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New optical illusions

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I saw this site a few weeks ago. A lot of the Illusions on there are very good.

The curveball one explains some effect in Baseball, but I can't remember the exact effect. It was in New Scientist and they linked to that effect on that site.

Anyway, plenty of funky effects in there!
The link just brings me to Photobucket..

But I found the curveball one on the net but the ball just keeps falling straight and vertical for me even when I look at the blue dot.

The bird one is cool though, but I really liked the male/female faces. Thought that was pretty weird.

EDIT- Omg that ECVP thing is nuts.
That curveball one is amazing.
And a weird thing now is that earlier that ECVP thing worked as soon as I saw it but coming back to it it won't work at all no matter how hard I try. :?
The moment you actually focus on a fixed point on the ECVP the "movement" stops. It's only when you just generally look at the picture it move. That is what i've found anyways.

Strange but cool find Clam.