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Lightwater Valley


Strata Poster
So, this Aftershock competition, I entered for a laugh and won! So me and the family decided to head up on opening weekend. Couldn't do opening day as had to work @ Middlesbrough V Bristol City but the next day was just as good.

My prize consisted of a season pass for me, plus two day passes (used by my sister and my nephew) and my mother paid entrance as she is an O.A.P so worked out cheaper that way. My sister also brought her two of her god-children (Michael & Adele) and one of their kids!

Day started off absolutely glorious in Middlesbrough but at the end of the short drive down the A19 it just became ridiculously foggy! I had three quarters and a Boro top on and was quickly begining to regret my choice of attire!

On entrance we first rode SkyRider which was bloody fast, never rode this one before and didn't realise how fast it was, and was cold in the fog too! Brianna (the other kid) went on and was petrified, came off crying lol. A few of the family did the dodgems while I went on the carousel with my young one but had to sit in a carriage shes still too little for the actual horses lol :(

After this my sister took the little one on a few mini carousel rides while we rode the Eagles Claw. The restraints opened to let someone else on to which Michael panicked and shouted "HELP! Mines come open!!" haha. This ride is still fantastic, probably my favourite ride in the park, just so fun and full of airtime, awesome stuff.

After this we had a walk upto Falls of Terror, good news is the sun was now shining!! Went down drop 1 (obv) with my nephew Brandon and Michael and Brianna came down thereafter. This was my first visit since 2009 and therefore have never seen Skeleton Cove before. My thoughts? A bit sparse but fantastic in the small area that it is. Problem is I don't ever really feel 'immersed' in a pirates cove so to speak, you can always just see further down the Ladybird and the Rapids e.t.c.

Anyway, we rode Black Pearl (my first single inverting ship) which was good fun, but a really short cycle. We rode it just in time too as it appeared to go down for the rest of the afternoon. The backdrop could be larger too, it looks a bit lost in the middle of that huge ship. We then did Powder Keg which I think was my frst type of this ride too (breakdance?), it was really good fun! I took my little one on Skull Rock which she wasn't keen on, didn't cry but did shout STOP several times lol.

The rapids followed this which was OK, average ride, more fun if you get wet, we didn't. We then went to Ultimate which had the only queue we endured all day (everything else was walk-on!) and it was fantastic as ever. It was Brandons first time on this too who loved it but at the same time, I could see him fearing for his life on the second part haha! I now also have the obligatory bruised knees.

We were hungry now, it was 1.45pm already, time flies when you're having fun! So we headed to "Hungry Harbour" the old food court. I'm always impressed at the selection of food at LWV (Pizza/Hot Dog/Soup/Sandwiches/Jacket Potatoes/Wraps) but not the price. £6.50 for quarter of a pizza, chips and a drink... not good :( although the pizza was nice (and stuffed crust too which was a nice surprise!)

Back over towards Ultimate and we rode Whirlwind. My first go on this particular ride - according to Wikipedia this is only one of three in the UK, the other two must be Samurai and Fantasy Islands then?? Anyway, it was a great cycle and the only ride I held on tight to!

Went to ride Raptor Attack, again a new experience for me, but sadly it was also a first experience of the day too - down-time! :( So we rode the Skate Karts, I aced it two laps in a row which really impressed me, I usually always stack it on the second corner! Maybe its the pressure of all the cameras e.t.c at CF-Lives putting me off?? :P

We headed to Twister and got two rides in a row on it due to no queue! First time VERY spinny, second time not so (more balanced, me and Brandon had a random couple in the other half of the car). Back to Falls of Terror for Brandon and I rode Black Widows Web, slow loading process and short cycle. I think this type of ride has had its day to be honest. Its just not thrilling for those tall enough I feel.

My mother and sister took the young 'un over the kids area in the wood while me and Brandon got a few 'big' rides in the last hour. Did Whirlwind again and finally got on Raptor Attack while finishing with Twister.

Raptor Attack is a brilliant retheme considering it is the same coaster. I always wondered how on earth they could retheme a sewer but they've done a bloody good job. Totally wasn't expecting the animatronic dino's on the ride and the theme keeps up superbly throughout the exit. Best themed ride at the park without a shadow of doubt.

After this we rode SkyRider and we were done! - Thoughts on Lightwater Valley...

100% worth the pre-boooked online price of £16.00, might be pushing it at £23.00. Doing the park as a family it is superb, it had got to 4.00pm and we still hadn't done Raptor Attack, the Lightwater Wheel, the Boats or any of the kids area in the woods. However when it was just me and Brandon at the end of the day we got Whirlwind, Raptor Attack, Twister and SkyRider in within the space of 45 minutes - a lot of this was down to no queues but I still feel the park could do with a higher quantity of rides however not just any old rubbish so respect that this might take time and also respect the fact they added five new rides last year along with the whole new themed area.
The above along with their themed dates such as the pirate weekends planned for September and Frightwater/Nightwater Valley in October/November make me feel the park is taking huge steps forward whereas in recent years it kind of didn't progress much. Social interaction is also a must these days and these guys are top notch at it.

Only downfall would probably be price of food (except the £2 hot dogs at the end of the day but they were all gone, whats that all about!) and not much for little ones. entertainment for my young one was very hard to come by, even a general playpark with climbing frame and swings/slides would have been ideal for 30-40minutes!

Appear to be making more of an effort to their local rivals and have definitely converted me, I suppose the free season pass helps but not letting that just win me over, its clear to see this is a park moving forward!

P.S Heres a picture of the young'un with a Unicorn bigger than her!!

Great report Pierre. I actually really like LWV as a park, it's the kind of place I love to go and just have a fun, chilled out day with some half-decent rides. It's just a shame that it's a bit far for a day trip for us.

Maybe next year for us :lol:

Thank you so much for your honest review! Had no idea you were an enthusiast when you won!


For what its worth, we're making every effort on the food front. We've recently changed to the type of pizza you had... my word... its lovely. Only problem is that when you work at a theme park the temptation is to always eat the fast food!

Once more, thank you for taking part in the Aftershock competition. Please drop me a line next time you come, its always great making new friends in the enthusiast community.

Kind Regards,
