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NoLimits Competition #3 - Bowling for Sexy

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The Legend
NoLimits Competition #3 - Bowling for Sexy - LIM coaster


Welcome to the third competition run by Snoo. This comp will be run the same as the first one minus that fun factor, bonus points.

Premier decided that CF is the keeper of all knowledge when it comes to epicness.. so they asked us to make something.. well.. sexy. The only restraints? Supports and track MUST stay inside boundaries, you MUST have one inversion in every box, it MUST have AT LEAST 7 inversions, and it must travel AT LEAST 60mph/97kph.

The train can be as long as you want, the launch can be as fast as you want, and it can go as high as you want. Editing the land is free but only inside the boxes.



The ride will be rated for a total of 50pts on the following categories:

  • Building Technique - 10pts
    Originality - 10pts
    Realism - 10pts
    Excitement - 10pts
    User Ratings - 10pts



  • NO 3DS
    No supports or track can exceed boundaries
    One inversion in every box except for the station/launch boundary.
    At least 7 inversions
    At least 60mph/97kph
    Feel free to edit as you feel necessary (scenery, friction, length of train, etc etc as long as it stays within the boundaries of the competition.)


Due Date:

January 5th, 2012 at 10pm GST, 5pm EST



http://www.coasterforce.com/SnooSnoo/NL ... p3.nltrack


Send completed track WITH YOUR NAME AND COASTER NAME in the subject to:


Do Work!
Well, time to see how horrible I do this round :lol:

Actual question, are we allowed more than 1 single launch?
Damn, no tools. I'll enter anyway.

Two quick questions, which one it the station box and what constitutes an inversion, i.e. how many degrees of banking?
Wow, tools allowed on the woodie but not on the steel. Makes perfect sense.

Eh, I'll try my best, and probably fail anyway.
Intricks said:
Well, time to see how horrible I do this round :lol:

Actual question, are we allowed more than 1 single launch?


bottom_feeder said:
Two quick questions, which one it the station box and what constitutes an inversion, i.e. how many degrees of banking?

The long vertical section at the bottom.. and an inversion is upside down. I'm not fussy. If it would look like an inversion to the average enthusiast (no overbanked turns), then it would be counted.

bigjoe said:
Wow, tools allowed on the woodie but not on the steel. Makes perfect sense.

Eh, I'll try my best, and probably fail anyway.

I like to challenge people. While it does take a little more effort to make everything as crisp, I feel it levels the playing field. You can REALLY tell who puts in that extra effort and thats what gets you more points.
Im gonna try to enter this and complete a track on time. Picking up a 2nd full time job has killed any time I have for no limits >< 80hr work week ftw!

Switching between the hideouts'...
Snoo said:
bottom_feeder said:
Two quick questions, which one it the station box and what constitutes an inversion, i.e. how many degrees of banking?

The long vertical section at the bottom.. and an inversion is upside down. I'm not fussy. If it would look like an inversion to the average enthusiast (no overbanked turns), then it would be counted.
So I'll just say that over 155* banking is an inversion?
There is a marginal chance I may enter this. Don't hold out any hope though, I have Nolimits ADHD :p
Use your common sense and inversions will come natural. If it LOOKS like an inversion, chances are it is.
I'm going to attempt to put something together, School is almost over, and I'm getting kind of bored of Xbox.
^It's academic whether he starts the comp or not, he won't finish it. ;)
I finished the first one, did not I? Oh yeah, and I took first place, so shut yer yapper ;)
Hmm, This template is a lot harder than I thought it would be, it's so spread out, and you need to have 7 inversions to keeping your speed thought it is tough.
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