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Is it just me, or is Daemonen rubbish?

Is Daemonen rubbish?

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  • No

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  • It's OK

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  • Crap for a B&M but still better than most

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OK, so this is mainly for those who were on the Euro Live but I'm sure there are others who have ridden it as well.

I just found it completely average, which is a shame as I had high hopes.

Others said it's crap for a B&M, but still, a crap B&M is better than most normal coasters.

Just wanted to know if it was just me.
I thought it was okay when I went on it last year. I'm sure it would be better if it was higher and longer too. Its great riding it at night but during the daylight I found it a bit boring and once you past the drop after the helix section it doesn't really do much and is not forceful at all.

The wooden coaster and the mine train powered coaster at Tivoli were probably better than it.
This is the thing I do not think it was rubbish.

Yes it is not the best coaster but it is better than Kraken, and I liked the drop and the zero G roll plus that little pop at the end.

But I did notice this coaster was strange, the front was good. The middle done nothing and the back was better than average.

Its the best coaster in the park and they could have just gone for a cheeper coaster.

I would still rather have this coaster than Saw for example.

Plus we only rode it in the morning, when we 1st rode Fluch von Novgorod I thought it was rubbish, so slow and forceless. Yet in the afternoon I really enjoyed it. But its a front row coaster, the back is ok but front is a lot better.
It's short and sweet. I like it, but I agree it's not in the same league as stuff like Kumba, Dragon Khan, the first half of Montu etc etc.

Those old-school B&M coasters are amazing, but will end up costing a lot in maintenance because they are more intense and have more wear and tear. Daemomen shouldn't be like those earlier ones.

So as for just being a coaster, not amazing - but it's a great ride for the park.

^Also agree on that front row thing - you also totally lose the floorless effect if you don't sit there.
Personally I thought Daemonen rocked. It was a little bit too short for my liking, but I found it to be pretty forceful in the loop and immelman, whilst the zero-g roll really lived up to its name.

That said, it didn't seem to be as much fun as some of the other rides on the trip. It did all the right things, but just seemed to be lacking in atmosphere.
I thought Daemonen was a pretty good ride. Its not as good as most other B&M but still better than most others. Its really good in the front row but not really anywhere else. It also is very short and not the kind of ride that you would want to re-ride in a rush.
It's not as good as most of the other B&M's I have ridden, but it's still way getter then Silver Star :)
^Off topic but I went on Silver Star twice on monday and it was running alot better than I expected with even a bit of airtime in the back row.
I quite liked it - wasn't quite as good as I was expecting, but still had a couple of nice elements and was short but sweet. I prefered the front
It was alright. I could ride it lots during the ERT without getting bored. The front is the only place to get the 'floorless feel' as every other row you were looking forward and not at the floor anyway so it didn't seem any different to any other coaster.
It's a "new" Floorless, so, yes. Ironic how in a few weeks I'll have been on more than 2/3s of the World's Floorless coasters, and not the one closest to me!
I liked it well enough. Obviously, the front is the only place where being floorless makes any difference whatsoever, but it don't think it rode best up there. The front was the most forceful, but the drop and zero G were crap from there, and since those were my two favourite parts of it I preferred riding near the back.

Anyway, not a crap coaster at all. It was just lacking any standout moment and didn't have any character really.
Ben said:
It's a "new" Floorless, so, yes. Ironic how in a few weeks I'll have been on more than 2/3s of the World's Floorless coasters, and not the one closest to me!

You suck. :p
I forgot about the airtime hill before the brake run, and relaxed, but ended up being pretty much laid horizontally on the brake run which gave me loltimes, and it also has a tree you can kick if you sit on the right hand side of the train!

Other than that its really poor yeah.
Daemonen was the biggest disappointment of the trip.

Then again, I've not been impressed by any B&M since returning from the USA in May 2007.

I find B&Ms too formulaic and dull. Daemonen was no exception.

Aside from the lovely burst of airtime just before the brake run, the ride lacks force, disorientation and thrill. It's a pity that I looked forward to the end of the ride to enjoy it.
Ian said:
Daemonen was the biggest disappointment of the trip.
I agree, I found it very poor for a B&M and would rate it as the worst B&M I have ridden (I prefered Silver Star)

The section before the drop was quite rough and a bit pointless really. The drop was good in the front, the loop had some force but was really rough, almost Collosus-esque.

The rest of the layout was the usual B&M array of perfectly flowing elements, but I was too distracted by the shaking and roughness to appreciate them.

In conclution, Yes, Daemonen is rubbish!
I've really liked Daemonen whenever I've ridden it during the past few years. Of course it's small and perhaps not as good as some B&Ms, but it's by no means rubbish. Perhaps the fact that I like Tivoli so much sways me, but Daemonen is definitely not rubbish.
^I think that's part of the problem that a lot of us had with it though. Tivoli is a lovely park, with lots of character, something which Daemonen is distinctly lacking. It doesn't "fit" the park in my opinion.
Ian said:
Daemonen was the biggest disappointment of the trip.
gavin said:
It doesn't "fit" the park in my opinion.
Couldn't agree with both of you more.

It's by far the worst floorless I've ridden & the best coaster in the park is clearly Rutschebanen!
As far as Silver Star is concerned, well it was running great when we were at Europa Park a few days ago. I was expecting it to be rubbish after all the comments posted on CF after the previous Euro Live, but it wasn't. I enjoyed the few bits of floater airtime provided, but couldn't help but think about how much better it would be without the trims. Granted, it's the weakest of the B&M megas I've ridden (taking the title away from Raging Bull), but by no means rubbish.
^ LOL worse than Raging Bull? :p

It must be pretty bad then.

I've never been on the coaster but I've always been kind of intrigued by it. That intrigue is kind of dwindling though based on what everyone is saying, haha.