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Kings Island and Cedar Point PTR


Mega Poster
Last week I went to Cedar Point and Kings Island and it was pretty frickin awesome. I spent Monday and Tuesday at KI and Wednesday-Friday at CP.
Ohio weather sucks and Ohio roads suck.

Kings Island-

Kings Island is a decent park. It feels really classic and somewhat outdated, though. With the exception of a few coasters everything is just so easily pointed out as 80's/90's. Some of the rides show their poor maintenance by Paramount. It would be a sweet homepark. Lines aren't horrid and it's got anything and everything.

Vortex x11
Beast x6
Adventure Express x4
Diamondback x3
Flight Deck x3
Invertigo x3
Flight of Fear x2
Firehawk x2
Blue Racer x1
Red Racer x1
Backlot Stunt Coaster x1
Woodstock Express x1
Flying Ace Aerial Chase x1
Great Pumpkin Coaster x1
Drop Tower x1

Vortex (9/10)- This is honestly the best Arrow looping coaster I've been on. It's got a creative layout, it's really forceful, it has good airtime on the first drop, it's smooth, and it has comfortable laterals. The Batwing is an awesome element and that final helix is just the sex.

Beast (9/10)- I was dreading a 5 minute ride on a Dinn-designed wooden coaster. It was really a pleasant surprise (as long as you don't sit in a wheel seat). Overall it's really fun and I love the helix after the second lift hill. My only gripe is the fricking trims. There were so many of them and they're all really really strong.

Diamondback (8/10)- B&M could have done so much better. The train design is just bleh. The longer axle makes it shuffle more. There's some really really godly airtime in the front, but the MCBR absolutely kills the second half. The trim wasn't hitting hard. Overall it's a solid ride, good for the park, good capacity, reliable, crowd-bringer... but it's just so meh. Nothing really stands out other than "OMG TALL RED THING!!"

Adventure Express (7/10)- Best Arrow Mine Train I've been on to date. It actually had the out-of-control feeling and crazy laterals. Creative layout, really good theming (CF actually let it keep that awesome tunnel!). Good family ride, rather aggressive, but overall a solid ride.

Flight Deck (6/10)- I was expecting so much more, especially after having Big Bad Wolf less than an hour from me. To me it honestly felt more like an Inverted coaster, the swinging was really methodical and it really didn't change the angle of swing during the turns.

Invertigo (2/10)- UGH. Just ugh. I was forced to ride it by my friend a third time and after I got off we went to Flight Deck and I threw up in a bush in the queue because I was really sick from having my head beat so violently. Crappy crappy ride. I'm sure it could have been executed better.

Flight of Fear (5/10)- Compared to Joker's Jinx and our Flight of Fear, KI's is really rough. The only thing is that it has all the awesome spiels and TVs in the queue and epic ride music. Other than that I much prefer our Flight of Fear.

Firehawk (6/10)- Batwing really sucked and I was absolutely dreading Firehawk. It proved to be a pretty good ride, it had better pacing than Batwing and was a lot more comfortable. Still not a big fan of Vekoma's flyers.

Racer (6/10)- Lot of airtime, typical out and back, but WHAT IS WITH THE FREAKING STRONG TRIM... there's a really strong trim before the turnaround. Not cool, Cedar Fair, not cool.

Backlot Stunt Coaster (5/10)- Like our Backlot, it's a neat little ride. My only gripe is that the second launch isn't as strong and the boost coming out of the billboard does nothing. Good family ride, nothing spectacular.

Woodstock Express (4/10)- Good little kiddie ride... but it's trimmed. What the hell? It's not necessary. Slow dispatches as well.

Flying Ace Aerial Chase (2/10)- What the hell Vekoma? How can you mess up something so small? Insanely rough. I also banged my head on the train crossing the station to put my bag on the other side.

Cedar Point-
Awesome park. I was underwhelmed the first day (due to lack of sleep, a headache, being really hot, and my friend being annoying) but the next day I was well-rested and saw how awesome the park is. There's some really good theming. Classic rides are mixed with new rides and it's a perfect balance between family and thrill. Everything at CP is just so well done. No coaster is truly horrible and the flats are good. Other than MilF and Maverick the lines were really short, no more than a 5 minute wait. Cedar Point's operators are the absolute best. They're fast, funny, and always in a good mood. Friday night was Platinum passholder ERT night, Magnum XL-200 and Maverick (TTD broke down during the day) were open.

Magnum XL-200 x29
Corkscrew x14
Blue Gemini x8
Red Gemini x7
Millennium Force x4
Cedar Creek Mine Ride x4
Maverick x3
Mantis x3
Mean Streak x3
Iron Dragon x3
Top Thrill Dragster x2
Wicked Twister x2
Raptor x2
Disaster Transport x2
Blue Streak x1
Wildcat x1
Woodstock Express x1
Jr. Gemini DENIED. The operator said I was too tall and that even if I stole a kid she wouldn't let me ride. Silly woman.

Magnum XL-200 (10/10)- Epic coaster. I've never had such violent airtime. B&M should take note. It wasn't rough like I was expecting. Seat 1-3, as the rumors may say, has the most violent airtime of any coaster. I still have my bruises on my thighs from riding 29 times. Arrow sure as hell could design a good coaster, experience-wise. From an engineering standpoint Magnum sucks.

Corkscrew (8/10)- For what it does, Corkscrew is awesome. I wasn't expecting the airtime to be like that. Holy Cheez-its. It was forceful, the Corkscrews were forceful, and it was completely smooth. No headbanging. It was short, sweet, and to the point. Nothin fancy.

Gemini (8/10)- Just good old fashioned fun. The crew had it down to a science and dispatched so that the trains were almost always dead even on the lift. Smooth ride, simple layout, but still a lotta fun. Loved high-fiving the other train. I kinda understand the trims on it, though, that helix was violent with the trim.

Millennium Force (10/10)- I just jizzed my pants thinking about it. It's not even that creative of a layout, it's pretty simple. Overbank, turn, airtime hill, overbank, airtime hill, turn, airtime hill, flat, overbank, brakes. It's just so... f***ing epic, for lack of better words. It's forceful, the airtime is good, and it's just an amazing ride. It is currently my #1. IntaWIN (for once).

Cedar Creek Mine Ride (5/10)- Eh... still better than Trailblazer. To be honest it was actually really fun. It's nothing spectacular but it's a good family ride and I can imagine that kids love it. It's not rough and it's not overly forceful. Only quarrel is the restraints, who the hell thought of that one? I had to sit Buddha-style for them to work right.

Maverick (7/10)- NOT a fan. I should not have to brace that hard to enjoy a ride. I had to deathgrip the restraints and force my head not to move. Launch wasn't powerful, layout was no fun, and the airtime was almost too sudden and strong.

Mantis (6/10)- The trim wasn't on. That's all the ride has going for it. The loop is all right, but standing for that long is really uncomfortable. Not to mention the MCBR kills it and the second half is pointless dicking around. I don't get it. Not even B&M can get a good Stand Up. I much prefer Shockwave.

Mean Streak (3/10)- I've never been hurt so badly by a coaster in my life. I figured I would try front, middle, and back and one was bound to be good. Middle was horrendous, front was horrible, and the back hurt me so badly. The trim is like a holding brake, it jackhammers worse than anything at the BOTTOM of hills (takes a damn fool to design something that does that) and I was praying that it'd stop at the MCBR so the torture couldn't continue.

Iron Dragon (7/10)- I preferred this over Flight Deck. It actually swung around (albeit not much) and reminded me more of Big Bad Wolf. I don't understand the hatred for it, sure it's not fast paced and ultra-intense but it's a really really good coaster. Awesome for families, good use of its space, and just fun for a quick ride.

Top Thrill Dragster (9/10)- Mind blown. I was wiggin out and having a panic attack before my first ride, but afterwards I was adrenaline high for an hour. My pulse was rushing and I was shaking. The launch is insane and rolling 420 feet over the earth is just plain ****-your-pants scary. Awesome ride.

Wicked Twister (8/10)- After Possessed I wasn't expecting anything great. It was shockingly amazing. Smooth, good launch, and the spikes are just awesome. The setting is good, too. Going backwards and twisting 200 feet in the air is slightly perturbing, but really awesome.

Raptor (8/10)- Not my favorite B&M Invert. The Cobra Roll was unnecessarily rough, the Zero-G roll was good, the second half wasn't awful, and the bitchslap going into the brake run just sucks.

Disaster Transport (6/10)- I heard so much crap about Disaster Transport but it really wasn't bad. I loved how it was pitch black. Although the lift hill stank of asses and sweat, it was a good little ride.

Blue Streak (5/10)- I don't understand why people love this so much, but anyhow it's decent. Nothing amazing. Over the airtime hills I slammed my head on the headrest, though. I don't get headrests on wooden coasters.

Wildcat (5/10)- Overrated. It's not awesome. It's really lame, to be honest. No laterals, no odd amounts of force, just a classic wild mouse.

Woodstock Express (5/10)- Vekoma should just stick with standard kiddie coasters. Woodstock Express was the ****. Forceful for a kiddie coaster, smooth, and just perfect for kids.

I will post the pictures as soon as I get all my stuff organized. Gotta sort through 562 of them, woohoo!

Comments and questions are greatly appreciated.
I don't either. You must be on crack. You've ridden I-305, you just ride Maverick the way you ride 305. Simple as that.
^He's just weird when it comes to coaster rankings. :P I actually found it to be the opposite as I think Maverick is smooth but i305's restraints were uncomfortable.
RCF said:
I don't either. You must be on crack. You've ridden I-305, you just ride Maverick the way you ride 305. Simple as that.
Maverick was totally different. Intimidator 305's transitions didn't slam me around as much, Maverick literally threw me side to side. My first ride I was totally relaxed and it threw me around, the second I rode it like Intimidator 305, still hurt.

CreditCrazy said:
^He's just weird when it comes to coaster rankings. :P I actually found it to be the opposite as I think Maverick is smooth but i305's restraints were uncomfortable.
And shut up lil davy :P
IHeartArrow said:
RCF said:
I don't either. You must be on crack. You've ridden I-305, you just ride Maverick the way you ride 305. Simple as that.
Maverick was totally different. Intimidator 305's transitions didn't slam me around as much, Maverick literally threw me side to side. My first ride I was totally relaxed and it threw me around, the second I rode it like Intimidator 305, still hurt.

If you don't anticipate turns it's not gonna be enjoyable.
Error said:
I don't agree with half your ratings.
Two days at KI is one too many & I could never spend 3 days straight at CP without being bored to death. Shockwave over Mantis? And 29 rides on Magnum, that's just torture. Masochist perhaps? :P
All right, so my opinions are different... so I don't have the same likes and dislikes as y'all? That's lovely. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and in the eyes of one all the others smell bad. I actually take offense to being called a masochist... not cool, dude. I asked for comments not rude remarks.
It was sarcasm buddy. I'm sure after hanging around this joint long enough you'd get the jist of what we do. :P Not really a big deal buddy. We still <3
Woohoo. Pictures. Celebrate. No, not really.


The two guys with their hands up are my heroes.




As cool as this looks... it's not. It's just a poser.


Damn sensor ruining my shot...




Old guy in the back right seat- "AARGH WHAT'S HAPPENING?!"




As meh as you are, I'd much rather be riding you than the thing I'm in line for that was designed by crack-smoking Dutch apes.


How can something so cool looking suck so much?


I think that Premier secretly plotted to make their Backlot worse than KD's.


Heey... that's not right. Backlot isn't allowed to have doors but it can have Italian Job on the control panel?


Who's an ugly logo? You are!


Arrow's Batwing is much better than Vekoma's Batwing. Hahaaa... cheap pun for the freaking win.


Okay, banking that's way too much when moving at 5 mph and inadequate banking for something much faster? Awesome, Arrow.






According to my friend he blacked out about here and came to going up to the MCBR.




This would be so much better if I were doing something slutty.


Yeaah... I'm not too keen on going into the woods, much less the woods occupied by a Beast so this is the only picture you'll get of Beast.


The sky is white. Period. I did not play with my ISO.


So much yellow. It's like... yellow.


You poor, poor fools.


That just looks ****ed up.


It's really fun to reach up and spin the guide wheels. Unless the op catches you.


Grosssss. Paint your coasters, Cedar Fair.


Really, this is the only place the coaster swung insanely.


My camera can catch something moving at 94 mph but it can't catch a Suspended coaster? That's just awesome.


"9 stars? What the hell? There should be ten stars!" -My friend


Lazy SoB... haaa, I'm funny.


See, the sky's white. I don't play with my ISO. It's just Ohio's awful weather.


Oh my. The trains appear to have flown off the track like in Final Destination 3!


Red owning blue. Not cool, blue's awesome.


Whatever the hell that means... ironic cause they have a buncha rednecks in one of the things played in FoF's queue.


Even with a trim, you're still better than Rebel Yell.




Argh no. Laterals on a flying coaster are baad.


LA ****ing ROSA'S! Best pizza ever.


Jesus wanted the sky to be blue again.


Shiny wheels!


Damn tree...


That's right. I love my camera.


Is it just me or does the snake look stupid? Like "Duuurr I'mma snake lookie heree."

Cedar Point to come soon.
IHeartArrow said:
I asked for comments not rude remarks.
Oooo... Excuse meee... Fall out of the wrong side of the crib this morning? :P

Raptor lookin pretty during morning ERT. When it refused to wake up.


Kick some sky, MaXair!


B&M’s turns <3

“OOOH look at me I’m a big bird but I don’t fly in the morning!”


Wicked Twister lives in between Raptor’s supports.


Apparently it doesn’t, I’m just a dumbass.


Love at first twist. Ugh I’m really slackin with puns.


Can’t touch this! Unlike other B&M Inverts that stop at their MCBRs… anger.


Big bird gets poopied on by a little birdie.


UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS! Yellow card for B&M’s Cobra Rolls. World Cup references rock.


Hands OUT? That’s a new one.


“Let’s all look backwards and maybe the train will turn backwards with us!”


White Streak!... which can also be a dirty pun.


My camera is amazing. And that transformer in the background totally makes this shot better.


Yeah, I don’t care how many people like you, I don’t.


Vintage Wild Mouse for the loss.


I don’t have a witty caption. Bite me.


Triple-layer German goodness.


Giant erection of steel!


Yeah, that’s right CreditCrazy, I stole your thunder. Now I have this shot too.


Gotta love how when a train comes by and you’re near, a mini-earthquake is caused.


If only the ride itself were as heavenly as my camera makes it look.


NOOO! Get away from the light! Too many other Arrows have gone to the light.


That’s a nutty fact.


Station waits at Cedar Point. Score.


Non-parabolic first drops. Still can’t decide if they’re better than parabolic.


That’s sexy right there.


Someone’s got their head in the clouds. That was funnier in my head.


Long hard thing coming out of a black tunnel. My teenaged mind likes this.


Crappy scaffolding that rocks more than a wooden coaster when a train comes by for the win!


Surprisingly, nobody on this train looks pained.


Denied. Stupid operator.


Most intense kiddie coaster ever. Cracksmoking Dutch apes can actually do something right!


Opened in ’69. Giggity.


Something about Arrows is just so much more photogenic than any others.


Another good example of my camera’s inability to catch a slow-moving train.


Fun game- toss your random coins into the middle of the fountain.


Check out yer spellin’!


This took me 4 tries. And it still failed.


Hey look, Maverick suffers from Steel Dragon 2000itis and flings wheels.




Thanks to Intamin’s fading paint, this ride will be pretty in pink in a few years!


Twisted Horseshoe Roll- for the engineer that’s too lazy to make a Double Corkscrew!


Ugh… something that looks so awesome sucks.


Through the trees, since I have no better captions.


Cable lift continuing halfway down the drop… awesome.


Hey look, **** the Rapids… err… Shoot the Rapids is testing!


Yes, it is as awesome as it looks. I think I’m one of the few that was late to catch on.


So freaking gigantic.


Weird how a huge technological advance sits right beside a hicktown.


Forceful overbank into brakes. As much as I love Arrow, Intamin’s got it going on.


Get the hell outta here, Mantis.


“If you’re ready to rock, we’re ready to roll you here on Cedar Point’s scream machine, Chaos!”




I love you, HUSS.


Flying legs!


Good first drop.


I’ll take Arrow’s transitions over a smooth coaster any day.


Rolling on upstops, gotta love it.




Oh no, I’m gonna get run over! Oh wait, this isn’t a Suspended coaster and I didn’t lose my hat.


That’s chill, it’s not even going 45 mph…


Nobody likes rusty track.


I love the obvious marks from where it runs on the left guides then switches then switches back again.


“MY HAT!” *splat*


Apparently the GP think it’s cool that the track switches colors and they wonder how it’s done.


The only thing you see on the way down is supports. And my, it’s nerve-racking.


Rollback? Naw. I’m not that cool.


The train got away.


Rolling down the giant erection. Deal with it, you have a teenager with raging hormones writing this.


Not used to that Arrow airtime, are ya?


“Dis motha****a go upside down?! OH **** WE HIGH UP!” –some black lady.


Castor and Pollox.


Four flags for fun! Suck on that, Six Flags.


Made in America. Hell yes.


That’s right, blue owns you.


“Dude we totally didn’t lose what are you talking about?”


Yeah. You try getting away from something that’s over 400 feet tall.


Racing coasters do wonders for my competitiveness.


Hah if that dude were on the red side this time he’d be winning.


Mean Streak’s enable panel. The operator saw me taking a picture of it and shook her head at me.


Lateral bracing. Even Dinn can do it, Arrow.


I’d be doing more than rubbing my face.


This was on a hat that my friend bought. New rumors! Six Flags over Lake Erie!


Corkscrew’s white train broke. The ratchet popped out of the locking mechanism.


And I shall end with our Magnum XL-200 on-ride picture. I’m on the left in the front.
You know, I thought I couldn't hate you more...

IHeartArrow said:
Long hard thing coming out of a black tunnel. My teenaged mind likes this.

IHeartArrow said:
Cracksmoking Dutch

IHeartArrow said:
I’ll take Arrow’s transitions over a smooth coaster any day.

IHeartArrow said:
Oh no, I’m gonna get run over! Oh wait, this isn’t a Suspended coaster and I didn’t lose my hat.

IHeartArrow said:
“MY HAT!” *splat*

IHeartArrow said:
Rolling down the giant erection. Deal with it, you have a teenager with raging hormones writing this.

IHeartArrow said:
Mean Streak’s enable panel. The operator saw me taking a picture of it and shook her head at me.

Please stop proving me wrong.