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Leeds Festival 2011 :D [Photo report]


Giga Poster
I was woken up on Thursday morning by my dad who had just been informed that my brother had been scammed when buying his Leeds tickets. (chortles. Use a proper site silly brother)
Anywho, he really wanted to see MCR, so my dad asked me to find out if they were selling any Saturday tickets. I checked eBay, and found 2 weekend tickets going for £300. I went to purchase them, but alas they sold :(

Luckily, it was my mother who bought them (nothing like being sniped by your own mum D: ) so it appeared we were going to Leeds! I checked the line up, it wasn't as amazing as last years, but no reason to complain about it. But just as I began packing, I got a call from the mother saying our tickets did not include camping. All weekend tickets include camping, so I was pretty stumped. After seeing if hotel stays were possible, we found out the seller was just being a bit blonde and we could actually camp.

So off we set to buy camping gear, at this point I was very excited, I have always wanted to go to a festival and now I was :D
We set off for Leeds about 6:30pm, and picked up our tickets and were then dropped off at the camp. Having a holdall full of alcohol is not a good plan when you’re trying to navigate Leeds Fest, but after 30 minutes of navigating the site, we found my friend Holly and were on our way to the tent. We found a convenient gap nearby for my brother’s pop up “2 man”, so we set him up and then it was time for a well earned drink.

After 4 cider and blacks, I was drunk (no food and all booze make Maddie a cheap drunk) and so we headed off to party, the Picadilly Party to be precise. When we arrived we noticed a fairground (sans cred :( just spinning rides. Lots of drunk people + spinning rides = fab) So we had two goes on the Waltzers. The first go was the best ride ever, obvs. The second, no. Just no. Ugh, I still heave thinking of it.

So we crawled to the hill and sat there for a while. Whilst sat there we witnessed a fat man be punched by a friend, causing him to roll all the way down to the bottom of a hill. After which, he proceeded to stand up, pull his trousers down and sit on some guys head. Only in Leeds... or up north in general. Once the dizziness and nausea wore off, we purchased some extremely overpriced food and headed over to the silent disco. I found some UV paint on the way and so covered my chest in obscenities and sprayed the rest over my arms and legs (that **** does not come off...) and I was ready to party silently.

The silent disco was fab, and my UV paint glowed under the UV lights,which is the most amusing thing ever when you're drunk. After a while, the silent disco got boring, both channels were playing **** songs and so we headed off to the tent. We got back to the tent, and partied at the red caravan for a bit, before collapsing for some well earned sleep.

I awoke bright-eyed and bushy tailed around 9:30am and proceeded to make myself breakfast and dress in the usual festival attire of a slogan/band shirt, shorts, knee high socks and wellies, before breaking out my very intellectual reading.


After some intellectual reading, which I thoroughly enjoyed, I decided it was time to sit outside the tent in true camping fashion. By this point it was raining, but we had ponchos so we thought "screw it". The signs behind Holly's head made for convenient bunny ears


After being sat in the rain for 5 minutes, we decided we hadn't spent £150 to sit outside a tent, and so we ventured to the arena. On the way we saw many tents (surprising that isn't it?) and a rather amusing "No Camping" sign. So I did an Ollie and took a picture of it ;)



First on our band list was Taking Back Sunday on the main stage, and so we headed there. By the time we got there, it had begun to rain quite heavily, the compere later told us this was due to Taking Back Sunday being there. Apparently it rains every year they play. Damn them. They were pretty amazing, although they're not the "best **** band in the world!" As they claimed to to be. Plus, the rain was making for a sad Holly.




After they'd finished on stage, we headed back to the tent. On the way however I noticed Taking Back Sunday were going to be at the signing tent. Not wanting to pass up on the chance to meet Adam Lazzara (omnomnom) I hastily joined the queue with my brother, whilst Holly headed back to our home for the weekend that was the tent. After a 30 minute wait, we got to meet the band and get our programmes signed. Despite being soaked, it was pretty fab. I got my photo taken with Adam like the soaking wet autograph and photo whore I am, so I was pretty happy :]




After the signing, we headed back to our tents and stayed there till it was time to go see Muse. Seeing as we could still here the music from where we were there was no point in getting completely soaked. Holly's camera had broken due to the water, and so I decided what needed to be done was it needed fixing. In my most attractive fashion, I decided to have a look.The tent actually made us both pretty attractive. Top Model standard I think.



At about 9:00, we headed back to the arena ready for Muse. To say they're Muse, they weren't too bad live. But we got fed up of the rain and so headed back to the tent to listen to them in the shelter with a bonfire. After a rather disturbing game of I Have Never (never play with siblings... ever!) I headed off to sleep as we had an "early" start the next day in order to see Cherri Bomb. Sleeping in a tent with no pillow, no ground mat and a red caravan blaring **** tunes till 6am is a near impossible feat, but I managed it somehow.

I woke up on the Saturday morning around 10 o'clock and after dressing in typical festival attire, Holly, my brother and I headed off to meet Sarah at the arena for Cherri Bomb. I had never heard of them before Leeds, but this was a big mistake, they are pretty amazing. Plus they're fit. They're like a good Avril Lavigne girl band. Here, have some pictures. I insist.





On the way to see Cherri Bomb, I found a surprisingly clean pair of Ray Bans on the floor. They are now mine forever and I love them <3 Who doesn't love free Ray Bans? Have an obligatory free Ray Ban photo.


After Cherri Bomb, it started raining again and so we seeked shelter in the Alternative Stage tent. It appeared we arrived at just the right time, as some fab comedians started performing. One of the jokes being "I dunno if you've ever been to Gulliver's World, but it does have a theme. Poverty. The tea cups are actual tea cups. With stains on the rims. One of the handles is broken, and one has been replaced with a beaker". After a few hours in the tent, I wanted to watch Mona and The Naked and Famous in the NME tent (which meant being spited of Tim Minchin <//3). Both these bands were fab as expected. Here's pictures of Mona and The Naked and (not so according to CF) Famous



Afterwards I saw that The Naked and Not So Famous were doing a signing, and so I ran to be first in the queue <3 We weren't waiting too long before they came out, which was pretty fab. Have more photos of me being an autograph whore.







There were no more bands we were interested in till My Chemical Romance, so we went back to the tent to listen from there. The Offspring were on a few places before MCR, and as I like their stuff I checked them out. They were ok, nothing to write home about. My Chemical Romance were on at 9:30, and I expected them to be fab (I'm secretly emo... wanna fight about it?) and they did not disappoint! Easily the best act of the entire weekend. Everything about their set just screamed AMAZING, and I have been obsessed ever since (ask Will) Plus Gerard Way is so much fitter in real life. Om. Nom. Nom. After MCR finished we headed back to the tent and slept.

Sunday morning arrived, and Holly decided to leave at 12 (boring...). My brother left as well to go see Man United trash Arsenal 8-2. That made my day. I would 8-2 be an Arsenal fan right now... Must be so embarrassing.... Anyway. So yeah, I was alone. Forever alone.


I decided I wanted to meet Two Door Cinema Club and Jimmy Eat World before watching them live. So I did. Have more photos of me being a band whore.



I headed over to the main stage to watch Two Door Cinema Club and soon learnt Leeds is pretty boring and lonely on your own. So after their set finished, I went back to the signing tent to pretend I had friends. This time my victims... I mean the band signing was The Joy Formidable. They were lovely people :]


I had to leave at 5 in order to get a lift home from my dad, but before I left I managed to catch a bit of Madness performing. They were also fab, and brought a bit of 80s to an otherwise modern festival which excited me. Gotta love a bit of Suggs eh?


After a fabulous weekend of camping (not so fab...) and music it was time to start my journey home, so I headed back to the tent one last time to collect my belongings and set off on my long slog to the bus stop on the opposite side of the site. What I have learnt from this festival is that I cannot wait to go back next year, and that I **** love wristbands <3


I hope this wasn't too much drivel for you guys to digest ;)

I've only ever done a day at Reading festival before and that was epic, I'd love to do a whole weekend one year but this year's line-up was a bit turd (apart from Muse & MCR). I also don't think I could cope with the wet weather and camping but it looks like you still managed to enjoy yourself.

Yeah and I still have no idea who these Naked & supposedly famous people are.
MCR are awwffulll...

Having Brian May jealousy rage though.

Actually, didn't he just do Reading? In which case, haha, you lose for being Northern.
the toilets were cleaned to the highest standard. JUST BECAUSE YOU LOVE MCR AND TRY TO PRETEND YOU MEAN MANCHESTER.