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Most important coaster attribute

Most important coaster attribute

  • Ride smoothness

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Speed

    Votes: 6 19.4%
  • Length

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Steepness of the drops

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Seat comfort

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rider positition

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Inversions

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Soundtrack/theme

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Type (Wooden/Steel)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 11 35.5%

  • Total voters


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
This was inspired by ECG's topic about SF's non-enthusiast survey.

If you had to pick one attribute that makes a coaster fab, which one would it be?

FYI, the top non-enthsuiast attribute was smoothness of the track.
It depends on if I've been on it or not :lol:

I think it's probably the hardest question to ask an enthusiast :P There are too many variables.

I can stomach roughness on a woody more than I can on steel, usually because it adds to the experience. Though El Toro is smooth too and still an excellent ride.

I'll stab a pin in the poll... View Results it is then... I probably should have worn the blindfold... Or used a real pin, I've got liquid crystals dripping down my screen now.
I voted ride smoothness. But I dont like it when coasters are too smooth. I mean I like a good mix of rumbling about without getting too badly hurt.

Megafobia for example
I really don't know and can't decide. Most of them are importantish to me. when thinking about coasters.

EDIT: Decided on Layout.
Inversions is my top attribute, I would say type (steel/wood) but wooden coasters don't work to well with inversions (*cough* Son of Beast) :lol:
Smoothness is probably next, nothing worse than riding a inversion packed coaster and coming off with pains. Speed is probably a good one as well, though acceleration is better.
For me it's a combination of smoothness and airtime.

Though if a restraint system is REALLY uncomfortable, that is definitely a huge turn-off to me
I went for smoothness moreso because it's the one thing more than most that can ruin a ride.

A really rough ride is often the lasting, and negative, impression a ride leaves, more so than it being too slow, too few inversions, too tall, too steep.
I'd have to say launch or no launch, my favorite coaster is hulk at IOA and the reason is because I love B&M multi-loopers and I love launched coasters and the Hulk was the only combination of both. I also love premier rides and I am hoping to rides superman at discovery kingdom
FYI, the top non-enthsuiast attribute was smoothness of the track.
No way...?

I think "the general public" often mistake roughness for forcefullness, so it shocks me that they'd pick this out of the list. Today I heard people talking about how Swarm is boring and how awesome Saw is, if you want some evidence for my observation.

I'd have suspected they'd pick speed.

It's a weird list though, so maybe it's produced odd results.

I'd go for comfortability too, out of those. And my favourite coasters include a bunch of uncomfortable rides... So yeah, it's a weird list that's going to produce inaccurate results.
I chose speed. But of course if a coaster were too rough or had too uncomfortable restraints I wouldn't enjoy it anyway..
I think I'd go for theme if I'm honest. Like, a coaster can be mediocre to crap, but an awesome theme can create a really mind blowingly enjoyable ride. I'm thinking with the Disney coasters in mind here. None of them stand alone as a breathtaking ride, but combined with Disney's awesomeness they are all above the par on excellence.
I guess I'm being a bit obvious in this.. but I think the most important thing for a coaster is for it to be fun. I can give or take just about anything, but if it isn't fun then it is pointless.
^Of course but like, how can you measure 'funness'? You can't. You equate your level of fun to how much you personally rate things like speed, height, theming, etc. Which is what this topic is asking.
I'd have to say speed, since it's like a domino effect; if a coaster crawls through an inversion then you won't get much force from it, and if it crawls over an airtime hill then you probably won't get anywhere near as much airtime as a train zooming over it. In fact it was The Swarm's speed that surprised me the most on my first go and made it really enjoyable. Now that I think about it, the main thing I've focused on during my 20+ rides on it has been the speed instead of inversions or height.

I'd say speed is also a major factor for the GP, considering most comments I heard about (yep, you guessed it...) The Swarm were "It looks slow!", and I guess that'd explain the popularity of Stealth.
nadroJ said:
^Of course but like, how can you measure 'funness'? You can't. You equate your level of fun to how much you personally rate things like speed, height, theming, etc. Which is what this topic is asking.

Sorry I spoke then. Just don't feel I could put a single attribute to the most important thing, hence why fun of a ride over-takes how smooth a ride is or whether it goes upside down or not.

Other it is then..