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Paris & Parc Asterix PTR May 2012


CF Legend
Friday 11th May: Trek to the land of spite creds

Only a couple of weeks after Disneyland Paris I found myself back at St Pancras International train station to meet Mark and Chris. Our train was direct to Gare Du Nord in Paris for a fun weekend of sightseeing and Asterix based awesomeness. The train journey went by fairly quickly, probably from where I've become used to doing the journey alone, so it was nice to have peeps to talk to on the journey despite all of us feeling tired after unexpected late nights.

Anyways we arrived and got straight onto the Metro train to our hotel. It was like 5 minutes on the train and then a few minutes walk before we arrived at our cheap Etap hotel. It was what you should expect from any Etap hotel room, a double bed, bunk bed, TV and the bathroom separated into individual cupboards. Still, it was ideal for what we wanted, something cheap and with a central location to everywhere we were going.


We then got back on the Metro line to Pyramides (or Louvre museum). This was where we started our epic trek across Paris. We stood and admired the Louvre museum building for a while before Mark got distracted by a pigeon eating some bread.




We then walked down the gardens towards the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. We stopped off at a very touristy cafe in the gardens for a spot of lunch. We all had a ham and cheese baguette, how French were we? So after filling up on food we continued up the very famous avenue. One thing we all loved about Paris was how wide all the paths are, everything just feels like it's on such a grand scale.

We then walked around the Arc de Triomphe which is massive. We decided not to go up and have a look from the top though and so we continued our journey. I wanted to grab the creds at Jardin d'Acclimatation as I hadn't been there before. It was quite a long walk and for some reason, instead of continuing to look at the map that Chris handily picked up at the hotel we decided to just go in a random direction which led us into this woodland area which was massive and occasionally broken up by roads. So after a while of just random trekking through these random woods we decided to consult a road-side map and check it against the one we had and we finally started to walk into the right direction. Before long we were at the park.

First impressions were, it's very quiet and this looks a bit weird. We walked up to the only ticket desk open and got our entrance tickets which was a couple of euros. The park was very nice and clean but it was a bit barren in terms of other people. When we got round to where the rides were (and more importantly, the creds) we only saw a couple of the kids rides running with a couple of kids and their parents standing around.

But there was a cred sitting there all lonely and looking like it wanted attention. So I walk over in the hope of adding a +1 to my coaster count when the man operating one of the kids rides basically told me it was closed. How dare they close the creds! Behind us was the pink spinny cred which also looked sad and closed, we walked over just as two girls were checking to see if the waveswinger was open, it was not, one of them looked very unhappy about this situation. I can totally relate to that girl's reaction at that moment in time because she then went to check out the spinny cred too, when she saw it was closed she looked close to tears, she wanted her creds too!

After all hope lost at not gaining any creds in the centre of Paris we decided to take a look round at what else this random park had to offer. The first thing we came across was a random selection of bird aviaries with the most bizarre selection of birds ever. For example in one cage would be hens, parrots and pigeons, wtf? Outside the cages were some random peacocks which were showing off their fancy feathers.



The next animal enclosure was for a brown bear which apparently came from the UK, it looked like quite a small enclosure and there was no sign of said brown bear. This made me a little sad, I've never seen a brown bear in real life before. Next were some random little cages with rabbits in, one of the rabbits was huge...


Next on the random animal parade was sheep, goats, a cow and bull and then donkeys, llamas and ducks with wigs.






Oh and not forgetting the random deer with more goats...


This really was a very odd place. It had this cool pigeon tower that was really old.


One of the spiteful creds looked really nice...


It was just a very random place with lots for kids to see and do, we even saw loads of girls learning how to ride a horse which was cool. Despite all it's randomness and spitefulness it was a pleasant place to visit and I won't mind having to go back in the future to gain a +3 on my coaster count.

It was time to leave the park and walk to the Eiffel Tower (using our map this time). On our way we played the spot the dented cars which was basically every single car we saw, it's actually ridiculous. I know the French have no sense of space in queuelines but apparently it extends to parking too. Nearly every single car had like 1mm between them, how any of them ever got out of their parking spaces I will never know. Oh and there seemed to be a trend of Smart cars 1)clearly having a silly amount of crashes and 2) parking on street corners...WTF?

Anyway we were finally near the Eiffel Tower.


Just everything in the area is so massive and nicely designed, I love this area of Paris so much. I was determined to finally go up to the top of the tower as I've never been with peeps that were bothered about doing it. There was only one lift in operation so the queue for that was burdenous so we decided to walk up. The thought of walking up was daunting and actually climbing all the stairs really took its toll. By the first floor my thighs had decided I had had enough exercise for one day lol. We were all quite thirsty and exhausted anyway so we popped into the cafe for a nice cool bottle of water. After our little chill out sesh we continued up to the second floor. On the stairs is a little stencil every 10 steps, there are a total of 700 steps to the second floor, it really takes it out of you. However the view was absolutely stunning.

But wait, there's more! We then got the lift to the very top viewing platform. It is just so high up and the views really are epic. It also made us realise how far we had walked, that was quite a shock.


You can actually see the park where the spiteful creds are. It's in the right hand top corner of that giant forest looking area.


Lots of epic buildings in this pic


We spotted a fairground at yet another huge looking park. No idea where that is though so we didn't go over there


Going back down the tower was so much easier and quite a nice feeling. We were very hungry by this point so wandered around until we found something semi-decent. We ate at an Italian themed tourist-trap restaurant which had some very nice food. Desert was immense.

We then got the train back to the hotel and got ready for a long day ahead. Night all, thanks for readingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


More photos of this day can be found by here
Ooo, you might just regret not hunting down that fair! Its massive, apparenty its France's biggest fair, some people compare it to Oktoberfest, all sorts of crazy rides and lots of coasters too.
^Oh well, to be honest we just wanted food and sleep by the time we got back down the tower.

Saturday 12th

We woke up fairly early and got ourselves ready for the day ahead. Mark had been given some tickets for the train lines in Paris so we decided to try and see if they worked. Turns out they did but we needed to get all the way to Charles de Gaulle airport and once we got to that station we found out they weren't accepted at that station. Luckily enough for us we found an uber friendly lady working at the info desk who just opened the gates for us anyway, yay for nice people.

We purchased our coach tickets to Parc Asterix and boarded the coach. The coach was ok and it only takes about 10-15 minutes up the motorway to get to the park. The park looked busy but we were expecting busy due to it being a weekend. So we joined in the waiting for the park to open game on their main entrance street which has some fantastic theming. I like the huge Asterix that sits on top of the mountain.


Once 10am hit the crowds began dispersing in two directions, half the crowd headed to OzIris and the other half (including us) headed over to Zeus. The staff were already running two trains on Zeus and yet the queue was still quite long but time soon passed and we were on the back row of the coaster. It's such a great wooden coaster. It's got a long layout and is relentless throughout but the best bit is by far the first drop, so much epicness right there.



Via the new bridges (which I thought was cool and so much better than walking all the way around the lake) we went over to Goudurix. Once we got over there we realised the queue was silly due to the coaster only running one train so we moved on. We ended up going on the dark ride Le Transdemonium which had no queue. The ride itself really is odd, some cool moments and some interesting effects at times.


As we exited I noticed there were loads of peeps in the Dolphin arena so we headed over to go watch the show. We may have missed some of the beginning but it didn't really matter. I like dolphins and the show is really cool.



We then opted for Le Defi de Cesar which is by far my favourite mad house attraction. The queue was quite long but it's totally worth the wait. It has three amazing pre shows and I really like the effects in each one. The first one they take your photo and you appear on massive projections as Roman soldiers on each side of the first room, it's quite fun to try and spot yourself.


I'll leave what happens in the second and third rooms for those that haven't been but they're amazing. The actual mad house section of the attraction is really cool too, such an original idea and very well played out, the use of screens inside is genius and allows for more of a story imo. No one else seems to agree with me that this is better than Hex but tbh I find Hex boring (totes gonna get flamed for saying that) and I find this one really fun and interesting. Humour for the win!

As we exited the building peeps were heading into the Roman show arena so we joined everyone else and found ourselves somewhere to sit. When the show starts there is this absolutely terrifying moment where this woman goes round and talks to people in the audience, every time I absolutely sh*t myself scared that she may pick me or someone in our group to which she would totally get a "Parlez-vous Anglais?" causing so much embarrassment and horror.


She was getting way too close for our liking

Luckily she soon turned her attention to a Roman General who then decided to choose random people in the audience to talk to, some of which were chosen to appear in the show (but they were actors anyway, I recognised the little guy from when I last saw the show). So panic over and we could enjoy the show which is very funny despite the random acrobatic flying section. Oh and I still have absolutely no idea how they do a magic trick, still completely confuses me.

So yeah the show was really good and as we exited we couldn't see the queue for Le Grand Splatch. We ended up queuing for about 10-15 minutes which wasn't too bad at all. The ride itself is great, you might not get that wet but it causes so much panic when you hear the sound effects and then the water effects go off and it just causes mass hysteria. After like the first two lots of effects everyone is just sitting waiting in anticipation for the next round of effects which causes quite a hilarious atmosphere. Great fun, love it. The ride then ends with a double dip drop which is great and soaks those sitting on the sides.


It was then time for a spot of lunch. We went into the pizza and chicken place in the Roman area. I had a pizza which was quite nice even if the crust was a little bit too crispy. The lady that served me was pretty awesome and happy too, maybe because I actually attempted to order in French and was quite successful. I really liked this restaurant actually, the theming inside was really nice and relaxing, yay for Asterix building good things.

After foodage we hit up the little hidden kids cred in the woodland area. The operator lady seemed fine with us going on but I was a bit shocked she let the two adults behind us on as well. In total there were 8 adults and 2 kids on this little kids rollercoaster and I decided to sit in the back with Chris. We went up the tiny lift hill fine first time and got round fine, it's actually quite fun despite its tiny size. Then it was time for circuit two and the lift hill motors decided it was too much weight and died just as we were about to crest the top of the hill which resulted in us rolling back into the station and nearly around the track, luckily we stopped in the station (well, Chris and I were just outside it, we were tempted to pull the train into the station properly). The face of the young operator lady was absolutely classic, you know when you watch a kids cartoon and an innocent character has that look of shock on their face, that's exactly what she looked like. I was in stiches over it, she had no idea that could even happen it was just utter brilliance. Everyone in the queue clearly had no idea what was going on either and after one staff member turned up she clearly didn't know what to do either and just tried to start it up again. When that failed she turned the queue of peeps away (somehow everyone wanted a go once we broke it lol). Then two engineers turned up and by just touching the panel after a few minutes of looking at it it magically worked. For some reason they decided it was a good idea to keep sending us round though and going up the lift hill we were just expecting it to die again. So yeah, that was pretty fun.

We looked at maybe going on the log flume or the bobsled coaster next but the queues were obscene. So we continued walking and found ourselves at OzIris. This was the moment I totally became enchanted by the ride and its area. Basically I have a mega soft spot for anything Egyptian themed/related and so a B&M epicly themed to an Egyptian style and well, I was in heaven. We went straight for the queue which wasn't too bad, about 45 mins or so. The queueline itself is brilliant, weaving around the mass of B&M track before entering my favourite indoor queue in existance, there was always so much to look at, it was just fantastic. The indoor queue was finished to such an amazingly high standard and there were so many little jokes everywhere and there was an effect where it looked like OzIris coming down the stairs which once I saw it, well, I just thought it was like the bestest thing ever. Everything about it was just perfect and the queue moved really quickly too because it's a B&M and the staff were being amazingly efficient.

Ok so we sat in the back row and I have to say it was just awesome, the first drop was just fantastic. The entire layout was full of little surprises which I thought was great, the random dips, the intensity of the vertical loop and the weightlessness throughout the zero g, just...amazing. I oddly loved the fact it does that upward helix into a straight bit before dropping behind the station area for the zero g, it had this moment of relaxation before going mental again. I don't think I've talked this much about a coaster's layout before in a PTR, that's how much I loved this coaster. Oh and I think the below ORP shows how much joy I was experiencing...




So after joy happened we walked back over to Goudurix. This time it was running 2 trains and you could really tell, that queue was shifting like awesomesauce. We managed to get seats fairly towards the front and to be honest, apart from the awfulness of the first few inversions it's ok. I like the vertical loop and corkscrews on it, I find them quite smooth.

We then took the long way round back to the bobsled coaster, popping into the Asterix village area on the way. Spotting Asterix I made sure we got our photo with him. They have a bit of a silly policy where if you take photos you have to stand behind the gate, no idea why.


Upon exiting the photo location we bumped into two other characters which was cool because they both played up to the camera.



So it was now time to join the queue for La Trace du Hourra. It was a long queue that seemed to move at a steady pace. The first section of this coaster is actually insane, you just feel like you're going to fly out of the train and it gathers so much speed, it's pretty brilliant but the other sections aren't as good but the bit with the rocks and the queueline is pretty good.


It was then time for our last ride of the day which we decided should be Zeus because it's amazing. We opted for back row again and where the track had really heated up it just went flying around, pure epicness.


We then made our way out of the park and back to the coach. Once back near our hotel we went in search of food. Most places were either shut or looked a bit awful. Then we randomly walked down this street that led us to the nearby canal which was heaving with people. Lots of them were playing bowels which was different. There was also a group of peeps playing croquet. There was this bar that was rammed with young peeps and it looked really quirky, like it was where all the cool peeps hung out lol. Beside this canal was a nice looking restaurant which is where we ended up. Having no idea as to what the food would be like we tried to go for more safe-bet options. I had the duck which was absolutely amazing, it just fell off the bone with ease and was just extremely tasty (reminding me of this is making me very hungry lol). It was just a very pleasant way to end the day as we were sitting outside overlooking the canal, just very peaceful and nice.


It was then time to go back to the hotel to chillax. We caught a bit of the French live final of the Voice which had famous acts perform with the finalists. The bit we watched had Lenny Kravitz perform with some woman who wasn't very good. He just looked awkward when they asked him a few questions too, was quite amusing. We saw another act but we didn't know who either of them were and they were both awful which led us to turn over and watch the Simpsons in French. It was then time for sleep.

Thanks for reading.
peep said:
Lots of them were playing bowels which was different.
Understatement of the day. Even for the French, that's **** bonkers, I don't know about "different". How does one play a bowel anyway?


Cracking report, as ever <3
peep said:
One of the spiteful creds looked really nice...


It was just a very random place with lots for kids to see and do, we even saw loads of girls learning how to ride a horse which was cool. Despite all it's randomness and spitefulness it was a pleasant place to visit and I won't mind having to go back in the future to gain a +3 on my coaster count.

I have the creds

Personally, dispite being there for a couple hours and it having a Japanese event going on leading to an incredible biased oppinion, I think Jardin D'acclimation was really pretty. (Another) dispite a little incident with a bag that I'll not get into cause that made me feel really, really, really horrible.
I too thought Trace du Hourra was great. Bobsleighs are never going to set the world alight, so you always ride them with that in mind, but this really quite fab and forceful.

One thing I liked about the 4 main coasters is they all have decent lenght to them.
How far is Jardin d'Acclimatation from the city centre? We are having a school trip in September 2013 and there will be lots of free time which I can use to visit the park.
^^Yeah, that was something we all agreed with when we were out there. All the rides have a decent through-put and ride time. Most coasters are quite short but it's the opposite at Asterix.

^Not far at all. Like I said, we walked it. You see the giant forest looking areas from the Eiffel Tower? Well that is where the park is. Very easy to get to on foot and by Metro.

Sunday 13th

It was already our last day of the trip so we got all out stuff together, got ready and left the hotel. We caught the Metro to Gare du Nord where we left our bags in a huge locker and continued on to the park via the airport. At the station we all grabbed some food for breakfast. I got a croissant which had a jam inside it, was amazing and I want this to be in my life more often. The stall also had a hot chocolate machine but using Milka chocolate, how could one resist? It took forever to cool down and wasn't as epic as I was expecting but it was nice enough.

The park looked like it was going to be even busier today, urgh, maybe the website wasn't lying when it said Sundays are its busiest day of the week. Once again we were in amongst the huge crowd waiting for the park to open. The weather was actually amazing, blue skies and sunshine providing lots of warmth. As we gained anticipation of more time in the park I took another pic of Asterix sitting atop his mountain...


Our plan of action was to just go straight to OzIris. So we did, along with most of the excited crowd. People walk slowly and get in the way, this was frustrating when amazing B&M of goodness awaited us. We went straight into the queue and ended up queuing for about 45 minutes. This gave us enough time to pay lots of attention to the amazing queueline theming again. Once in the station area we decided to queue a bit more for front row. Front row was amazing but I still think back row was better.



As we got off I noticed the single rider queue and as there were only a few peeps in it I suggested we gave it a go. Within two trains we were all on again. This time I was sat in the second row. Turns out it doesn't matter where you sit it is still a joy to ride, just pure fun throughout.


We then decided it would be a great idea to then join the queue for the rethemed family cred in the area. This was a rather silly idea as the queue was long and later in the day we saw it was walk on </3. Oh wells. I managed to get back row by myself which was insane. I was just constantly sliding about which was quite amusing.


After wandering around a bit aimlessly we came across the waveswinger and we decided to join the queue. It starts off so slowly and I have no idea why and then out of nowhere it picks up a bit of speed and begins to rise. After that it is a pretty standard waveswinger. So it's definitely not the best one I've been on (that goes to the one at Phantasialand) but it's good fun and I like the décor.


According to us it was already time for lunch. Not really sure what to go for we ended up at the chicken place in the medieval area. The food was alright, nothing special. Asterix is a bit of an odd place because you can get from the sort of Victorian era themed area to the Medieval area via this enclosed space where one half is like a movie set with an entire village and then you enter the Medieval section which has a couple of themed shops and then an area where proper artists create stone sculptures, stained glass windows and then outside was a blacksmith who was actually making swords. I caught him showing off how to handle and move with the blade. I thought this was all rather epic and so unnecessary. You can actually buy these amazing medieval weapons in one of the shops and they're not cheap but I have seen quite a few people buy them!




After our food we went to the other side of the park for the last cred, Le vol d'Icare. We walked pretty much straight on. I love the theming for this coaster. The ruins making up the bizarre queueline and station is pretty awesome and the way it looks like the train smashes into the building at one point is awesome. We all loved the B&M roar it makes too. All in all it's a good little family coaster.


Next to the coaster was L'Hydre de Lerne which should translate into mental spinny contraption of epicness. Basically it's a breakdance on acid. I ended up sitting by myself which resulted in my car spinning like I've ever seen anything spin before, it was just insane and I absolutely loved it. It wasn't so intense I wanted to vom, just made me a bit dizzy. Oh and it's themed to Hydra which clearly makes it awesome. The capacity on it is also amazing, hello Chessington, I've found what you need in your park!



We clearly needed to relax after all that awesomeness. Oh, it's like the park knew that when designing it, look, it's one of those silly little round boat things. It also had no one on it...until we showed up. It was like everyone followed us because we knew where the awesome lay. It made us chuckle as there was no one on the ride when we got on and every single boat had been filled by the time we got back to the station. We felt proud of our little achievement. :P

Continuing onwards we found ourselves in the queue for Zeusair. The queue was very long so we played Merlin Top Trumps. I lost both games :( Still, Zeus times happened and once again we grabbed back row. LOTS OF AIR TIME FOR US.


On the Saturday we saw the magic carpet ride and we finally decided to go and ride it. It's really, really forceful but it balances out by having a short circuit meaning you don't vom everywhere, I approved of this. If it had gone on much longer I think I may have just projectile vomited everywhere, but I didn't so all was good.

We decided to go and browse the shops at the entrance to see if there was any merch we wanted to purchase at the end of the day but on our way we got distracted by Cesar. It didn't have a queue and where we all enjoyed it on the previous day how could we resist?


The ride, of course, was great fun. So we then finally wandered around the shops. I love the park's merchandise, they've got a great selection of clothing, toys and kitchen stuff. There isn't anything really related to the actual park itself and the attractions, which is a shame but it is a common thing missing at parks. Oh well.

It was decided that more time riding and watching OzIris was needed so we headed over and joined the queue. We managed to get another ride in back row and it was running uber fast due to the heat from the sun. It was running so fast in fact we could actually feel the trims having to try and slow us down a bit, trims were not effective. It was just epic. Afterwards we stood around admiring it and taking lots of photos.




We then walked round and did the spinning cauldrons ride. It was quite good fun and the soundtrack was hilarious, like a groovy 70s chillout track. We then found this little car ride which was actually awesome. There was always something to look at and you could actually steer the car. It generally was pretty cool and put Toadies at Chessington to shame.



This was to be our last ride of the weekend. From here we went to the exit via the shops (didn't get anything in the end) and got the coach back to the train. Once we were at Gare du Nord we went for food before getting the Eurostar home. We opted for something quick and cheap, McDonalds it was. Chris and I decided to be risky and had their new "McBaguette" which I found really tricky to say lol. I found it a bit meh in the end because it had what I called devil mustard in it which makes me cough a lot, it's not fun. So after that we collected our bags from the locker and joined the huge queue for the Eurostar. Turns out people are awful at turning up for their train and so they made everyone for our train wait until the previous train load of peeps were all dealt with. Was annoying and took forever. Oh well, we were finally on our train and on our way back home.

So that was it, 3 fun days in Paris. I had a really great time and I think Mark and Chris really enjoyed themselves too. The staff at Asterix were amazing on both days and they were operating the rides like I've never seen before, batching like mad they were. I don't know what management are doing but can they tell Merlin their secret as all the staff just seem really motivated to get that queue shifting. Oh and security was top notch too. They were all over the place, not in a Big Brother way just in a "we're making sure you're all safe" way. Oh they also had this one dude walking around with huge Beats headphones on walking around the park and through the queues, basically dressed as a normal guy but he was actually part of security too, genius idea. In my opinion there was just a better atmosphere around the park because of the security and the lovely staff behind the counters and the epic queue shifters. It definitely wasn't like this two years ago and I think all the changes they've made since have just improved the park ten fold. Love Parc Asterix <3

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading it. For more photos from Parc Asterix you can view the full photo album on Facebook HERE