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Gangnam Style

What do you think of the song?

  • Love it

    Votes: 22 59.5%
  • Hate it

    Votes: 15 40.5%

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It really was a matter of time before the world got officially introduced to Kpop. Only things I can add to this are that 2 people Gagnam Styling on a canoe won't tip it and having a bus full of college students flash mobbing to that song were some hilarious experiences.
While the hilarious randomness of the music video and the iconic dance move obviously helped propel it to such fame more than anything else, I think the song's actually pretty catchy & fun to listen to in & of itself.
bmac said:
It really was a matter of time before the world got officially introduced to Kpop.

Except that this isn't a Kpop song at all. It's a novelty record, even in Korea, that has a "hilarious" dance to go with it.

Load of ****.
It's **** stupid. There is no reason for it to be as big as it is. I watched it a few weeks ago and was wondering why it is so popular, and I still don't know why. The Saturday Night Live skit with it was pretty funny though.

Garbage music, garbage fad.
tomahawKSU said:
There is no reason for it to be as big as it is. I watched it a few weeks ago and was wondering why it is so popular, and I still don't know why.

You pretty much answered this one yourself.

tomahawKSU said:
It's **** stupid.

People are like that... lots of stupid things get tremendously popular.
Thing is, it's not even an enjoyable song. It is that generic pop sound that is in basically every song that is on the radio. Make it sound like it is skipping at one par (don't know the technical term for it) do a little wub wub, and repeat yourself 8 million times without saying anything of importance during the chorus. Very Rihanna.

Just total ****.
Its a very basic song, the lyrics repeat itself, loads of chicks, random randomness and the dance repeats itself.

Repetitiveness is quite enjoyable to people as it is comforting in an odd sense. I know 'Know Your Meme' did a show that involved repetition and it explains it in there.

Also, anything with an easy dance with little to know motion will become INSANELY popular for clubs (Cupid Shuffle, Electric Slide/s, Two Step, Crank Dat....other songs with very basic, stupid dances).
See, I can understand why it would be popular in Korea, as they would "get" what it's about. I don't mean just the language, though that's obviously a factor, but the whole piss take of the sort of people that hang out around Gangnam. Koreans don't "do" parody or take the piss out of themselves very often, so when something comes along like this, I can see how they'd latch onto it.

It has absolutely zero relevance to a Western audience though, other than "funny" dance moves and a "look at the crazy WTF video" element. I just don't get the appeal to the average 15 year old Brit/American.
It is the next Dragostea den Tei, or better known as the Numa Numa song to most Americans. The song is similar in sound to what is produced by American Pop Artists today, but it is the sheer quirkyness of the music video that really staples it into the minds of young ones.

Seriously, the closest we get to the amount of Dafuq moments is Kaleidoscopic camera bits.
Hopefully it'll be one of those hillarious phases that pass like Crazy Frog did many moons ago.
Of course that's what it's destined for. The novelty and explosive popularity of it puts it squarely in the "musical fad" category. The Numa Numa comparison is apt, because both songs owe a lot of their fame to a Youtube video.

But for the record, Gangnam Style is a hell of a lot less irritating than Crazy Frog ever was.
Ian said:
Hopefully it'll be one of those hillarious phases that pass like Crazy Frog did many moons ago.

Only after 7 ring tones, excessive amounts of merchendise, 5 video games and a Tv show.
I love Gangnam style, I think it's fun and I read an intelligent article about it so quite early on I knew what it was referencing. My South Korean colleague at work absolutely loves it, there's already been quite a few outbreaks of the song and dance at work lol.

If you take it for what it is then it's fine, it's just a simple parody song from South Korea. It has a catchy tune and dance which makes it popular and fun to copy/mimic, I can't see the bad in that?

kimahri said:
It's s'alright.

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is where it's at though.

Ha, that video is messed up.