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Legoland Windsor 21/9


Giga Poster
Okay so every time we go to Thorpe Park or Chessington we see signs for Legoland and we always joke about going there but obviously never do it. So we had some time off and a free 2 night Travelodge, free tickets to Thorpe Park after last times vile visit. So what better chance to get there for that day.

So we arrive at the park about half nine, the main park don`t open for another half hour but that's fine because there`s plenty of stuff to do in the main area before we head down. Firstly and mainly the shop, I love Lego and have quite a bit of it because I`m a giant child, I could literally spend all freakin day in there, it`s like being in Toys`r`us as an 8 year old in December.
So after about 20 minutes of pointing at stuff I eventually get dragged out and we decide to go have a look at the Star Wars exhibition, Star Wars is one of those film series that I`m not really into, but I really respect, so I was happy to go have a look, and I`m glad I did, it was actually really good, the attention to detail was fantastic, some of the modals moved and made noises, animatronic Lego? Yes please!!
For a small pre-park attraction this was actually really good, the exhibits where fab, 10 minutes well worth spending if you have the time, there`s even a life size Darth Vader in the post attraction shop.




So the main park is now open and he head in, don the winding steep hill (Thinking to myself what a ballache this will be coming up at the end of the day.) and down into The Land Of The Vikings where we find our first ride, Viking River Splash, I hate rapids ride, probable because I have only ever been on crap ones, but this one looked different it looked violent and crazy (I was thinking back to Warrington that furie said I have to ride something at Legoland as it was the best in the country of its type, it must have been this surely?)

So we board the boat, camera at the ready for some shooting, I can see there`s two waterfalls either side of the queue line underpass, so I tuck my phone away as me pass, so waterfalls out of the way phone out lets get some shots. But, when you visit a park for the first time you should not just assume you know what your doing ans always expect the unexpected, so as I get my phone ready for some pictures, I jet smashed with water, me and my phone are soaked through, WTF! So I turn to my left to see this smug little child on one of the those water guns, little bugger, oh well I guessed I deserved that one, lesson learn`t the rest of this ride really was fantastic, easily the best rapids ride I have done anyway, it was violent and unpredictable, very fun and actually came off quite wet,



So we explore the rest of the Viking area. we see the Spinning Spider, not really sure what this has to do do with Vikings? But oh well the giant Lego spiders were cool. Spinning rides don`t do it for me, so a miss was giving to this. So we decided to go and have a pop in the maze, and after bearly going through the exit we found the entrance and the most scariest entrance I have ever seen. What can only be described as a :xcensored: inducing doorway, why? Because the doorway into the maze was protected by a waterfall, so we keep our distance waiting for it to stop as surely its on a timer? We wait and wait and this foul waterfall keeps on coming, we contemplate giving it a miss, there`s a family there now with us and we make a decision to charge for it, as I take my stance really to charge it leaning forward, the kid for the family takes a step in front of me and the waterfall vanishes, so we bolt for it, damn censors!
Didnt take long round the maze mainly because there` a viewing tower in the middle so we could just plot our way out, booo cheaters!



So messing about over it really is cred time now, so we head strait to the Knights Kingdom, enjoying the Pirates Landing area on the way. So upon entering the area we see the giant castle, I was really impressed with this actually, its very awesome to look at and themed really well. So we get the Dragons Apprentice cred done first, the best thing about this was the giant pot of Lego blocks in the queue, something all queue lines should have! Amaze!
So into the castle now and after cocking about with the Lego knight statutes we head up to the Dragon Coaster, another quite enjoyable queueline, I liked walking around the perimeter of the castle, station was really nicely themed also, so we depart the station and we travel through all the scenes until we meet the dragon, which I thought looked really impressive, the only thing (and this is being really padantic ) but as you pass under it`s tail if you back you`ll see that the back of it`s tail is not not covered and its workings are exposed. The ride was really enjoyable though, it exceeded my expectations anyway, definitely a great ride for a park like this.








So creds out the way we decide to have a little bimble around, nt really doing anything, not really planning to go anywhere specific, we end up near the boating school, which looked like fun, it was crying out for a Nick V Tash race, but we decided to bypass it as the queue looked horrendous, so we end up up at the Atlantis Submarine Voyage, which I was going to bypass as I saw the Sea-Life sign and just though "meh" it will be just another standard walk-through, but Tash wants to do it so I reluctantly enter and I see a loading station? Sweet, so we enter the sub, there`s us and a mall family, we plod along with the narrator giving us some information, then I notice the bottom of the sub is see-through so I lay down (Not looking stupid at all ;)) and get some snaps, there`s Lego figures along with the fish, event a kraken which was cool. Nice ride overall, definitely the best Sea-Life experience I have had. Good call Tash.





Shot walk up from that was the Dino Safari thing which was a bit rubbish actually, the models they had set up were nicely done, but the lack of T-Rex/Raptor was a bit of a let down , I will say I was doing a PoV so I could have missed something like that, but I don`t think I did, also there was a panther in the queue, not sure how this is relevant to the Dinosaurs, but oh well, the whole thing only took about 5 minutes so can`t grumble too much.



Short walk from Adventure Land to Lego City was a nice one, you have the lake on one side and the New hotel on the other, the hotel looks incredible, I was really impressed with it (I overheard somebody talking about it in one of the quelines at some point in the day and they were saying how each room is themed differently and how good the theming is.)


So we end up, in the Kingdom of the Pharaohs, this is the up there with Knights Kingdom theming wise, the giant tomb like building hosting the Laser Raiders and Scarab Bouncers is magnificent, the whole area just feels right. S we decide to have a crack at Laser Raiders for some Nick v Tash fun, the queue is really something special, why? Not because the theming is really good (apart from the TV`s everywhere.) but because there`s a train track running through the queueline, so you you queue once to get then be allowed to cross the tracks then queue again to get onto the ride, quite bizarre.
So we board the car and the ride begins, and it was brilliant, my favorite laser ride was Tomb Blaster, but this smokes it, everything you shoot actually interacts with you, and I mean everything it was really cool, you shoot say a mummy and it will start moving ad making noises, or it will start flashing, really awesome. If anybody goes to Legoland this is a must., Needless to say I was the victor, the only thing bad about this was knocking Tash`s gun off the mount getting off and looking completely foolish as I tried and failed to put it back about 3 times, lol oops. :)




After this we decided it was time for eats, this took freaking forever, two reasons, everywhere was ridiculously expensive, I know its a Merlin park, but still!! Those that where a respectable price had crisps instead of chips? WTF? No thanks.
So we bimbled about some more in our quest to shut our stomachs up where we come up against 1 or 2 distractions, we stumbled across the X-Box room thingy so had a look in there to see if I could get any Lego Pirates action, but no, it was all Harry Potter and Batman, also Forza? Anyway we leave that to find a large crowd has gathered at the Skeleton Bay area, where there happens to be a pirate show going on, this too was good, really we orchestrated, very funny, there was even some acrobatics involved, overall very entertaining show.




So cocking about over and it really is time to eat, we decide on this small meat baguette place near the driving school, and I had a bratwurst sausage, she had some beef, although it didn't look like much it was actually really enjoyable.


So lunch finally dispatched its time to hang with the old folk and check out the Miniland, this whole exhibit was presented really well, I`m not going to go into all the things that where cool, because most off it was top notch, there was only one or two questions I had with it, the France area had no Eiffel Tower, the NASA countdown thing was rubbish, the Italy area was beautiful but really small with no real landmark.
But those are just nit picky things, the Miniland as a whole is really smart.









Has a little ride on the Sky Rider thing, to get some more shots of the Miniland and got a shot of the Mechanics Dinosaur.



We decided to head to Duplo Land trying not to look too awkward as we had no children, had a quick go on the water slide thing, and got the wettest arse ever, exiting that I wanted to go on the mini-golf coarse as I love mini-golf and it was cheap, but no, there was nobody in the booth so we couldn't, well I decided to have a look at the course anyway as I was clearly going to spite us, in the vain hope somebody would see me up there and come and open it up, but they didn't so no extra money for you Legoland!
Had a go on the Fairy Tale Brook, which looked pants but was actually fab, I didn't get many pictures as I decided to do a PoV, which came out rubbish because the boat infront of us was too close and Tash`s phone battery died, nice little ride though.



So the day was drawing towards the end and we decided to polish off some other bits and bobs before closing time, got a go on the S.Q.U.I.D Surfer, which had a large queue, this was the only time we encountered such queue all day, which was annoying because the water pump kept spanking me with water, funky little ride though fun to quickly turn the wheel real quick.



Pirate Falls for our penultimate ride, at this point my battery has died so no more pictures, this was only really good because of the theming, it was really good, the ride itself was pretty lame, but the theming was enough to make it enjoyable, also a good view of the maintenance area on the main lift.

After this we had one more pop on the Dragon coaster and decided to head for the shop to waste a ton of money and head home. But first the travelator stand between us and the sanctuary of the Lego shop, now I know theres a mountain express train thing before anybody mentions it, but it look like it was functioning, plus I`m not scared of a challenge. But it did nearly kill me, I was virtually crawling by the top,

Got some crap from the shop and it was time to wave Legoland goodbye for the nice short journey back to Watford.

Overall we had a really good day, much better then I thought, there was plenty to do, theming was great, rides fun, plenty of laughs.
Only thing was the food, but other than that a great day was had.

We did now homework on the place prior, I obviously knew about the creds, but not much more, so it was nice to walk around kind of blind if you will.
I recommend the park if you`ve never been before and need the creds, but I would go out of my way for it, it`s hard to justify with TP and CwoA so close, but it`s a nice little place though and should the right opportunity arrive, I would recommend a visit.
It was probably the Sea Life I'd said was the best - simply because the sub idea is superb and really well done.

Though I love the rapids there. They look ugly and concrete stuck out on the hill, but they're really good fun.

Glad you had a great time. I always struggle to fit everything into a day at Legoland. Maxi-Minor_Furie just spends the entire day distracted by all the little nooks and crannies filled with stuff. Last time we went it looked about as busy as it was for you, and we missed out the entire left hand side of the park (from Atlantis up to the Technics Dinosaur) - we just ran out of time (AND we were there for opening).

Food is such a chore and we always end up at the utterly **** burger bar by the arena to watch the show. Without fail, and without fail it's **** and expensive. Though the chips from there are in the shape of Lego bricks, so it's cool :)

Pirate Ship is also very good, so shame on you for missing that out. Boating School was awful, so good call on that one.

Laser Raiders splits opinions. I think it's pretty good, and the family loved it. However, it's very short and usually the queue is over an hour - so it's a hideous queue for a very short ride and a lot of people hate it for that reason.

ALL the family_Furie have three creds at Legoland Windsor [/smug] :P
Yeah I was really impressed with the Atlantis Sea-Life sub, the whole experience was really fab.

You`re right with the appearance of the rapids, the ride is incredibly ugly to look at from all angles, its bizarre because its constructed on a hill, you look down on it whilst coming from the park entrance and it looks ugly, you also look up at it from other areas of the park, and its still a complete eyesore.
Although overlooking that, the ride itself was by far the best rapids I have done.

Actually, I was really surprised how much time the park soaked up, I thought we would be done by just after lunch, but that really wasn't the case, as you say there's so many little bits and bobs to explore, we really felt we had got our days worth.

Yeah no excuses on the Pirate Ship, we just never got around too it, yeah the queue for the Boating School was vile all day long, so I`m glad it wasn't worth the wait that we would have had to endure. :)

Yeah we found food a real burden on the day, its really my only complaint, we looked at that burger bar by the lake hoping it would be slightly cheaper because it looked a bit pants, but no, it was expensive.
Lego block chips would have been cool though. :)

Yeah we queued about 30 minutes for Laser Raiders, and yeah the ride felt like a quarter of the ride length for Tomb Blaster, cool ride, but yeah, I wouldn't queue an hour for it, no chance.

Yeah no Jungle Coaster cred for Colossus, sad face.