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Roller Poster
me and my friends always have arguements about which is better NEMESIS or AIR both at ALTON TOWERS. So i want to know what do you think?


CF Legend
This question has been done to death. If you have a brief look around some old topics I'm sure you'll find your answer. If not just look at the ride pages and ratings.
But just make sure next time the topic hasn't been done before.


Staff member
Okay, I'm busy doing important stuff, but Mod hat on.

1. The topic was probably last created about 12 months ago, and the last post in that topic is probably somebody mini-modding saying "This topic has been done to death".

My rule of thumb? If it's not on the last two pages, then it's a topic that has been dead for a while. If alexAVFC96 (if that's your real name :p ) had posted in a 12 month old Nemesis Vxs Air topic - he'd have been yelled at for necroposting.

So, for this alex, I apologise for the unfriendly welcome to CF.

2. However, we do like people to make an effort with spelling and grammar - I recommend you read the rules alex:
http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... hp?t=23298

I also heartily recommend spending at least a week reading other topics and replying to them before starting your own. That way people have a much better opinion of you as a member. You've taken your time, dipped your toe into the water and got to know how things work a little better. All this before making a loud caps lock heavy new topic (which is unoriginal, but not everyone is oozing originality).


People, stop being rude to new members.

New members, read the rules, digest them and make an effort to fit in before you start making new topics.

I'm locking this based on the latter issues. Poor grammar and posted in the wrong place. I'd recommend either digging out an old Nemesis Vs Air topic alex and posting in that.

Thank you for your time :p

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