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How do you beat coaster fear?


Mega Poster
I was wondering if anyone had any tips to get over coaster fears? I and a real wuss when it comes to coasters but when i'm on them I love them and when I've been on them once I do it again without fear. Any help.
2 ways:

Go on increasingly bigger rides one after the other. Cut the fear up into bitsized steps.

Go on the biggest ride you can, just do it, don't think about it etc etc. You'll be cured for life.
Like Inverse said, you can always work your way up from the smaller rides to the bigger rides, but that sometimes takes a while and doesn't always work. Go on the biggest coaster first, and then everything else after that will seem like a breeze!
Look at the 8 year olds on the really big rides and say to yourself "Well if they're doing it...."

Works for me :p
The biggest fear I used to have was with heights. Just looking at a tall coaster would get me nervous and thinking about going up the lift hill would put me off.

The best thing to do was not to look down when going up the lift hill or sometimes I would close my eyes until I got near the top. But over time after doing more and more coasters my fear of heights has lessened and its thanks to roller coasters for that.
Well. My VERY first one was the Dragon Legoland. My second a few days later was PMBO. Erm. Got half way up and wanted to get off. After that it was just a case of not thinking/watching them and just jumping on. Which took a while.

But now I don't fear them at all. Im getting quite bored of them tbh! So yeah. Just jump on and dont thing about it. You know you will like it.
Neal said:
Look at the 8 year olds on the really big rides and say to yourself "Well if they're doing it...."

Lol. This technique got me on Stealth the first time.

And following on what A-Kid said above. Once your restraints are locked, you're stuck in it till it ends (hopefully), you only have to egg yourself on that far. Once on, you can be scared as you like.
like emmet i'm very scared of heights but I love thorpe and have been on nemi and colossus but saw and stealth look really high an scary!
Suprisingly by my name you'd think i love the dragster. True. Been on it 3 times in 2009. But, for 6 years since, 2003 i was terrified of this, really i hated it. Just seeing 420 & 120 was like mind boggling. But, my first coaster over 200ft, was Magnum. I think ride a coaster by it's classification, Mega, Hyper, Giga, Then Strata. It's was easy for me.
Revel in it. Coasters become boring when you're not in the slightest scared of them. Enjoy it while you're still scared!
You really just have to ride them. Just get yourself on (or have someone throw you on) Stealth/SAW, you'll love it (being scared will make you love it even more) and then you'll be able to ride anything.
I was scared of coasters for ages and wouldn't go on anything, but then I went on a school trip to Paris and we went to Parc Asterix and all my mates were going on Trace du Hourra for the first ride. I was a little bit anxious going on, but once I was on I really enjoyed it. It felt weird at first but then I went on Tonnerre de Zeus, and Space Mountain at DLRP, my first looping ride and I felt pretty confident with coasters, and wasn't as scared anymore.

After this I built myself up going on bigger and bigger each time (I worked in height as this was the thing that was most scary) until I went on Silver Star at Europa Park. And since then I don't think I have ever been scared on a coaster.

The best thing to do I think is work your way up, and once you've been on thing with such height, you will go on others that are lower because you've already done one that is so high etc.
Sam is right! Don't get over the fear. As soon as you do that, you'll become a sad geek talking about forces, dead spots, favourite G spots (and not the important type), etc, etc - just like me!

So don't do it! Keep the fear and enjoy it :)
Just go on a coaster without thinking what you are doing. You'll be safe anyway ;)

I was scared of coasters and jumped on Dragon Khan. This cured me and hooked me.
Do a SCAD Tower. After that you can do ANYTHING without a single bit of fear. :)
I'm in this video doing it and it's one of the scariest things ever. :p
I say go for the insane and then nothing else should bother you. Try ridding any of these
in the front seat with no one beside you:
Millennium Force
Intimidator 305
Top Thrill Dragster
Kingda Ka
El Toro
^Only thing is... he lives in England, and all the listed coasters are in the US. I guess Stealth could substitute, though. Perhaps Oblivion, but that's scary in "another way", from what I've heard. PMBO too, but that would leave a bad first impression, wouldn't it?

Or, go to Holland and ride Goliath. The point is, go ride the biggest ride you can find. It works.
I simply build up to more intense rollercoasters as I go along; I've found that Alton Towers is a fantastic example to do this at.

Start the day off with Spinball Whizzer, it will get you a buzz going; ignore tamer rides in between because they will easily deteriorate your adrenaline rush. From Spinball Whizzer have a nice walk to Forbidden Valley and talk about Nemesis and AIR, it will get you going for them. Start with AIR, as it is a fairly tame/ gentle experience and seems to be a good remedy for those who have fear over larger coasters (1.4m restricted).

This should get you going for Nemesis, just go straight on, if you have second thoughts sit down on the train take a deep breath in and pull the restraints down! Ride Nemesis a couple of times if you can, it should really pump your temptations to ride Rita now. Do the same for Rita then go for Oblivion if you can. It worked for me :)
Oh my God Ollie, that looks absolutley amazing! I'd love to go on one of those!

I'd never had such a fear of coasters that it would stop me riding, but I remember rides like Oblivion, PMBO and Apocolypse being much scarier than what they are now!

Listen to Sam and furie, force yourself to go on and soak in the fear! Fear is your friend, you're not going to die or get hurt or anything, just love the fear and experience it!