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Mike's Marvelous American Adventure - Part 3 Soon


Giga Poster
Part 1: Six Flags Magic Mountain
Part 2: Universal Studios Hollywood

Part 1: Six Flags Magic Mountain, 9th July 2011

If you didn't know already, at the moment I'm at the University of California, Riverside, as part of Disney World's International College Programme (I go over to Florida on the 19th). As I'm over here, and probably not coming back here for quite a while, I managed to get in contact with a couple of TPR people (well, I would've tried to find CF people that live 10 minutes away from Riverside, CA, but it would've been pointless) who could give me a lift to Six Flags Magic Mountain and back. Obviously I took this offer up, and despite one of them having a helicopter pilot exam in the morning, we eventually got to SFMM at about 3pm, giving us still an alright 7 hours in the park...


I was rather scared that we were going to pull in and have a day at the **** that is Scandia instead, but thankfully we continued driving!


X2 is the first thing you see as you drive into the park.


The view from the car park. How many coasters [creds] can you count here?!

We weren't the only people arriving to the park late, as we entered with a decent stream of other cars and the road train thing was still full up to get to the entrance.


The classic park entrance.


Annoyingly, one of the park's best coasters and one of the main reasons I wanted to go back to the park was closed today.

I was going to buy myself a Q-Bot once we got into the park, but most of the rides it had on I wasn't really bothered about doing.


First coaster, and first credit of the day was the new for 2011 Green Lantern.


The Green Lantern's full sign.

The queue was about 80 minutes long and the ride was pretty brutal, really throwing you against the restraints on the drops. Oddly, as you joined the queue a ride attendant gives you a little raffle ticket thing with the word "boarding pass" written on it. Apparently, this is designed to stop queue jumping, but it really didn't work as people were just getting a ticket, leaving the queue and pushing in later, and then the ride ops didn't seem to take note of these tickets anyway! All rather pointless really.


After Green Lantern, we made our way over to Colossus. Luckily, the opposite side was running to the last time I came here, so new credit #2 for me. :) The ride's ok and rather smooth, but is really lacking in airtime.


Credit number 3 and new for 2011 number 2, Road Runner Express. +1


Look how good Tatsu looks. :(


The revamped Superman is excellent. Both sides are now running, which meant I could pick up my final credit of the day. The launch isn't too forceful, but you really feel it when it does get up to speed. It could do with doing more, but I still liked it.

We were going to ride X2 next, but found it was down. We also noticed that Goliath was stuck on the MCBR, so instead we made our way over to Apocalypse, only to find that it was running 1 train and the queue was over an hour long! I noticed someone eating a huuge turkey-leg so decided to get some for myself...


I decided to eat it whilst walking back over to X2 and must have heard at least 10 comments by people wondering where I got it from and how big it was. SFMM would make a ton of sales if they actually advertised that they have this!


It gets dark so quickly in California, and after about a 90 minute wait we got off X2 at about 9:45pm. The audio wasn't working, which detracts A LOT from the ride, and the ride was extremely bouncy in the final part. It really didn't feel as good as it was riding in 2009, but the first half of the ride is still very good.


After a quick dash, we managed to get over to goliath for the last train of the day. Again, this didn't feel as good as 2009 as it felt less forceful and it didn't feel as fast.

And that was the end of the day. Overall it was a decent day but was really let down by X2's broken audio, Tatsu being down and Apocalypse only running one train. I would have liked to have a full day there to get on some of the other rides, but apart from Apocalypse and Tatsu I got on everything I wanted to. The day could have been better, but it could also have been a whole lot worse.

So that's that. An extremely rare trip report from me, and hope you enjoyed it! :)
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain, 9th July 2011

Great report Mike and it's actually:

a) really good to see you doing a report

b) brilliant to see you out and about and on the other side of the world actually "doing stuff".

Hope to see more from the new and exciting life of Mike :)
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain, 9th July 2011

^Agreed. I'm interested to hear about your work at Disney etc, so don't hesitate to report! :P
Re: Six Flags Magic Mountain, 9th July 2011

Furie, I owe it down to me remembering and actually being bothered to take my camera somewhere! :P
But, yeah, I'll definitely try to keep y'all updated if you're all interested!

I should be going to Universal Hollywood tomorrow (Well, I say 'should' as it's on the schedule, but I haven't heard or seen anything about actually signing up for it to go there yet!), and then to Disneyland this Saturday, so expect some more reports soon! :)
Re: Mike's Marvelous American Adventure - Part 2 Soon

Part 2- Universal Studios Hollywood, 15th May 2011

As part of the programme at the University of California, Riverside, they offered a FREE trip (well, hardly, as the course cost a bomb in the first place :P) to Universal Studios Hollywood. When I went in 2009, I really didn't think much of the place, but with a free trip on the cards then who was I to refuse such an offer?!

So, will the park be as bad/mediocre as I remember, or will I have a decent day today? I managed to get over 200 photos, so this report is going to be quite photo heavy. Enjoy!


Yep, I'm at the right place!


The famous universal globe. When I came in 2009, we took a group photo infront of this at about 6am; I was asleep! Atleast I'm looking a bit more perky in this photo. :)


The entrace prices are a bit painful to look at. If UCR didn't take us to the park, I really wouldn't have been too bothered about not returning.


A fat man and a dancing girl provided the entertainment whilst waiting to get into the park. They dragged one of the Brazilians on my programme onto the stage, and he showed them how to dance Brazilian-style! Needless to say, perhaps it wasn't the most suitable dance for a family park :P


The first thing you see in the park is this statue (and no, it's not me!), but the man in the back holding on to the pole is an actor. Pretty cool really.


First attraction of the day was this horror house walkthrough. I don't remember this even being here in 2009; Or maybe that shows how rubbish my group was that day (and hence why I remember it being a bad park)?


A moment after taking this photo, Chucky jumped out at me and actually got really close. If I was actually paying attention to it I would probably have made a bit of a mess in my pants. :P


They're a bit late, aren't they?


This looked like a new water play area which is under contruction. A bit odd really as they already have quite a large water play area quite close by.


First ride of the day was The Simpsons ride, which is a 3D simulator which I refused to ride in 2009 because I get motion sickness pretty easily.


I like how all the height sticks in the park are themed to the attraction, and not just a poll in the ground like you find at most parks.


The ride is basically Sideshow Bob trying to kill you as he chases you around different places. you start with a lap of this coaster, and the car you sit in moves forward to enter the main screen room, so does this make the ride a cred?! Also, predictably, I got motion sick and spent half the ride sweating and getting paler.


After taking an age to get down the hill, we arrive at The Mummy coaster.


The ride wasn't quite THIS bad, but I hold the same feelings as I did in 2009 for this ride; I wish the launch was a little bit longer, as it kind of dies just when it feels like it's getting some speed up.




Also in the lower section of the park if the Jurassic Park River Adventure. I think this is the French name for the ride: "River D'Venture", although don't quote me on that one.


I didn't remember getting that wet on this back in 2009...


But then I remembered I was wearing a poncho, and ended up a bit like these guys this time!
I re-rode this later in the day, but wore a poncho that time... Very happy that I did. :)


Can I win an award for the most ironic photo for this?

I don't know if you've noticed, but my photos have now stopped getting that annoying blue tint... I found out my camera had a backlight of "incandescent". ¬¬


The sweet shop was selling these multicoloured lollypop flump things called "Poofy pops". Lol.


The shop also sold a few GIANT things, like this monster. And some people still wonder why Americans are so fat?


Marilyn Monroe came out to boogie, and she didn't seem to leave as she was out there everytime I walked past this area!


Their current water play area is quite substantial in size, so I don't know what's going to happen to this when the Coke one opens.

I watched the Terminator show at some point in the day, which is weirdly located down the England section of the park along Baker Street. I didn't get any pictures, but the show was alright, which is still A LOT better than the Creature of the Black Lagoon show I watched in 2009, when 3/4 of the audience got up and left half way through the performance! :P

We then had a choice of shows to watch. It was either their newest show called "Water World", or something which I watched when I went to Universal Orlando waaay back in 2001 which I really didn't recommend to my group. After deciding that Water World wasn't a very good film and thinking that the show would probably just be fountains (even though apparently it was quite a decent stunt show), we decided to watch...


Oh dear.

The show was rubbish, but the highlight was DEFINITELY...

The dog pissing up the boy's back after refusing to do the obstacle course! :lol:

As half my group was vegetarian, they decided to eat at a "really good" looking restaurant on the Universal City Walk shopping area which did quite a lot of vegetarian food. Despite there being a ton of other places to eat in and around the park, I decided to follow them and ended up having a pretty disgusting burger. Thankfully, I wasn't that hungry anyway, so didn't need to force myself to finish my plate. :P

Once we got back into the park, and with only about 90 minutes until it was time to leave, we decided to to do the Tram Tour. During the day, this got up to a 2 hour queue. We queued for 5 minutes!


The new host of the tram tour is American Comedian jJmmy Fallon.


They advertise the new King Kong 3D stop on the tour a lot throughout the park.


I shall not be watching this film. Ever.


Doesn't it just look so real?!


Hold the pages, is this something I might actually recognise from a film! Bruce Almighty's house, yes?

After this, I discovered that the Right-hand seat at the back of the very last cart is probably the worst seat to sit in on the tour, as you don't really get a good view of anything!


How pointless.


This year we drove down Wisteria Lane, which I think we skipped in 2009 as they were filming down there.


hooray for Seuss Land!


Hooray, time for one of the best bits of the tour!... Apart from how we totally skipped it. Norman must've been sleeping or something.


The aeroplane crash scene is still one of the most spectacular scenes in the tour.


Hooray, Whoopi came back!... But only to get eaten by Scarab beetles. The new Fallon guy then sang a song about trams and the tour was over.

I didn't manage to get any photos of the King Kong stop, but it's basically a giant screen shaped into a tunnel that the tram stops in. you then watch a scene of King Kong fighting a dinosaur whilst the platform the tram is on moves like a simulator. It's all very impressive, and brilliant if you don't suffer from motion sickness, like I did again.

I'm still a bit peeved that we skipped the Bates Motel scene, and I can't help but think that the tour would've been better if I was sitting on the left side of the tram, but overall what is there is quite impressive.


We just had enough time to do yet another thing which I missed in 2009; Shrek 4D

Shrek 4D was decent, but nothing special.

Maybe it's because we started the park later than the 6am we started the day back in 2009, and maybe it was the better company throughout the day (or, as I suspect, a mixture of both of these), but the park felt a lot better than what it did a couple of years ago.
Last time I wanted to leave asap, yet this time I wanted to stay all day! I would've liked to have seen maybe a couple more shows (Water World), but the time contraints didn't really allow us to do that.

So, that concludes my report of Universal Studios Hollywood.
If you want to view all my photos then check out my Facebook page!

Hope you enjoyed reading.

Nest stop: Disneyland tomorrow! :D
Re: Mike's Marvelous American Adventure - Part 2 Soon

Mike said:

Can I win an award for the most ironic photo for this?


Great Trip reports Mike, look forward to reading more and hearing about your time at WDW.

I can't believe that dog in the show pissed on that kid though, what did they do about it?
The prices to get into Universal seem stupidly steep too and I think the fact an annual pass is like $40 more than one day's entry is funny.
I can't believe that dog in the show pissed on that kid though, what did they do about it?

The hosts were in hysterics all the way through the dog obstacle course section. At the end of the course, the dogs had to ring a bell that's normally attached to a wooden post, but for some reason this time one of the hosts was holding it, and so the dogs had no idea what to do! :P

I don't think they did a lot when the dog pissed up the boy's back. The boy took it really well though and laughed himself. He might have got a free gift or something at the end of the show, but I'm not too sure.

A Disneyland trip report will be coming in the next few days, so stand by for that.