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Nemesis VS Rita VS Air

Nemesis VS Rita VS Air

  • Nemesis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rita

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Air

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Giga Poster
Why is there no Oblivion to choose? :shock:
I'll have to go with Nemesis I'm afraid...

Both Rita and Air aren't that good, Nemesis is good. So yeah :)


Giga Poster
Erm... Nemesis. The other 2 don't come even close behind it.

But I do find Air a good ride...

Rita...erm. I have nicknamed it Ritard for a reason.


Giga Poster
Air. I actually really like it.

Rita's second. It's got a bit more bumpy and jerky but it's not a bad ride.

Nemesis is crap. My last ride on it was incredibly jerky and it didn't have the intensity factor I was hoping for. Utter disappointment.


Mega Poster
Love them all, if rita had an inversion, such as a twisted horse shoe roll or something like that, then that would probably be the best, but i find nemesis has gone down hill lately, so ill go for air.


Giga Poster
They're all aimed at different people, and they all give totally different experiences, so they're hardly comparable to eachother.


Hyper Poster
Oblivion beats them all but since it's not an option then I guess I'll go with Nemesis with Rita closesly behind.


Hyper Poster
Rita. Awesome launch, awesome airtime and some very forceful turns.

Nemesis is a great ride but I don't enjoy it much. It's got pretty rough and I get off it feeling a bit sick and I have a headache.

Air is pretty mediocre.


CF Legend
Air - Sleepy time, such comfy restraints. Rides nothing special but I like it nonetheless.

Rita - It's alright, but again nothing special, launch is tame and the track isn't exciting after the first 2/3 times around.

Nemesis - Great coaster, puts Alton Towers on the map in the coaster world, is something special and very "re-rideable".


1) Nemesis
2) Air
3) Rita

The Grape Wizard

Hyper Poster
Nemesis for the feeling from the start of the queue to the ride exit, next comes air and considering rita is the queen of speed its far behind.


Mega Poster
The Grape Wizard said:
Nemesis for the feeling from the start of the queue to the ride exit, next comes air and considering rita is the queen of speed its far behind.
Haha lol. Slick. :wink:


Giga Poster
Nemesis - Unique, well themed, forceful, smooth-ish, historically special.

Air - Unique-ish, terribly themed, forceless, very smooth, nice atmospheric queue.

Rita - Not unique, bland theming, forceful, rough, launch is tame, really really dull layout, a tad of airtime.

So my top 3 in order has to be:
1. Nemesis
2. Air
3. Rita


CF Legend
They're all offer different things so can't be compared. :p

Nemesis is good but overhyped.
Air is cool, but forceless
Rita is fast, but rough

They all have good points and bad points but out of the three I prefer Nemesis.

Martyn H

Hyper Poster
1. Nemesis - Fun
2. Rita - Good at the front, but rough and forceless elsewhere

3. Air - I can't remember if it's my 2nd or 3rd worst coaster I've been on.