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Madrid - Parque Warner and Parque De Atracciones


Hyper Poster
I just got back from Spain where I visited Parque Warner and Parque De Atracciones!

I'll try and keep it short and sweet with some pictures to keepin interesting. I'll post about Parque Warner now and Parque De Actracciones a bit later, maybe tomorrow.

Parque Warner


We spent two days in the park, the Sunday and a holiday Monday. The park was definatly busier on the Sunday and seemed to have a large number of individual families. We went straight to Superman, which turned out to be a mistake. We didn't yet know anything about the park but we queued for 50 minues as the ride was (unknown to us) the only one of the big rides open in the first hour and (more known to us) was only running one train. I wouldn't worry about queuing an hour for this fantastic ride but only an hour or so later it became a walk-on as it gained a 2nd train and other rides opened.



The ride itself goes right up there as one of my favourites! I loved Dragon Khan and this feels pretty similar. It's also my first floorless coaster which I found to be an amazing open experience. The first drop provides a plethora of airtime for the back rows and the Zero G was great in the middle and front of the train. The ride had two trims that seemed to kill potential airtime for the back rows on the zero-g and airtime hill. I didn't notice the trims on the front row (my first ride) and they don't spoil the experience too much.


Next up was Batman: La Fuga. My first batman clone and my first B&M Inverted outside of the UK. I'm sure you guys know the score with this coaster already. I just want to say that I found it to be a very forceful ride, especially on the back rows. On the left hand side of the train I really enjoyed the interaction with the station as a couple of the elements seemed to cut it very close on that side! The station themeing was pretty good and atmospheric. We entered the station building with no-one else around and we were genuinly unsure as to wether we were supposed to proceed into Arkham Asylum!


By now the queues had started to magically disapear and waits became short to nothing. It occured to us that Stunt Fallwasn't going to open that day and unfortunatly it remained closed throughout Monday too. So that's one coaster missed! :(

Coaster Express, the big woody, was quite disapointing. It was very fierce and very quick but just consisted of banked turns and sweeping drops, some of which were thrilling, but without any airtime hills (that worked) it fell short of my expectations from a woody.



There were two other coasteres to ride, Tom and Jerry (pretty average kids thing with amusingly oversized themeing) and the newish Bip Bip Coaster (now CF page) which was a joy! Really smooth, quite quick and high and a good pop of air from the first drop. Themed on Roadrunner there were props and things from likely Wile E Coyote traps around the area.

Park Warner is also home to an extremely impressive stunt show! Where my girlfriend was hopped around by a mad spaniard on a bike in the warm up. The show itself has explosions and great stunt driving in cars, on motorbikes and quads... and a golf cart. There was also a storyline, but y'know, it was in Spannish! Something to do with a bad gang and a rare bottle of Jack Daniels.


I found the whole park to be a really pleasent place to be. It was really well themed and easy to navigate. Food options were limited, but of a good quality. My main gripe is with the very Spannish attitude towards ride loading, i.e, slow! Every ride seemed to take an age to load and dispatch. The ops were slowly doing this and that and then maybe having a chat, a sip of water, then maybe they'll let you on. Then, you'd wait about 4 minutes on the train before the restraints would lock. Then a guy (one guy) would check the whole train... then maybe he'd stand around for a bit. Then they might, just might lauch the train. At one point I calculated they were running one train every 10 minues! That's two out on track and 8 in the station! Still... as the park was empty they got away with it. They were also not helped by drastic under-staffing. Two members of staff for Batman on Monday. Still... better than the one guy per coaster at Atracciones!

I <3 the CF page links!

I'm a bit disturbed that Superman "feels pretty similar" to Dragon Khan. I found DK a bit paint by numbers, borderline generic. It's good, but boring. I've always liked the look of this Superman. Then again, I liked the look of Khan before I rode it.
Well, it's been 2 years sine I rode Khan, so I think the comparison may be tainted. BUT I loved both rides. I think there is more thrill in Superman with the added airtime moments and the floorless trains. By the way, whilst I got your attention Ian; I have more pictures of the coasters in these two parks if you want to update some of the CF pages, let me know.
We were there all week. Spent a few days in the City proper and also visted the Zoo which was great.
If you are complaining about PW's operations... just wait until you hit PdA's.

Still, yeah, Spanish operations are somewhat slow. Did you ride Rio Bravo, the triple S&S tower or the Vekoma Mad House (Hotel Embrujado)?
We were there all week. Spent a few days in the City proper and also visted the Zoo which was great.

Thats exactly what I've been hoping to do. Where did you book everything?
^ We booked it all with Expedia. Stayed in a hotel in the town of Pinto which has direct connections to Parque Warner and the main city stations by frequent trains. We purchased a 7-day "Zone T" Tourist Ticket for unlimited use of public transport for around 50 euros. The transport system is very good, we had no issues getting to and from parks, any city point and the airport. Pinto is an ideal location for this trip. Flew with BA from Heathrow and had free breakfast. The hotel was Egido Express Villa de Pinto. It came to just under £300 per head, excluding tickets. On our experience, go to the Zoo or Atracciones first and you'll likely receive money off vouchers for the other places, 40% off Parque Warner and 7euros off Atracciones is what we got.

^^ You've misread a few chunks of my report. Anyway, no we did not ride the Mad House as they set off my gfs Anxiety attacks and I'm not a fan of drop/shot towers. Rio Bravo was closed, as I mentioned in my report. And I was at Parque de Atracciones on Thursday... as I will now write up:

So we chose to just spend the one day at Parque de Atracciones, which was a wise choice. The park has a good selection of coasters and other rides, but doesn't feel special in the same way Warner does.

Mostly the rides are individually themed and to a reasonable to good standard, but there is little in the way of area themeing and atmosphere. I would liken the park to a Spanish version of Thorpe Park, although with more space and some nice greenery. The park's proximity to Madrid and 30 euro basic entry price (Warner is 40) makes it very popular with local teenagers... and I mean hordes of them! I guess they're not really any worse than UK teenager gangs, but they certainly seemed larger in number. They had no respect for queue line rules like jumping and smoking. Often you would join a queue behind a group of 4 or so and by the time you'd reached the end of the line everyone who knew them, and everyone who knew the guys that knew them had jumped in. Anyway, little we could do about it so we tried our best to not get annoyed and thankfully queue times still stayed very reasonable. The occasional walk-on but mostly 10 minutes, twenty at worst.

As I hinted at before, and as Oriolat2 mentioned above, ride operation was slow. Again I found myself thankful for low guest numbers. I don't want to bang on about it too much, as I genuinely had a good time in the park, but I found the Vertigo (no CF page) operation to be a classic example. Vertigo is a wild mouse, you know the score. They were running four cars launched as you'd expect in batches of 2. However, the one ride op working was filling all four cars and sending them together. Waited for all four cars to get around the ride, then emptied them all before allowing others to get on the ride. I guess he had to do it this way as he was working alone. But it turned a ride designed to take a continuous stream of guests into a slow loading 16 seater train.

Vertigo itself was an enjoyable wild mouse. Very little to report on, it did it's zig-zags quickly with only one braking point and popped some good air on a little bunnyhop section. The main drop of the ride was steep and sudden and good fun.


Next up was the park's big attraction, Abismo. The thought of this X-Car ride was giving me slight butterflies as we were queueing, which is the feeling I think we all seek and want when going up to a large ride and a new experience. I had ridden G-Force and did know the restraints were tight, but it's unfair to mount a comparison as Abismo is so much higher. I am quite comfortable with vertical lifts due to riding Eurofighters, but even the lift was different as the seats are slightly reclined, making your head lower than your bum on the way up.


Going over the top upside down was a bizarre experience! Shear height made it hard to go with the arms up, so I grabbed on and became somewhat mesmerised by the twisting track. Once you release the ride gathers some serious speed around the twist and down the drop. After the drop it goes through a couple of extremely forceful corners and a brutal airtime hill that, as the restraints are so tight, gives little air. The release twist and drop are amazing and gave me a real adrenalin buzz! The rest of it I can take or leave, honestly you're still recovering from the first part. The ride brakes on the lift after it shoots through the station, I'm sure this is mechanically necessary as the speed into the station is massive, but it does add a second hit of that strange feeling of hanging around arse over head.


Tarantula is a Maurer spinner that I kinda forgot about before entering the park, but will totally remember! I thought it was fantastic. It's significantly higher than Dragon's Fury and Sonic Spinball and it felt quite a bit longer! The ride has some great elements and drops to get you spinning. The best moment is probably when you shoot through a trench-turn-tunnel underneath the dark shooter ride. The themeing is extensive but kinda cheap looking, which is a shame, but the ride is great!


Next on to Tornado. I first rode this on the front row, which is not the place to experience it! At the front it was slow and momentumless and caused me to laugh at it and not in a good way. I've never ever got off any coaster of a significant size and thought, "well, that was bad!" 'til now. Two moments of the front row ride stand out for me. Firstly on the first drop it took an age for the weight of the long train to crest the hill and were left hanging there, arms up, flopped against the restraints wondering what was going on. And secondly on the second loop when it really felt like it wasn't going to make it around. We were halfway down the other side when there was a significant braking and just for a split second I wondered if we might roll back and valley. Again, just hanging there laying on the restraints.


Later, however, we had several rides towards the back and one at the very back of the train where the pacing seems much better and much much more thrilling. The train is 12 rows long and you really need to be in the back half to get any speed through the elements. So yes, in the end a good ride, but don't go on the front first, it can ruin your perception.

There are two kids coasters. One I can't really recall the name of, a very small thing with major embarrassment factor and one newer suspended ride called Turbulencia! I quiet enjoyed this one, it's obviously aimed at the very young. But it swings nicely and is very smooth, a great coaster if I were 2 decades younger!

Atractionnes has a Star Flyer, and honestly, I really didn't like the look of it! My girlfriend defiantly didn't! I think I would have ridden it if I were with a group of mates all trying to be manly about things, but I was quite glad to skip it using my girlfriend as an excuse!


There isn't much else to comment on. The park offers a few restaurants that were nearly all closed and some game booths that didn't open up till around 4. The dark shooting ride is very dark and did make me jump at it's climax, but as a shooting game was rubbish. There was a pleasant balloon on a track ride that gave good views of the park and a good rapids and splash boat ride. All pretty standard affairs.
Wimp! Start Flyers ain't as bad as they look, especially if you can concentrate on something else, like getting some good photo's of the park.

^ We booked it all with Expedia. Stayed in a hotel in the town of Pinto which has direct connections to Parque Warner and the main city stations by frequent trains. We purchased a 7-day "Zone T" Tourist Ticket for unlimited use of public transport for around 50 euros. The transport system is very good, we had no issues getting to and from parks, any city point and the airport. Pinto is an ideal location for this trip. Flew with BA from Heathrow and had free breakfast. The hotel was Egido Express Villa de Pinto. It came to just under £300 per head, excluding tickets. On our experience, go to the Zoo or Atracciones first and you'll likely receive money off vouchers for the other places, 40% off Parque Warner and 7euros off Atracciones is what we got.

What was the hotel like? I'm struggling to find a 'holiday' hotel, with pool, or even breakfast thats included with the price!
Haha, I'll have to take that on the chin! I love coasters, but have yet to develop a taste for many flat rides. Think I would have done it with mates, but that wasn't the case.

Our hotel was not really a "Holiday hotel", it was very basic. It put a roof over our heads, gave us a bed, tv and even free internet in the lobby. The free breakfast was a godsend, but it was just an express hotel. There are many better hotels in Pinto, so you could well find something to suit. I very strongly recomend the town as a base location.
Great PTR! I have to agree with the Parque Atracciones ride-op's, they are just a joke. When I was there back in 2007, Tornado was running 1 train with 1 ride-op. It took her a good 10 minutes to check restraints each time. There was even a stage when they unloaded a train it took the girl a good 5 minutes to come over and open the gate to let the next riders on which resulted in a 45 minute wait :roll: .

Parque Warner is an awesome park though, great atmosphere theming and rides and it is pretty easy to get to it from Madrid by train. Operations are a little slow and eveything was on 1 train even though the park was pretty busy on my visit.
The ride had two trims that seemed to kill potential airtime for the back rows on the zero-g and airtime hill. I didn't notice the trims on the front row (my first ride) and they don't spoil the experience too much.

If my memory serves me correctly, Superman was actually designed to have a MCBR where that "airtime" hill is, but for what ever reason they took it out, so I'd imagine they had to add the trims in place of the MCBR.