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Paultons and the New Forest: Beer & Beech Trees


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Day 1: To Lymington
Day 2: Paultons

Day 1: To Lymington

The gloom set over the M25 as I headed around the western side. We dashed in and out of the clouds, alternating clear and dark skies. And then, at Staines, they popped into view… Stealth and Hyperia. White giants on the skyline. There was only one thing to do…

Join the M3 and head towards Southampton.

Once past Southampton, I turned towards Lyndhurst and made a beeline for the Visitor Centre. Here, I checked out the merch and bought an embroidered hoodie with a stag on it. It was good to be back in the New Forest - one of my favourite haunts over the last few years.

Leaving the Visitor Centre, I made my way to Balmer Lawn and sought out a whopping Oak tree. Then, it was onto Lymington. I sat in the rain, eating my lunch, and watched the Isle of Wight Ferry.

It was while waiting for such a ferry, in Portsmouth, 1989, that I first saw a leaflet for Paultons Park. I was fascinated by the pictures of things like Rabbit Ride and Fairytale Forest. Alas, I did not manage to actually visit the park until 2007, when I greatly enjoyed Cobra.

The next day, I would return.

But first, important business. I stopped at a supermarket to get some Dartmoor Jail Ale and Dartmoor Legend, then headed to the camp I was staying at. As I sat in my caravan, drinking the beer, I wondered how I would fare at Paultons the next morning. There was only one way to find out…