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Jer Likes Chocolate (Hershey & Knoebels PTR)(Day 2:Knoebels)


Strata Poster
Okay, so this trip has been in planning for a while with a friend who hasn't been in a while. Unfortunately after some poor planning I lost my Camera and am forced to use some old photos.

So day 1 was Hershey, and my friend hasn't been in a while, and hasn't ridden Skyrush yet, but I let him get used to the feeling of rides again and let him pick the route we took, He doesnt count creds so we missed a few rides; Sidewinder, Trailblazer, Comet, Wild Mouse, Sooperdooperlooper, and Wildcat

First was Great Bear, and since we got there when the park first opened, there was barely a line, so we rode in the front, it's still a great ride, and one of my favorite B&Ms, I hear everyone say it dies at the end, but I mean, really what else could they do?





After Great Bear, we went to Storm Runner, which also wasnt a bad wait, considering how it was later in the day. I love Storm Runner, it has a great launch, and I love the layout, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesnt, really is the only ride as far as i'm concerned that actually differs on either side of the train




Fahrenheit was next, My friend loved this ride when he rode it a couple years ago, and he still did, and I still love it too, seemed smoother than when I was with CF, maybe it was the train, or where we rode. Again, I love this ride, ever since the 15mins of ERT, I realized how much fun it really is, and how great the drop is.




We did both sides of Lightning Racer after, we went for the back row first. I love this ride too, it's just good clean fun, nothing wrong.




I hate how hard it is to take a picture of Lightning Racer.

Finally, we got to Skyrush, after almost whimping out, I convinced him to go on. In line it broke down like a typical Intamin, but I was still excited and determined to see the "new" restraints, and see if it's still #1 worthy. It was only broken for about 15min, very fast fix.






The answer was a solid yes, still #1, the new restraints are thicker, and more cushy, they recognize the problem of being uncomfortable, but they dont fix it.

After Skyrush was a smoke and lunch, we went for those meal tickets which is still a great deal. Following lunch was more Lightning Racer, and we noticed then and there that it was getting must busier since there was an actual queue for Lightning Racer. So we left the park at about 3:15 and just arrived at our overnight stay. Knoebels is tomorrow...
Re: Jer Likes Chocolate (Hershey & Knoebels PTR)(Day 1: Hers

Great TR Jer! Love how photogenic Skyrush is. Thank you for sharing!
Re: Jer Likes Chocolate (Hershey & Knoebels PTR)(Day 1: Hers

Day 2: Knoebels & [strike]Dorney[/strike]

Day 2 was supposed to be a 2 park day, Knoebels, and Dorney. But realizing how much we go to Dorney we figured there was no point, and spent the entire day at Knoebels. Our hotel was only 20min away in a town called Danville, so we left around 10:00 and got there before opening. We already had $10 worth of tickets from 2 years ago which saved us some time, so we went for the all day wristbands.

We decided to do Phoenix first, which is my #2, I love this thing, for such a small old woodie is packs some serious fun. My friend however liked it, but much like Ciall, was a bit terrified the first time riding it because he wasnt expecting such amazing amounts of airtime. A recurring theme throughout the day, I noticed something I hadn't before, and thats the amazing amount of small children that ride Phoenix, there was a child, I expected to be the first to ever fly out :lol:





After Phoenix came Black Diamond, again a first for the friend, but a second time for me, and first time on it today, like last time, I wasnt overly impressed, it was good, it was cute, but it was just a dark ride, much less a cred. Still thought my friend loved it, and with enough tickets for a re-ride he wanted to come back later


So Twister was next, I really do enjoy this ride, it is a little rough towards the back, but it's still a fun ride with an interesting layout and lift. As for my friend, it was his favorite of the park, which promised many re-rides.





By now, we were hungry, even though we had only been in the park for an hour or so, the free breakfast at the hotel destroy both of our stomachs, and we were hungry very fast. So we went to my favorite BBQ place, so I could get my rib sandwicheds, and my Birch Beer (the true drink of champions)

Lunch came and went, and we headed back to Black Diamond to digest, and it wasnt until this ride that I realized exactly how much detail Knoebels put into that ride, it really is excellent, with some great themeing and animatronics, you know it's new, it feels new, it even smells like new wood, but the animatronics really make it feel old, and worn in, it works very well. We did the circuit again, hitting phoenix, and Twister

And then we lost it.....

I lost my keys! the usual jingling behind me was missing, and I didnt realize until we got off twister, where could they have gone? We searched, the entire park, I retraced our steps through the entire day, my friend checked with all the ride crew, who genuinely cared about my keys. Every single employee cared, and tried to give me advice to find them, the lost and found even took my cell phone number and a description of my keys ring just in case someone found them. 45min later, I got the call, an employee had turned them in, I just wish I had known who did it, so I could have given them something in return.

After that fiasco, we needed a break, we grabbed some drinks, walked around a bit, just to calm down. We finished off the day with one more round, replacing Black Diamond with the Brass Ring Carousel, and the Train Ride. I seriously love Knoebels, and satying the whole day was a great decision, if I didn't have a 3hr drive home, I would have, and could have actually stayed from opening til closing, but we left around 4.

Note: I have one Knoebels map, I do not collect maps, we only used it to find the Smoking aera for my friend, if you would like the map send me a message and I will mail it to you.
Re: Jer Likes Chocolate (Hershey & Knoebels PTR)(Day 2:Knoeb

Yay for getting keys returned! I lost mine on the top scan at grona lund last year and they were handed in the next morning!