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Bollocks to this topic! :p
http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... hp?t=27020

And this one :p
http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... 50&start=0

This is about the new Sunday evening series featuring Stephen Fry.

He's heading around the world in the footsteps of the legendary Douglas Adams looking for the world's rarest animals.

The original book has long been a favourite of mine, and this series has been an excellent chance to catch up with the plight of the animals.

This isn't the usual TV drivel, so I don't know how many people are watching it. It's not what you'd expect from Stephen Fry either. He's clearly not had chance to prepare a script, and he clearly knows very little about the areas he's going to or the animals he's going to see. He's kind of intellectually naked.

The stars though are the animals they're getting to visit, and the fantastic landscapes.

Last night they finally managed to see one of the animals they were looking for in the wild - the Aye aye of Madagascar. Pretty poor innings so far, just 1 for 3 :)

Last week when the Rhino came towards them and Fry was crapping himself was fantastic. Likewise him falling and breaking his arm ;)

If you get a chance to read the book, it really worth while. The writing of Douglas Adams is superb in the book and you get a real feeling for what he's trying to achieve.

Likewise, the series is well worth a dip into iPlayer to catch up on.

So, anyone else watching it?
I'm watching, and loving it. I missed last week's, but I'll catch it on the iPlayer because it's got the handy whole series thing on there!

I want a Mouse Lemur.
No I am not watching it, but when I'm next in work on a Saturday, I'll iPlayer it.

Hoyer and I seem to enjoy the same television programes, so him watching it is enough to convince me to give it a go...even though animals aren't my thing.
Ian, start at episode two. It was probably the better one. The first one was hunting for Manatee in the Amazon - it was okay, but nothing spectacular. The second features a much more diverse range of animals and has a better "entertainment factor" :)

Martyn said:
I want a Mouse Lemur.

As do all of our household :)

That Chameleon as well??? How small???
furie said:
That Chameleon as well??? How small???

That was a weird deja vu moment, I've seen something very similar to that on TV before.

The first one was quite funny because Fry broke his arm!