to Dover for the ferry!


Leaving Dover - Bye Bye England!


CFer's don't look too happy about being up at about 6am...


Eww...it's a French boat.


Welcome to Plopsaland!


So we had some time to waste before the rides open. Time for rope bridges and slides!




Then it was onto the Supersplah, kiddie Rollerskater credit and Dongo's race - none of which I have many pictures off. The best ride came next though - The Forest of Plop! :--D


mmm...River of Plop.


Evil Plop knome is watching you.


Then came Anubis! <3 That launch was amazing, and the rest of the ride is filled with great negative, positive and even laterals, all of which work really well. Definatly a top 10 ride (if I ever bother to work out my top 10). Lunch was next, then onto Spring Flyer.



De Draak powered coaster was next.


Followed by the log flume, then Vleermuis - the batflyer, which was great fun and you could even cheat in the race by giving yourself a push off on the support at the top of the lift. :lol:



Brake run pain!


John's enjoying himself a little too much.


Another ride on Anbuis next before the group photo and everyone slowly splitting up. Me, Martyn, Leighton and Slayed all managed about another 5 goes on Anbuis before leaving.




We had some time to waste, so headed onto the epic rope bridges again, then broke into some area which you probably wern't supposed to go in to get some shots of Anbuis.



We still had some time to spare before the ferry, so headed down to the beach for 10 mins.


Martyn plays chicken with the sea...


Before heading back on the ferry to the UK. :(


We then met Steven, the fail Seagull...


Who stayed on the boat all the way from Calais to Dover. We fed him skittles.


...and he was soon joined by his friend. We named the new one "Will-I-Am"


It got cold, so we retreated inside to draw an epic rollercoaster layout on the back of a box of Kinder Chocolate.


Back home.


And that was our epic day out to Plopsaland!

More photos and stuff can be found on my facebook, here:

Woop, great PTR Peter! Was such an awesome day out. I will hopefully sort out a video at some point this year :P
Nice photos Peter, I think we found the same spot to view Anubis earlier in the day too. You could nearly touch the track.

Seagull photos. :--D
The 6:30 ferry is a killer </3.

Nice pics etc, but PLEASE will people cut down on their usage of 'epic' and 'fail'? Lol.