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Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimension


Mega Poster
Intamin , B&M and S&S all have their version of the winged seating now being used in rollercoasters at theme parks around the world ( regardless of the fixed seating on B&M / intamin coasters and the controlled spinning on S&S 4d coasters) but what manufacturer do you think has created the best model ?

First of all the "Intamin WingRide" of which there is only one current coaster of this type and it locates at Port Aventura under the name of Furius Baco. An alternate version of the popular Intamin accelerator but with winged seating . Furius Baco is currently the fastest coaster in Europe, accelerating to 84 mph in 3.5 seconds.


Secondly the new B&M wing coaster of which there are 2 open coasters and 2 being constructed. These models of coasters offer a smooth B&M take on the winged seating roller coasters. The latest model of B&M wing coaster is The Swarm and it offers a 127ft inverted drop along with near misses and 5 inversions.


And last of all the S&S 4th dimension coaster. Unlike the other 2 this model of coaster by S&S offers controlled spinning and coasters such as X2 at Six Flags Magic Mountain which has a vertical drop of over 200ft offering a very intense experience.


Discuss .......
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

How many people have actually been on all three to be able to compare them properly though?

I have only ridden Raptor and Baco and I think Raptor is a far far better coaster. I was very close to riding X but when we visited it was still closed and becoming X2. I would wager that X2 is better than both Baco and Raptor but can't really say 100% tbh.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

I pitch B&M against Intamin, and I'll be an outsider in saying this, but, get a good ride on Baco, and it wipes the floor with The Swarm. The acceleration in the wing rider position is just amazing. In fairness, though, that is just a comparison of what the rides actually do.

In terms of smoothness, I'd back B&M, the concept is better, perfected, and made comfier, but then in terms of what they can do with it, launches, etc, Intamin win hands down. I can forgive the shaking of Intmin's version, because, simply, the elements and the pacing is incredible, compared to that of The Swarm.

So, concept, B&M, actual ride, Intamin, without a shadow of a doubt. Which means, Intamin.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

This is a fact from my perspective ... Furius Baco is the only coaster I have ever ridden which made me nearly puke .I felt so ill after a few rides . Dont get me wrong cause I liked my first 2 or 3 rides but especially on the outer seats it shakes so much and the vibrations made me ill cause they were so intense. The first half of Furius Baco was also really broing IMO because it has that crappy unthemed concrete tunnel and a small 45ft hill over the station which is nothing special . I even think the launch on stealth is better than this. The second half is very good with the inline twist and banked drop over the water ... plus I really enjoyed the theming and the station and pre show were all awesome . Im really excited to ride The Swarm so I can give my opinion on that this sunday . However I have also ridden X2 and although very rough and bumpy , the intensity and thrill was awesome .... I love being scared before a ride and this was one of the only rides were I have a felt a little scared and even after riding it , that first drop tipping you head first towards the ground at 78 mph and a 200 ft drop is brilliant and so thrilling. The layout is a little short and bland but the rotation and controlled seating makes it a awesome experience and it was unlike any other coaster I have ridden before . Im most excited to ride the B&M wingriders but if I could choose which of the other 2 models came to the UK , I would defo choose a S&S cause of it being so unique... but it desperately needs a custom model cause that X2 clone is getting boring ... :( ... If Intamin ever create a another wingride then the roughness has yo go and they have to create a complete exciting layout rather than half of it being fun and the other half being boll*cks
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

Coastermaniac94 said:
This is a fact from my perspective ... Furius Baco is the only coaster I have ever ridden which made me nearly puke .I felt so ill after a few rides . Dont get me wrong cause I liked my first 2 or 3 rides but especially on the outer seats it shakes so much and the vibrations made me ill cause they were so intense. The first half of Furius Baco was also really broing IMO because it has that crappy unthemed concrete tunnel and a small 45ft hill over the station which is nothing special . I even think the launch on stealth is better than this. The second half is very good with the inline twist and banked drop over the water ... plus I really enjoyed the theming and the station and pre show were all awesome .

Well, firstly, the roughness is subjective, it's got nothing to do with where on the train you're sat, it's wheel flats on a specific row, but it is worst on outer seats. The roughness can be cured but it would take frequent wheel replacements. Certain rows are FAR better, ride the front, and you will love it.

The crappy unthemed tunnel doesn't detract for me, it's just there, it's not like you have long to notice it and it's certainly a hell of a lot better than air's concrete tunnel. It adds a bit of head/foot/arm chopper. The trench is lovely, especially now it has some growth on it. Really shows the speed.

The launch is the best I've ever ridden, it's beautifully smooth and just feels right. The force and feel of the wind in your face (again, specific to front row), just, is incredible.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

Furius Baco has so many different opinions. Ive heard people hating it and others loving it ... I guess its the marmite of roller coasters ;) (I hated the back but loved the front). Has anyone ridden both The Swarm and Raptor so they can compare how similar they were and how good of a wing coaster B&M has created ?
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

You forgot Intamin's freely spinning ones...


...which are quite fab!
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

I think we'll soon be seeing more of the Intamin Wing Walkers.

The Winged coaster is clearly becoming a popular ride type, but I dont think there is too much more that B&M can/want to do with their's, design wise. Where as Intamin are always willing to go crazy and try something differen't, and I'd also hazard a guess at Intamin's being cheaper.

So when the popularity of these gets bigger and bigger, and more and more parks want one, they will need to go down a different route to make their Wing coaster stand out to the GP....there steps in Intamin...

Just a guess, thats all.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

^ Toatally agree, I think, in fairness, the B&M popularity isn't saying much anyway, at present, there are 2 Merlin B&M's, most likely one order, dollywood and Six Flags. An Intamin one launches anyway, and I suspect a park would see that as a similar gimmick to standard accelerators. As well as the associated cost with the launch system, I can just see the B&M being favourable on the running costs side more than anything else.

But quite right. B&M ones do all they can do, but the Intamin design can do so much more, and could be so much better.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

An Intamin one launches anyway

You need to change that to thet Intamin one launches. I'm sure iIf a park asked for a Wing Walker with a traditional lift hill, Intamin would make them one.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

Mark said:
How many people have actually been on all three to be able to compare them properly though?

Me. Because I'm better than most people.

1. S&S 4D - Craps all over the others. True story.
2. B&M Wing - Smooth and thoroughly enjoyable, but lacks the sheer OMG WTF intensity of the 4D
3. Intamin - Great launch. The rest is s**te

So, now we've had the correct opinion we might as well lock this?
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

I just wish one day we will see a unique layout on a S&S 4th dimension coaster .... Im pretty sure we will not see a Intamin wing coaster in a long time. Theres only 1 and it opened 5 years ago plus with the B&M model , parks are now more likely to choose that if they ever considering a wing coaster.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

X2 is the best steel coaster in the World, so.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

Martyn B said:
I think we'll soon be seeing more of the Intamin Wing Walkers.

The Winged coaster is clearly becoming a popular ride type, but I dont think there is too much more that B&M can/want to do with their's, design wise. Where as Intamin are always willing to go crazy and try something differen't, and I'd also hazard a guess at Intamin's being cheaper.

Maybe, although the things they've done with the flyer and the dive machine since Oblivion and Air, and particularly how parks continue to make unique and interesting inverters tells me that the wing-rider could continue coming up with very different elements.

as anyone ridden both The Swarm and Raptor so they can compare how similar they were and how good of a wing coaster B&M has created ?

Both are very good quality rides. I've seen people prefer Swarm for its larger look and others prefer Raptor because of how much better landscaped it is. I can't say I prefer one to the other as where one fails, the other succeeds and vice versa. They aren't top ten rollercoasters but both are solid additions to their respected parks.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

This is a though one! Especially since I haven't been on all of them.. But this is how I see it:

In theory I think the Intamin Wing Walker is the best concept! It is designed the way all of the wing riders should be; with nothing above, beneath or next to you. You get total freedom as a rider! Whereas the seats on the B&Ms is situated next to the track and partially block your view and detracts from the experince the same way the huge B&M spine does when it's eg above you at an invert. Intamin ZacSpins also have the seats situated next to the track (plus a huge shield). S&S 4D got their seats above the track Baco-style as far as I can see, but the cars are so big and I can imagine it'll block some of your view as well.

In reality though, B&M is probably the best choice for parks so far. It is reliable and smooth, and I think park management values that a lot more than better view and a slightly enhanced experience of freedom! As someone pointed out though Intamin has the advantage of doing launches and more experimental rides which might interest some parks.

My personal opinion is that I prefer the freedom the Intamin Wing Walker provides! And the launch on Baco is INTENSE! I love that ride. It would of course have been better if it was smooth though. As for 4D experiences I like the idea of the "free spin" the ZacSpins provide, but I haven't been on neither a ZacSpin nor a S&S 4D. I do hope that Intamin someday make a larger version of the ZacSpin, because it's a great concept and the only downside I can see is the ride length..
Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimension

Having now done Baco and 2 B&M's I can back up even more the fact that Baco is rubbish.

The 2 B&M's give you a feel that you are floating in air rather than with Baco that you can always see the ground.

B&M's don't give me back pains and a head ache where Baco kills me.

Baco just does nothing it has an ok launch that's it the rest of the ride just does nothing at all.

Both raptor and swarm give nice amounts of force and a great feeling. Baco for me is actually dull boring and force? What force.

So far B&M win it for me hands down.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

I've done all four types of 4-D coaster.

Eejanaika at Fuji-Q was a pretty strange experience in those weird restraints, but I'm not going deny that was really rough. I'd love to give it another go, or try out X2, as I only got one lap on it thanks to Fuji-Q's awesome operations. :roll:

Furius Baco was really brutal, but I came off laughing. The outside seats are mental, and I can see why some people don't like it, but I think it's over so quickly that it dosen't matter too much. But I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see another one of these for a while, if ever.

Insane at Grona Lund was just that. If the car is equally weighted on either side, then you don't spin too mich, you just get a few big G-force kicks. If you ride when it's not balanced, it is one of the most intense rides I've ever done. I was feeling sick afterwards, and it gave one person in our group a nosebleed. This is why that any park with a ZacSpin have to balance it out, in case that sort of thing happens.

Raptor at Gardaland was probably my favourite out of all the 4-Ds I've done. Really nice experience, really smooth ride, some good near misses. It's not your cup of tea if you like your face getting wrenched off, it doesn't do that. But it's still a lot of fun regardless.

In short:
S&S - Painful, but only got one ride on Eejanaika.
Intamin - Really intense, almost borderlining on too much force. But I don't mind that too much.
B&M - Best all round package.
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

Martyn B said:
I think we'll soon be seeing more of the Intamin Wing Walkers.

I don't, but I think we'll be seeing more Skyrush style trains as a replacement. Has nobody thought that yet? No new Intamin WIng-Walker for five years, but SkyRush pretty much is the natural evolution.

I think that it's recognised that Baco is a very rough ride (how much you like that is really down to personal opinion) and the new trains counter that. I assume it's something to do with the way the trains are mounted high above the track and off to the side? Or it's just a bad design...

Having been on two now, I still say X2 without going on it, just because it looks much more awesomer!
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

I haven't done the S and S version yet, but I have done 3 others, in order of preference:

Baco (accelerator) - just vile! One of the few coasters i'd seriously consider not reriding!

Insane (zacspin) - very appropriate name, it's just wild, and fun, think if it was longer it would be too much

Swarm - All in all, a very well balanced ride - nice forces, bit of air in some seats, bit of hang in others, comfy, what more can you want? (other than nemesis or a woody)
Re: Intamin WingRide vs B&M Wing coaster vs S&S 4th Dimensi

I am yet to ride a B&M Wingrider or an S&S/Arrow 4D, but I have ridden Baco, and it was ****. You might as well just sit on a pneumatic drill. That's about right.