Its an interesting concept, but not the biggest problem in Africa. The Congo War has claimed over 5.4 million peoples lives since 1998 compared to the 66,000 people Kony has killed over 20 years. That number of people will die in 4 days in Africa from starvation alone.
Yes, he deserves to be caught and tried for War Crimes but the Documentary left a few things out. For one it stats that Kony has no motive and that isn't true. He is trying to establish a theocratic Government (not that it makes it better) and also that the kids he is kidnapping are so drugged up on cocaine that they are probably not all going to return home peacefully. To capture him the army is most likely going to face the kids with the guns before they face him. If they want to capture him and save the kids they are going to have to approach it from a persecutive of non-violence. Try buying him off.
Also please note that his organization is not 100% nonprofit. He makes a living off of this. The website is run through a company that makes money from petitions and donation. From every donation 5.2% goes into paying for the website and from every product purchased $0.30 is added to that. And thats just to the service provider his TRI cause takes a cut as well to make the product (hopefully done responsible and not with child labour). TRI has agreed to these terms:
I feel like this movement is becoming too much of a fad and isn't actually going to help the 30,000 kids that Kony has in his army. I still signed his petition because I believe that stopping him will help stop future abductions, but its a viral video and isn't the best cause i'd be giving my money too.